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Everything posted by Alienhead

  1. Any update on this issue ?
  2. Support animation Retargeting ?? If so is there an example online ?
  3. I use update project like everyone else. Don't know why I wouldnt have updated binaries? My project worked just fine 45 mins ago, before updating to latest.
  4. Here is the working code prior to last update. 344 self.world = self.entity:GetWorld() 345 self.mesh = LoadModel(self.world, self.playerModelFilenname) 346 --self.mesh = Model(self.mesh) 347 self.mesh:SetCollisionType(0)
  5. Yes I read that. Problem is the code and model was fine before update. There's only 2 models that even show up ( as the screenshot shows ). I thought the screenshots clarified the problem. The order of things - Everything worked fine Updated to lastest Nothing loads and error pops up.
  6. In editor everything looks as it should. In run mode I get this. I fear all updates.
  7. I've had my fair share of dealings with Object Pool creation over the years. I'm glad to announce that I have created the Ultimate Object Pooler , for Ultra Engine. This component can handle 10k entities per cycle, it can pool decals, emitters, models, brushes, sound and more ! prebuilt cache, or cache as-you-go or a combination of both. It will soon be available for download once I've got a home for it. Only three functions, it is well optimized. function Checkout(fname, OptionalTimer) function Checkin(ent) function Monitor_oPool()
  8. Awesome, had no idea that was in there. Thanks !
  9. How to completely remove an entity that uses the same variable in the same routine. I have two variables that hold references to two weapon entities the player uses. Scenario: Player changes weapons but nulling the variable holders for the previous weapons dont work because the new weapons fill in the varaible preventing it from being deleted. -- drop old weps self.weplefthand = nil self.weprighthand = nil collectgarbage() self.weplefthand = NewWepToHold1 self.weprighthand = NewWepToHold2
  10. We have Entity::Attach to parent an entity to a bone, but in cases of weapons, say I want to swap out weapons - how do I detach an entity attach to a bone? I see no Entity::Detach() or equivalent. I do not wish to simple destroy the attached entity but rather drop it back upon the terrain.
  11. Basically he wants a copy and paste button near the scene browsers rotation, position and scale settings. It does prove useful in some cases, I used that feature in Unity all the time. I believe Unity has a hotkey shortcut to copy the cameras position and rotation of the editors camera and paste it to the selected object in viewport.
  12. This bug has been going on since week1 of testing.. Code: model:SetPosition(player.rhand:GetPosition()) model:SetRotation(player.rhand:GetRotation()) model:Attach(player.mesh, player.rhand) Attaching a gun to the players hand bone * ( common practice ) * results in some very funky behavior.
  13. Alienhead


  14. Alienhead


    Josh could you please update the docs or show my how to cast a object as a type... The current docs show: ( but this fails ) self.mesh = self.mesh:As<Entity>() Would it just be? self.mesh = Model(self.mesh)
  15. yes this text map seems to work for me too. Only seems to act up a little when I build GI
  16. Im not sure if this has anything to do with it but the values on my lights and probes are constantly getting reset to 255,255,255,255 and 100 brightness every time I select them Now if I deselect this item, or shut down ultra and reload it, or reselect the probe or run the map then select the probe or whatever the damn thing is back to default values.
  17. Okay Josh, seems more of the same. As soon as I kill shadows my probes cease to work. This is the same setup as the above picture which were working as long as the light was casting shadow.
  18. Seems to be working on a new map now.. My old maps seem to be null.
  19. Possible, the project manager shows a check however.
  20. Probe and probe shading is working ONLY on a new map now.
  21. Okay I just created an entirely NEW project with the latest build and the skyboxes do work correcting.. They wont work in my actual project though. Im thinking maybe it be best to wait for 1.0 release before continuing a serious map? Ive restarted many times already.
  22. Absolutely any of them, Even the night time dark sky boxes are showing white on me.
  23. Alienhead


    I have another weird occurrence. No matter what skybox I pick from the AmbientCg catalog, they all come back with a solid WHITE sky. I do not have FOG turned on. But the horrizon line seems to show fine, anything about that goes solid white.
  24. Awesome.. I'm just pleased you are recognizing it as a problem.
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