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  1. Alienhead


    Also, creating a new project I get no Start.lua file as I used to.. It looks as if it could be your update/patcher isnt copying a thing over.
  2. Alienhead


    After updating, loading a project causes nothing but black screen in all my viewports. No grid and no map geometry is displayed. Even creating a new project does the same.
  3. Mark Sibly made 3d programming possible for me in the early days, and pretty much set me on a life long career in 3d programming. This news saddens me, he will be sorely missed. https://www.facebook.com/acidsoftware/
  4. Also the freshly downloaded FPS template does not show up in my project new creation list. Selecting the old template creates a project full of errors and a oversized blue fps player, amongest many other errors.
  5. Yet another update error how do I get around this one without having to create an entire new project?
  6. Has any parms. changed with this command? I'm getting errors with this line of code since updating. self.ui = CreateInterface(world, self.font, framebuffer.size)
  7. Any update on this issue ?
  8. Support animation Retargeting ?? If so is there an example online ?
  9. I use update project like everyone else. Don't know why I wouldnt have updated binaries? My project worked just fine 45 mins ago, before updating to latest.
  10. Here is the working code prior to last update. 344 self.world = self.entity:GetWorld() 345 self.mesh = LoadModel(self.world, self.playerModelFilenname) 346 --self.mesh = Model(self.mesh) 347 self.mesh:SetCollisionType(0)
  11. Yes I read that. Problem is the code and model was fine before update. There's only 2 models that even show up ( as the screenshot shows ). I thought the screenshots clarified the problem. The order of things - Everything worked fine Updated to lastest Nothing loads and error pops up.
  12. In editor everything looks as it should. In run mode I get this. I fear all updates.
  13. I've had my fair share of dealings with Object Pool creation over the years. I'm glad to announce that I have created the Ultimate Object Pooler , for Ultra Engine. This component can handle 10k entities per cycle, it can pool decals, emitters, models, brushes, sound and more ! prebuilt cache, or cache as-you-go or a combination of both. It will soon be available for download once I've got a home for it. Only three functions, it is well optimized. function Checkout(fname, OptionalTimer) function Checkin(ent) function Monitor_oPool()
  14. Awesome, had no idea that was in there. Thanks !
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