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  1. No, it opens the latest project right away. I have the latest testing version.
  2. Strange, I restart the editor after that, and on the second launch of the editor there are no misses, everything works just fine. It seems that restarting the editor after the first launch is some kind of fix for this problem.
  3. Just tried with a clean session. Yes, after updating the engine to the latest testing version and creating a new project, the settings.json file is created in ProgramDatasettings.json
  4. 1. I get different shader misses. I install the latest testing version, check the cache in Steam and create a new project in another folder (not in Documents, but in C:\Games), but the "Shaders" folder doesn't appear in the editor folder at all. Very strange. I have the standard Ultra version, not Pro. Additional requests that are terrain specific and critical to a proper workflow: 1) Fluttering vegetation shaders should be assignable in branch, bush, and grass materials, along with dynamic shadow shaders for them (like it was in Leadwerks 4.x); 2) Allow decimal values in the Density setting for vegetation layers (that was possible in Leadwerks 4.x).
  5. Oh Now I see. Yes, new method is clearly better.
  6. The old one looked good, it simulates light scattering much better. The scattering levels are clearly visible. In the new method, the light forms a perfect sphere with ridges on the edges, which looks super unrealistic. I think it's better to keep the old one.
  7. I demonstrated in this video how it works for me, literally from the moment of creating the project. The second launch of the editor immediately identifies the project and opens it automatically. I don't know why these missings are there in the console.
  8. Thanks, but the thing is that the missings follow the editor's path, not the project's, which is what Josh noticed.
  9. I just checked terraintest.map. Yes, it helped, micro freezes and fps drops when shooting are now fixed. The SSLR bug also no longer appears after the latest updates. As for the navmesh bug: after switching once after creating a new project, it usually no longer occurs later. Of course, it's interesting why it could occur at all. It seems to have been there since my first tests of versions like 0.9.7 or earlier.
  10. Yes, I get different shader misses. I install the latest testing version, check the cache in Steam and create a new project in another folder (not in Documents, but in C:\Games), but the "Shaders" folder doesn't appear in the editor folder at all. Very strange. I have the standard Ultra version, not Pro.
  11. Thanks. I'll try something with the project, maybe recreate it in another folder. Well, if this list is finished, I should mark this topic as closed? Of all the problems that I didn't add in the main list, there's also the problem with Show Nav Mesh function, which has to be toggled as in the video at the first launch - it's technically enabled, but the checkbox is disabled.
  12. Points 2, 3, and 6 have been fixed and can no longer be reproduced. Thanks. As for point 4, well, it's quite likely due to excessive GPU load, although I have 6 GB of VRAM and a small test map that keeps crashing. Regarding points 1, 5, and 7, I decided to reproduce the issues in a private YouTube video for clarity. Everything was tested on a completely clean FPS project (with Nature Pack DLC) after updating the engine to the latest testing version and pre-cleaning the ProgramData files. By the way, I keep forgetting to mention an annoying bug with the "sticking" show navmesh function. When launching the editor for the first time, the navmesh is forcibly displayed, even though, as seen in the footage for point 1, the checkbox for the function is turned off. I have to toggle it twice on the vid to finally turn it off.
  13. It's strange, my topic doesn't show up in bug reports at all. I'll just leave a new message so it appears higher in the list. I hope the team haven't forgotten about my request. Most of these problems are fundamental and significantly delay us in transferring projects from LE 4.6 to the new engine.
  14. Hello. All these major issues can be described as a single sequence of actions that led to them (I've previously reported some of them in the chat): 1) In most cases (at least 9/10 times in my experience), when creating a new terrain in a level and adding a vegetation layer, objects in this layer remain invisible but appear in the game mode. Attempting to generate Global Illumination on this editor session causes a crash. However, after reopening the editor and map again, everything works as expected; 2) Two-sided textures in vegetation layers are bugged (causes flickering); 3) If a texture without the necessary properties for usage on terrain is assigned to the terrain, heightmap changes will be invisible, as expected. However, in this case, attempting to open such a map in game mode consistently causes a crash (perhaps the cause is different, but for me, the crash always happened in this sequence of events); 4) The map doesn't open on my configuration (GTX 1060) if shadow quality is set to Ultra or Very High (editor crash); 5) Lighting is bugged when SSLR is enabled in the settings (color artifacts from light objects); 6) At a 1280x720 resolution with SSAO enabled, a black line appears on the floor about a meter from the player and follows them continuously; 7) Firing a weapon causes micro-freezes and severe performance drops until the shooting is finished. Additional requests that are crucial for proper workflow: 1) Fluttering vegetation shaders should be assignable in branch, bush, and grass materials, along with dynamic shadow shaders for them (similar to Leadwerks); 2) Allow decimal values in the Density setting for vegetation layers (this was possible in Leadwerks 4.x). I'm attaching a link to a map where you can see all these problems (you'll need the Nature Starter Pack to launch). As I understand it, at the moment the map will not launch in game mode and will crash due to the third point: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xQ-TiN-0Ok08WKn9OFih8BOKMrmEjpEH/view?usp=sharing
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