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Mortiss Coffin

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  1. I like Leadwerks name better. I've always known it by that name since 2011 or 2012 & it just has a good ring to it. Whereas Ultra Engine has the Transformer sound to it. Plus, it's got the same initials as Unreal & Unity, some of the newer devs might get it mixed up when using the initials. Also, Leadwerks has a long history with it where you can find numerous tutorials on it. Ultra doesn't quite have that luxury. Leadwerks 5 would be more suitable, imho. Seeing we left off with Leadwerks 4.
  2. I love this game! Massive open world with goblin like creatures & awesome sword fighting & parrying animations. I was working on something similar to this back in 2014 for one of my college projects (only more hack & slash like) when my PC crashed. But I agree, having good models with nice fluid animations could make a great tech demo.
  3. I really like this idea!! Top down shooter or 'dungeon crawler' as they say. I wanted to design one too after playing Diablo 3. Loved the art direction & the diverse hoards of enemies in each chapter. If there's a way we can implement this style of games in UltraEngine, that would be fantastic! πŸ‘Œ
  4. My apologies... I stand corrected! Thank you for clearing this up for me. I had no idea (see pic below) this was the default starting map for UltraEngine I only have Leadwerks Engine, (4.1 or 4.7 whichever is the last version on Steam) & didn't recall seeing this. This is excellent news to me! Very much appreciated πŸ™ My next question would be: how do we make it zoom in to 'over the shoulder' when aiming a gun?
  5. Something similar to this... https://www.stride3d.net/blog/game-templates/
  6. Yes, he can have grenades etc for throwable objects or shurikans to attack enemies from afar. But pretty much anything & everything you would find or do in a fps game, only third person whether it be a shooter or hack & slash (Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden or old school God of War) or platformers like Sly Cooper, Ratchet & Clank. It would just be set up for 3rd person with the camera set behind the character after we click on the template. The rest of the game would be up to the designer/developer(s) as to how it's made or played. This would just be a feature for those who want to make a 3rd person perspective game (regardless of genre) rather than first person.
  7. Just 3rd person in general: Like a template that already has the camera coordinates set & positioned (behind the character), to "over the shoulder" style games like Uncharted, Dead Space, Gears of War & Resident Evil. Or have it to where we can adjust the camera manually without having to use coding: clicking on the camera & adjusting its position accordingly behind our characters (depending on which 3rd person genre game we're making) & maybe have a switch on & off to allow it to follow them. Hope this makes sense, not sure if I'm properly pitching the idea right or not.
  8. I have a question/suggestion: When looking at the templates under new project, I see that there's a 1st person shooter & then blank project. Is there any way to add a 3rd person perspective template so that we (designers) can set it up without doing so much coding/programming? That would be a really nice feature to have & would save time for those of us making 3rd person game(s).
  9. Kinda sad to hear this...But I have to agree, I personally am not a fan of subscriptions in general. In a way, I understand from a business standpoint as to why it makes sense to have them, but for us designers/devs its sort of a major turn off or U turn. I can see in having a subscription for those who can't afford an all in one time payment of some lump sum ($200-$500+) but can afford the monthly/yearly payments, but on the other hand, also have a one time payment for those of us who can. Should you ever decide to do a one time payment or a variation of sorts, one way you could do it is by allowing us buy the new/current version with all of its updates free until the next version is released. For example, if we bought Leadwerks 5/UltraEngine and we receive all of its updates for free until version LE 6/Ultra Engine 2 comes out a couple years later. Then charge us a small one time fee, for it when its available. I can see in paying something like that or just the one time fee on its own, but monthly/annually subscription isn't too enticing. To be honest, subscriptions is why I left Sketchup, 3DS Max and Maya, and went to Blender. I can take that extra money I would be dishing out for their yearly subscription, (not fully owning anything except my art and creations, etc) and spend it on Blender's addon's and own everything for life. All of the updates for its add-ons are free forever.
  10. Thank you, very much appreciated! ☺️
  11. Hello, I have a question...Where can I get the latest version of Leadwerks/UltraEngine? I went to the website & only found Leadwerks 4.1...Is there a more recent version or is this the only one at the moment? Thank you!
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