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Everything posted by Alienhead

  1. But now I think about it, thats not really good... some components need to accumlate variables and datas and such.. Just need to freeze the entire module and go about your business !
  2. My idea was to save it to a table on mapload, complete remove it from the scene, then monitor the table and positioning and load it back in when ready.
  3. I have a solution to do this now, but I did not want to start implementing it if there is a upcoming engine remedy.
  4. That would work to, or just the plain vanilla option to deactivate and reactivate the component on our own, I myself would prefer creating my own function to handle on/off's... for different scenarios.
  5. Let me through out an example. I have a map with a terrain on it, and plenty of stuff going on, underneath theres a tunnel that goes to a large cave area. Well inside the cave area I have hundreds of scripts/components for doors, particles, etc.etc.. Now these are constantly getting called ( update() or whatever ) and Im not even in the cave. It would be easy to build a custom function that checks player distance to component and then re-activate the components when I enter the cave.. Just an example... but ..
  6. I was doing some thinking on the topic brought up in discord the other day it has me rather bothered... regarding calling to many components. I started looking over my own project and realized that 80% of the time component is out of range. Now I do a SetHidden(true) when that happens but If I understand correctly the update() and hooks() still get called? I have a simple solution, self.entity:DeactivateComponenet(true/false) For the 100's of objects on a map that arent even being used, seen or reacted with - this seems like a great waste of resource to me. We could simply turn the component OFF so the engine don't make calls to it - then turn it back on when it's in range or whatever the designer sees fit. I personally, can see major room for optimization with such an ability
  7. Looking for one commands I can find in docs or elsewhere. mat:SetNonDirectionalLighting()
  8. This may be a stretch but I'm going to ask anyways... Ability to use an animated gif on a MAT. With a simple 2x2plane we could develop some INCREDIABLE particle effects just by playing animated gifs via the Material file. As well as other stuff; computer monitors, cyberpunk billboards and numerous numerous other uses. Or even better yet, avi / mp4 .. ** Yes this is probably already possible, but what a pain in the ***... you have to break the gif down to frames, recondition it in a 2d editor, save back out, build countless materials to host a single frame animations.. then develop an entire routine just to handle changing frames and timelines. To see this in action - External Link
  9. OKay so this is set PER texture? SetTextureAnisotropy
  10. OOkay that'll do it, ty for your help today.
  11. this worked cam:SetRefraction(false) cam:SetFov(60) cam:SetSsr(false) this didnt cam:SetFov(60) cam:SetSsr(false) cam:SetRefraction(false)
  12. I cant explain it Josh, just moved it to the top of the stack and it worked.
  13. Hmmm but in code it drops out at this command. cam:SetRefraction(false)
  14. I have recovered most of the gfx settings commands I need to make a proper game config menu. Howeever, I am unable to find 2, nor in docs nor in headers, but Im certain they are there as i think I remember using them at one time. Commands to set Antialias and Anisotrophy??????
  15. Seems to be absent, tested in code and with one-liner ( cam = CreateCamera(world) ; cam:SetRefraction(false) )
  16. I havent messed to much with the particle system in ultra, but today was the day. I created 1 simple little emitter, 20 particles. I placed it on the map in 3 locations and proceeded to RUN. This is a very strong Nvidia gpu I'm using and it brought it to a crawl.. 3 little emitters sat me down to 28 fps ! Normally I clock around 400 to 600 fps.
  17. Tool tips for components json files { "name": "pathvalue", "label": "Fish File path", "value": "", "filecategory": "MODEL", "tooltip": "Select a file to represent your fish." },
  18. L4 had a very nice feature that let you set the quality of the rendered terrain, this feature was crucial in scaling a game to match a users hardware profile. I was hoping L5 would eventually see this feature as well? Or is L5's target system for more modern hardware? Thanks.
  19. Is this falling back to this bug reported earlier? Although it says not auto generated, it was.. I created it with the + button and New Component.
  20. Yah well the panels are not updating, they show components attached that aren't even there, they never update the values set on them. I have to save and drop completely out of the editor to get a real reading of what is attached to what and what the current values are. Sorry you cant reproduce this an I have no way of helping any more than I explained.. I'll check back in a few days and hopefully someone else has reported this as well and perhaps explained it better ... My hands are tied with this now. Your version of Ultra and mine never seem to co-reside.
  21. It's not holding the values set in the component either. Everything returns to default once the actor is selected, deselcted and selected again. Any changes to the components values are wiped.. And as an added 'kick to the face', the script is attached it's self all over the place.
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