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Everything posted by Alienhead

  1. Alienhead


    Heh I couldn't figure it out either.. never happen before. I'm on a 7day game jam so haven't got time to mess with it no more. I fudge it, I just stuck abunch of webs all over the room then randomly hid some on loadup. The rooms and map got to be random each load up.. so that works for now.
  2. Alienhead


    The web on the left is placed into the scene via the editor. Loads up fine, looks like it's suppose to. The web on the right is placed into the scene with code: and it turns out as you see... weird. Nothing else is set. Same model, same material. What's causing it to load two different ways? local web = Model::Load("models/webs/1.mdl") web:SetPosition(entity:GetPosition(true)) I'm building a random procedural dungeon and I need to place the webs by code.
  3. Just something I was playing around with today, wasn't really expecting to get these results but I was surprised. This is Quadspinner h-map converted to obj>fbx with a single texture. I'm working on a way 2 break the mesh into chunks so I can get a higher resolution on the textures which would almost make the technique useable in game situations. Anyways, heres the result - very low poly but highly detailed terrain layout straight out of the LE editor.. Mainly only good for distances at this point until I can better work out the quads technique. My goal is to get a large 1000x1000 terrain broke down into 128 chunks, 1024x1024 texture resolution for distance then have 2 LODS per quad with a near resolution of 2k per quad. After reading several of the quadspinner tutorials I came to understand this is the same app used to make several terrains in the movie Lord of the Rings. Quadspinner - https://quadspinner.com/
  4. Bosses on the way! A few more weeks and I should have them lined out and and ready for live code. ( I hope : )
  5. Alienhead


    Looks like a good terrain for a Space Invaders game!
  6. I finished some major parts to my game this week, thought I go over a few points. Created an entirely new vegetation system using gird pivots, AABB's and vicinity sensors. As you will see in the video it is very fast, it uses NO physics and the shadowing is done in one pass via single surface foliage / trees. Also on display in the video is my new Mech-bot character controller. It pretty much can and does react with everything on the map at one point or another. I don't have water on this map but he also can handle water in a very natural way. Also finished is my external scripting system, more or less a mod system but takes instructions via a soft-check interrupter which I was lucky enough to make work with Lua code. Scripting stuff like npc's, paths, conversations etc.. is a snap now that this is in place. I'm going to spend the next few weeks scripting quests, and ground missions for the game. This is all part of fTYPE from the earlier videos, it's just the ground portion of the game.
  7. This is looking really good. I love the landscape shots.
  8. Your going to want to use lerp to handle smoothing out the angle differences. function LerpNumber(p0, p1, a) a = math.min(a, 1) return p0 + ((p1 - p0) * a) end p0 is your new angle projection p1 is the current angle of the entity and a is the speed at which you want to move into that new projection angle. The function will return the amount to change the entity angle. So basically, rough example : self.entity:SetInput(LerpNumber(currentY, mx, .1), move, strafe)
  9. I didnt think so.. As mentioned I'm just experimenting but wanted expert opinion.. Tyvm
  10. Fraps actually reports lower fps than LE does when ran without the optimization loop, LE runs the scene at 59 fps while reporting 151. Fraps comes in at 45's - 50's.
  11. Is there a clear advantage to updating and rendering every other loop? Granted speed variables and a few other things need adjusting to compensate. I've recently began experimenting with a controlled rendering loop and have seen some nice results. I'm just wondering if what I'm seeing is an actual improvement or just the results of 1 frame updated every too loops increasing the fps. Here's a short example of what I'm talking about. sets = {} sets.optimizationlvl = 2 while appquit == false do Time:Update() --Render the world if rendertick == sets.optimizationlvl then -- do 3d world:Update() world:Render() -- do 2d context:Sync(false) end if rendertick == sets.optimizationlvl then rendertick = 0 end rendertick = rendertick + 1 end I'm just wondering if I'm wasting my time with this or if this framework could be tweaked in some ways to provide some additional horsepower.
  12. Yup.. sorry, I don't own that, I just use the freeBE edition.
  13. Gaea ( https://quadspinner.com/ ) does 32,768 (32K) but I think it's registered version only.. I'll check.
  14. He's been writing, games, lightmappers, csg modelers and engine code since age 2.
  15. ** slaps self..** was on x64
  16. Will LE 4.6 ProEdition work with vstudio 2022? or must I revert back to 2017? I keep getting this in 2022 - 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libcryptoMT.lib' 1>C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(1096,5): error MSB6006: "link.exe" exited with code 1104. 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libcryptoMT.lib' 1>Done building project "Ctest.vcxproj" -- FAILED.
  17. Ty, a little bit of both actually.. I had to trim a lot of it out so it would still work nicely with the vegitation system in LE. I'll show some specifics when I clean the code up some, this was all an experiment until I actually got it all working together, now it's time to go back over the code, clean it up and optimize in a few places. I don't want to keep clogging up the forums with these pics so I'll host this one, I got light filtering on in this pic, as well as the trees spawning foliage in their areas. http://abinary.life/temp/light.png Give me a day or two to clean up some areas and I'll youtube a video of the grass in motion. Cya !
  18. Finally got my zelda-like windwalker grass shader working. I'm in the process of making the grass lay over when walked upon. I got close to 10k grass patches, animated and working with the LE veg layer system. This screenshot was taken on my test system using an elder 750GTX card and its capping between 55-60fps in gameplay time. I'm currently writing a script that will place semi - dead, yellowish grass around the tree bases, falling leaves and fire fly sparkle emitters. More later !
  19. strafe plus move detect : if ( down or up ) and ( left or right ) then move = move / 2 end Long day, wrong forums.. Sorry : )
  20. Found it.. After a full day of combing code, the problem was an alpha layer in the grass texture itself.
  21. Hey guys, I'm working on an interactive grass shader but ran into a small snag. I can't figure out why or where the red is coming from when a mesh is behind or beneath the grass geometry. Is this caused by pixel error? as in the sampled pixel is out of bounds?
  22. Completely new light, lightmapping ( enviroprobe ) and light effects.
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