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  1. source


    Yeah Alembic is well integrated with most VFX software. It is mostly used to cache mesh animation data in a precise manner. It is a way to skip the rigging step or to animate things that are very difficult to rig like complex physics simulations that require a lot of precisely animated mesh data.
  2. source


    Since Leadwerks 5 appears to have a decent graphical features, I think having Alembic to complement that would be amazing and open the doors for different use cases other then just gaming like for VFX. Especially if you eventually add raytracing. Without Alembic I think it is hard to sell this as VFX tool, but with Alembic I think it becomes a viable option. Also Alembic can be used for games as well for animations that need to be cached like for example animated destruction of objects.
  3. source


    Hello i just noticed that Leadwerks 5 is in early access. The feature package looks very promising. Here are my suggestions: - Alembic support. - Prioritize LUA support for the upcoming features. - Graphics features showreel.
  4. Undersantdable. We worked it out!
  5. Don't worry about it. I still love you. - Johnny(The Room)
  6. I understanded your confucianism now. I explain so you understanded now. I was asking if josh would make it so lua integrates into uak bcsause it was one of the goals - not - met in his fundraiding campaing. So josh said look, you will have it in ultra engine no need to integrate to uak but i dont have acces to ulta engine so i ask does UAK(that its integrates in ultra engine) need to be compiled with extra binaries or some other resources relevanted to ultra engine(3d and stuff) as game engines usually do - to which he replied no. ended my questionaire and all was good, however it appeared you thought i didnt understood something so you gave a friendly and constructive advice that you gave that i should learns more about whatever you thought i didnt understanded. hope it clarifies. i never thoght leadwerks ships with uak, you thought i thought that.
  7. understandable but you look angry too and also trashing my thread by further inflaming off topic discussion
  8. maybe he just hate vr? i think i herd ultra will be x10 times faster in vr
  9. ultra it its x10 times faster in vr. it its better then leadwerks !
  10. But I do not understand. Whay are you telling me i have to understand something that you think i do not understanded? What it has to do with what i said before..... can you elaborat?
  11. I do do net understands what you mean. Can you erabolate?
  12. so if i mae small application with few lines of code i need to ship entire gmae engine with it?
  13. Any plans to support LUA for Ultra App Kit ? I remember it was one of the funding goals. If it can work nicely I think it would make your product much more accessible.
  14. Is ultra engne going to support subsurface scattering for human skin out of the box? Is ultra engine going to support some kind of realtime volumetrics out of the box? Is ultra engine going to support screnspace effects like subsurface, reflections, refractions, contact shadows? Is ultra engine going to support raytracing? Generally, what kind of features graphics-wise are we going to see? Is there some posts or showcase about this? Maybe take unreal engine as reference, is ultra engine going to be comparable to that in some ways or is ultra engine just Leadwerks again with pbr textures and 1000 vulkan frames? I may have more questions in future so if its ok i will just ask here again.
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