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Community Answers
Alienhead's post in ( LUA ) SetRefraction() was marked as the answer
this worked
cam:SetRefraction(false) cam:SetFov(60) cam:SetSsr(false)
this didnt
cam:SetFov(60) cam:SetSsr(false) cam:SetRefraction(false) -
Alienhead's post in Terrain lag was marked as the answer
I can no longer test this, the lag was happening when I was on an AMD GPU, I have no such stuttering with nvidia gpu's.
Alienhead's post in Interior Probes was marked as the answer
I can no longer produce this error, but I also moved from amd to nivida since I last encountered that error.
Alienhead's post in LOD popin is bad was marked as the answer
I have not seen this bug in many many months now.
Alienhead's post in Jumpy shadow was marked as the answer
Setting the cascade distance further back, fixed the jumpy shadows.
Alienhead's post in Skyboxes was marked as the answer
Okay I just created an entirely NEW project with the latest build and the skyboxes do work correcting.. They wont work in my actual project though. Im thinking maybe it be best to wait for 1.0 release before continuing a serious map? Ive restarted many times already.
Alienhead's post in Collision and collider bug was marked as the answer
Yes this controller is built ground up.. I do believe we found the problem. It's timing.. Im fixing it now.. thanks for your help !
Alienhead's post in SetLodDistance () was marked as the answer
Found it:
uagc_clouds[t] = Model(uagc_clouds[t]) uagc_clouds[t]:SetLodDistance(50, 60, 70)
Alienhead's post in Longtime weird LUA occurances was marked as the answer
Yah I saw that error as soon as I posted this message. Seems to be NO WAY to delete a topic anymore so I had to just leave it.
Alienhead's post in How to prevent .. was marked as the answer
Since I seem to be having problems that no one else has been reporting, I've decided to reinstall my copy of windows this morning.
So far none of the BS I listed above has occurred.
Alienhead's post in VK wait for febces casuing hard crash was marked as the answer
TdrDelay and TdrDdiDelay.
Alienhead's post in Game is crashing in standalone version was marked as the answer
9 times out of 10 you are missing some media, only things in code that use the load function get moved to the zip. if your loading filename with a varaible like:
fish = {}
for t=1, 10 do
ent = Model:Load("models/fish"..t..".mdl")
then those files are not present in the media .ZIP file and you'll crash on a compiled run.
I ran into this when I first started out with LE too.
you can work around it by rem'ing some load commands.
-- ent = Model:Load("models/fish1.mdl")
-- ent = Model:Load("models/fish2.mdl")
-- ent = Model:Load("models/fish3.mdl")
and so forth. The zipper will pick up those files from the rem'ed code and you can still use variable naming to load mass media.
Alienhead's post in Terrain height at given point was marked as the answer
Make sure you have the correct pointer to the terrain object.
-- Cycle loaded map for x=0,world:CountEntities()-1 do local entity = world:GetEntity(x)
-- get terrain mesh if world:GetEntity(x):GetClass()==Object.TerrainClass then terrain=world:GetEntity(x) terrain=tolua.cast(terrain,"Terrain") end end Your code should be more like this :
local y = terrain:GetElevation(x, z)