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Everything posted by Alienhead
Thanks for the comments guys.
I'll try and put some example code up later this week, but to get you started I'll tell you that it's all pretty simple, I used lerp's to get the angles and bounces. Most of its done with shader however. function LerpNumber(p0, p1, a) a = math.min(a, 1) return p0 + ((p1 - p0) * a) end
For starters, I love the 'arcade' genera. It was my favorite as a kid and still remains. For a very long time now I have been wanting to try something, more of an experiment rather a game project. Thanks to Playniax inspiring me with the Galaga Essentials pack and my main project, defendTHIS!, on hold while engine changes take place - I decided to experiment. What started out as a few ideas tossed together quickly became a full blown project for me. I am attempting to take 4 games from the past, Space Invaders, Defender, Galaga and Zaxxon and mix them all together, modernize the gameplay and do it all in 3D. After a few months of playing around I have finally got a few playable levels under my belt. And it all seems to mesh and work together, surprisingly enough. This is my current ( 6 month ) project, I won't spend any longer on it but I don't think I'll need to. I'll post another worklog next month for completion comparison. Here's what I got working so far.
https://itch.io/refinery As mentioned, it's their version of Steams Early Access, they say the method of Early Access is a broke system and the refinery is a way to correct what they believe is right. I've only begun with the refinery, but I'll be more than happy to post back results as time presses on. Quoted from their website: "itch.io refinery is a customizable toolset made for developers to distribute their unfinished games, build a real community and gain useful feedback. We think early access is broken, and this is our solution."
Has anyone around here any experience or tips on using Itchio's Refinery toolset, It's suppose be similar to Steams Early Access. I spent the morning reading over it and setting up my page, just wondering what I may be in store for. Here's the link if you'd like to see the LE game I'm going to refine. https://abinarylife.itch.io/ftype-defender Thanks.
Much appreciated. I've decided to place defendTHIS! project on hold until Ultra gets it's editor and stuff.. I'm going to move defendTHIS! over to Ultra. In the mean time I'm finishing up my Galaga clone in LE, got about 2 months left on it - or less..
I set it as Posteffect, but nothing happens, then I am unable to move the camera around in the editor, nothing happens. I remove the effect and operations resume as normal. No error on the bottom where you normally see errors when applying a bad shader.
This is the post effect I was going for - https://www.shadertoy.com/view/ldjGzV
It gives no error when I place it in Posteffetcs in the editor, but attempting to move the mouse or move around in the editor creates a jaggedy pause like.
Hoping someone might spot instantly what I cant find wrong with my shader.. it won't run under LE. Thanks for your time. SHADER version 1 @OpenGL2.Vertex #version 400 #define MAX_INSTANCES 256 @OpenGL4.Fragment #version 400 #define BFN_ENABLED 1 out vec4 fragData0; uniform float currenttime; float time = currenttime/1000; uniform vec2 buffersize; uniform sampler2D texture1; uniform bool isbackbuffer; float range = 0.05; float noiseQuality = 250.0; float noiseIntensity = 0.0088; float offsetIntensity = 0.02; float colorOffsetIntensity = 1.3; float rand(vec2 coord) { return fract(sin(dot(coord.xy ,vec2(12.9898,78.233))) * 43758.5453); } float verticalBar(float pos, float uvY, float offset) { float edge0 = (pos - range); float edge1 = (pos + range); float x = smoothstep(edge0, pos, uvY) * offset; x -= smoothstep(pos, edge1, uvY) * offset; return x; } void main(void) { vec2 uv = gl_FragCoord.xy / buffersize.xy; if (isbackbuffer) uv.y = 1.0 - uv.y; for (float i = 0.0; i < 0.71; i += 0.1313) { float d = mod(time * i, 1.7); float o = sin(1.0 - tan(time * 0.24 * i)); o *= offsetIntensity; uv.x += verticalBar(d, uv.y, o); } float uvY = uv.y; uvY *= noiseQuality; uvY = float(int(uvY)) * (1.0 / noiseQuality); float noise = rand(vec2(time * 0.00001, uvY)); uv.x += noise * noiseIntensity; vec2 offsetR = vec2(0.006 * sin(time), 0.0) * colorOffsetIntensity; vec2 offsetG = vec2(0.0073 * (cos(time * 0.97)), 0.0) * colorOffsetIntensity; float r = texture(texture1, uv + offsetR).r; float g = texture(texture1, uv + offsetG).g; float b = texture(texture1, uv).b; fragData0 = vec4(r, g, b, 1.0); }
if you didn't get a chance to download Leadwerks game Essscape! last month, I've have setup my official Itchio page containing this game and it's a free download until Jan 31 2023! so don't delay - come get your copy! ** This game placed 3rd in the Syntax bomb competition https://abinarylife.itch.io/essscape
Hell.... I'd claim it
I need to append some text to the end of a file, I couldn't find any append to file functionality for this so I created a work around.. -------------------------------------------------------------- function CreateNewProfile(fname) -- add profile to master profile list local f_masterlist = FileSystem:OpenFile("saves/index.hdr") local f_temp = FileSystem:WriteFile("saves/temp.file") while (not f_masterlist:EOF()) do local readit = f_masterlist:ReadLine() f_temp:WriteLine(readit) end -- append new profile f_temp:WriteLine(fname) -- close files f_masterlist:Release() f_temp:Release() -- delay(1000) -- delete and rename master list files FileSystem:DeleteFile("saves/index.hdr") FileSystem:RenameFile("saves/temp.file","saves/index.hdr") end The read and writing works fine but it will not delete the old file and or rename the new file. ** Note: I have sandbox off. Is it safe to use lua's i/o commands? -- Opens a file in append mode file = io.open("test.lua", "a")
Hi, I've been searching for awhile now and have ran across limited success. I'm attempting to write some functions either in C or c++ and compile them for use with leadwerks luaJit. Before I continue any further I wanted to ask if it was even possible to call dynamic linked library functions within le/s jit compiler? Thanks.
After giving up trying to get my native joystick support to work properly I stumbled across this jewel. https://joytokey.net/en/ In less than 5 mins I had joystick support in my LE LUA projects. Posting this for anyone else wanting a quick and easy out for jstick support.
Josh, what version is le's LUA ? ty.
Yah, was reading up on steam about their leader boards. I'm afraid my game won't be steam exclusive so that would mean other copies running outside of steam wouldn't have access to the leaderboard. I'm going to see about writing a serverside script to access a mysql and save the scores. May be hard talkin to the script within Lua though, perhaps using lua shell. local t = os.execute("echo 'test'") Dunno yet.. will be fun testing a solution though
Does this still work? Or do you think it may be better to build a homebrew php /mysql webserver approach for custom top 100 scoreboard. ??
Attempting to read in some entity/model positioning without actually loading the map.
Was there ever a format spec sheet released on the .Map files format?
Hey now! don't be talking about my leadwerks !