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Everything posted by Chiblue

  1. But I don't I want a pushing force to move the object sideways?
  2. So what is the different between AddBodyTorque and AddBodyForce?
  3. Please explain how I rotate a body in physics without using RotateEntity? I do not see any rotation commands in the bodies wiki?
  4. I basicall did that using the cos and sin of the Y rotation, but this did not help... Unless TFormVector does something more? if so what is the syntax?
  5. I have a Mesh that I am trying to push sideways... I have the object... and I create a cylinder, then parent it, assign a mass and then AddBodyForce, I want to move the object to the right when applying the force but I have tried just adding the force on the X axis, which works but when I rotate the object around the Y axis the object flies of in different directions, when in one direction is is fine, but them it goes forward left, obviously the function does not work how I expected it, or I am doing something else wrong.. Oh the object is set using PointEntity with the camera... so it is always pointing away from it.. (after a 180 rotation) TBody objectBody = CreateBodyCylinder(0.1, 0.3); EntityParent(object, objectBody ); SetBodyMass(objectBody ,0.1); EntityType(objectBody ,2); AddBodyForce(objectBody ,Vec3(10,0,0),0);
  6. Right, just got of subject Sorry..
  7. Once again Marley you come to rescue, thanks buddy...
  8. Not sure if this is a Modelling question or LE quesiton, but I have a weapon model with animation that is a left handed weapon... I want to have the ability to have eithe rlef tor right, It seems to me that if I can mirror the entire model on the Y axis, including the animation, this should acheive the desired result... So is there a way I can do this in UU3D or (as I said) not sure if I can do htis in LE?
  9. allowing the user to define thier own keys is alway a pain, even through I have a class to support all key options and they are set from a config file, actually building a screen to set a key for each ingame function was a real challenge in GDK... So using 2d images is the norm... just checking so later on I don't get someone say, why would you do it that way are you stupid....
  10. Chris, yes I saw that in your code download... thats for the code... I did a similar thing in GDK so if you fired a missile say, you could see it fly, I also atteched a camera to the missle and put a B/W filter on it, so it when you fired a missle you had a popup window that showed the flight and hit of the missle... hopefully someday I will be upto the same technique in LE....
  11. I was thinking about that approach but was trying to keep my wish list in the realms of possibility lol and there ain't anything cute about mexican midgets, ever meet a drunk one. SCARY
  12. Really, that easy.. Darn it... I seem to be over thinking this stuff... but to be honest I am trying to apply my knowledge of GDK which was how it was done then...
  13. I need to put various images on the screen, I tried using a plane and then texturing it, but although this sort of works, I cannot see anyway to precisely set the X/Y/Z sizes of a plane. Is there a different mesh type I should be using or am I completely of my head doing it this way?
  14. That would work to, in GDK, using thier controller the problem was you could not change the this, you just had a width... From the way it is working based on wiki, It would appear that Josh is actually creating 2 controllers of different heights... that switch on the updatecontrol "crouch" option setting... Given this scheme, it would be very helpful if we had 3 height options... i.e... Controller::Controller( flt height, flt radius=0.4f, flt stepheight=0.5f, flt maxslope=45, flt height1=0, flt height2=0 ) void Controller::Update( flt angle, flt move, flt strafe = 0.0f, flt jump = 0.0f, flt maxacceleration = 0.5f, int iterations=1, int heightmode=0 ) Were heightmode can be 0 (height),1 (height1) or 2 (height)... Then instead of the int ControllerCrouched( TController controller ) Have this:- int ControllerHeightMode( TController controller ) Which returns a 0,1 or 2 depending upon which mode is currently active.. I do not mean to say what has been done is not very helpful, but I believe that having 3 possible heights would be workable for any application... Ideally, having the ability to set the heigth,width and depth for the 3 modes would be perfert for creating realistic FPS character cotrollers..
  15. Interesting thing I see is that most of the code I have seen in LE for firing a gun involves creating a sphere and moving it and then checking any collisions... In the other engines I have used this was done primarily using raycast, just out of curiosity why the difference, as you really cannot see a bullet in real life?
  16. I know I am being lazy and just trying to avoid re-inventing the wheel, but does anyone have any sample code for building menu options.... I want to build a simple menu and have got a simple menu using 2D graphics but would be interested in seeing other ways of building menus..
  17. Yes a float for the the new height would be cool, although if this is availabe next thing you will need is to change controller orientation... crouching is not so much an issue, but to make prone realistic you would need to basically rotate the controller mesh by 90degrees to simulate lying down.. I know this is growing outside scope but height and orientation would be nice... so for crouch you can set the height, but for prone you can set the height normal but set the rotation to 90... or 1 for 90 degree rotation, I am sure this will create a whole bunch of issues but it was just a suggestion...
  18. Excellant help thanks.. I did most of those steps but I missed the following.. First convert the .dds files to DXT5 and generate mipmaps Right click the perspective window Select Modifiers > scene > scale to Set to 2.0 and click ok Right click the perspective window again Select Modifiers > scene > move check absolute click centre Actually I guess I missed most of them... lol Thanks again, I will write this up and stick it on my screen...
  19. Ok cool how and what did I do wrong? Also can you send me the code you used to scale and position this in LE?
  20. No I did not check that yet, I will take a look at this later... I do see the textures in UU3D, but I guess that does not imply they will work in LE?
  21. I tried using 3 Material files and 1 neither appeared to work, also I do see the materials in uu3d, but when I load the mesh into editor or le I see nothing just black as you can see in the image. The other issue is that the model is way too big I tried to use scalemesh but thar dies not seem to work.
  22. The attached is what I see in model viewer...notice no textures, also when I run the animation 290 frames of iit, I get nothing apart from the bones moving, I did not have the bones on in the image sorry..
  23. This is what I have... texture0="abstract::hand_D2.dds" texture1="abstract::gun_D2.dds" texture2="abstract::ammo_D2.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_skin.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.frag" shadowshader="abstract::mesh_shadow_skin.vert"
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