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  1. Hi, I´m trying to learn how is working the Leadwerks Enginge ( I´m newbie) . I do all c programing tutorials and several about lua. I undestand that is posible to use lua scripts in visual c but ... how? I create a scene with editor and I want to charge the FPScontroller.lua in my visual c project but I don´t know how. ( Maybe the problem is that I´m spanish and my technical english is no t enough). Thanks
  2. Hi I tried to use the tutorial meshes to lua and I have a problem. The code is --registering the abstract path RegisterAbstractPath("") --Set a graphics mode Graphics(800,600) --Framework object fw = CreateFramework() --set camera camera = fw.main.camera camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0,1,-5)) --create cube cube = CreateCube() --create sphere sphere = CreateSphere(28) sphere:SetPosition(Vec3(3,0,0)) --create light light = CreateDirectionalLight() --load mesh torus = LoadMesh("abstract::torus.gmf") if torus == nil then Notify("Failes to load torus.gmf") else Notify("Loaded the torus.gmf") end --main loop while AppTerminate()==0 do fw: Update() fw: Render() Flip(0) end [code] I have the all files in the same place but the torus don´t appeared. Could somebody help me? thanks
  3. limdorn


    Hi, Somebody know if is posible to use the opensteer library with Leadwerks? How? In case negative ... any alternative? Thanks Sorry to my english but I´m spanish.
  4. Hi people, I´m a new user of Leadwerks by Blitzmax. When I can found a command reference Leadwerks-Blitzmax? Thanks
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