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  1. Well, he said that it's not officially supported for that reason. They still left it there - I think they assumed that the password was in the forum or something like that.
  2. yep... he said that's why it's not part of the available extensions. He tried reaching the guy who made them but seems like he doesn't respond... or that's what I understood.
  3. Hello guys! Someone did convert the models in the GMF format (in some of Dexsoft packs) but there's a password on it. Anyone knows what the password is? The guy from Dexsoft said he sent an email to the guy who sent him the converted packages, but he didn't get an answer yet. So I'm hoping that someone knows it already.....
  4. I understand that but I believe that having the sounds and graphics engines on different threads should still be possible. I just need to have enough information on the sources. For instance, I realized that, in the case the non thread safe thing is creation of the sources, I could try loading the sounds on the thread and creating the sources upon every play commmands.. Since those commands are normally sent from the entity that's part of a specific world.. it could work. Anyway, I'll try that out but I still need more inputs from you all.
  5. Hi! I'm having problems while trying to use a second thread to call the loadsound function from LW. From my understanding, the issue might not be exactly with the sound system. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems like the sounds are linked together with the current tworld.. and that's a problem if you're working with a thread since you never know which is the current world (since I have many). Maybe I'm wrong though... I don't have the engine's sources so I can't confirm my hypothesis. If I'm right, I may have to re-implement the sound engine (probably with openal again) like I did with the physics engine (I needed more control over it)... but I would like to prevent that since it does work properly right now if I don't switch from one world to the other in the loading phase of the sounds.. Anyway....
  6. Well, since Leadwerks is only for windows so far, I prefer to use the windows functions... check that out: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms712657%28VS.85%29.aspx The functions are: joyGetPos joyGetPosEx joyReleaseCapture joySetCapture
  7. I'm having some issues with the rendering... For some reason, the objects being rendered are streching to the sides. I remember having those kind of issues when programming with DirectX and it was related to a matrix applied to a texture buffer or something like that when trying to render to another texture buffer... but I'm not really sure on what to do. I'm pretty sure the solution is quite easy to find but I can't seem to find it. I've tried changing the window size, checking the backbuffer sizes (same as window), etc. Everything looks alright. I've tried saving the buffers on which I draw the scene even before using the Custom buffer and it does the same so I assume that the problem is not related to custom buffers. The code is written in C# but I believe that to be more of a general programming issue so I created the thread here... especially since I also rendered in the Leadwerks' window as well and I got the same issue. Anyway... I hope someone will be able to help me out. The only lead I have would be the camera but I haven't seen any functions that relates to the size or anything else that looked useful... Knowing the code inside would help finding the issue I believe. Any ideas?
  8. Yeah, it does more than just init, it creates a window and stuff like that. I would like to init without having to create a window. It's not that big of an issue since I did a work around but I still would like to make it properly.
  9. Hi guys! Any idea how to replace the lw's Graphics() fct? I can't make it work without it since I don't know how to set it up properly without it (bacbuffer, etc). If I remove the line, I can create meshes but nothing that relates to textures. If I do call LoadTexture for instance, I get a msgbox "OpenGL Error - GL_INVALID_VALUE". Also, the backbuffer's height and width are 0. I'm using tao and vs2008 and a SimpleOpenglcontrol in my form. This is my c# code: m_iWidth = mgr.GetDataInt("OpengGLWindowWidth", DEFAULT_OGL_WIDTH); m_iHeight = mgr.GetDataInt("OpengGLWindowHeight", DEFAULT_OGL_HEIGHT); string strFakeAppTitle = mgr.GetDataString("FakeAppTitle", DEFAULT_FAKE_APP_TITLE); OpenGLControl.InitializeContexts(); /////////////////////// // We're initializing the window just because I can't seem to init all needed stuff in // lw to make the textures and meshes work. Leadwerks.Engine.Leadwerks.SetAppTitle(strFakeAppTitle); Leadwerks.Engine.Leadwerks.Graphics(m_iWidth, m_iHeight, 0, 0, Leadwerks.Engine.Leadwerks.GRAPHICS_BACKBUFFER|Leadwerks.Engine.Leadwerks.GRAPHICS_DEPTHBUFFER); // hide the window right away -- HACK!!! int hWnd; Process[] processRunning = Process.GetProcesses(); foreach (Process pr in processRunning) { if (pr.MainWindowTitle == strFakeAppTitle) { hWnd = pr.MainWindowHandle.ToInt32(); ShowWindow(hWnd, 0); } } ////////////////////////// // setup leadwerks path string strAbstractPath = mgr.GetDataString("AbstractPath", Application.StartupPath); Leadwerks.Engine.Leadwerks.RegisterAbstractPath(strAbstractPath); // Create our custom buffer OpenGLControl.MakeCurrent(); // this has to be done before calling leadwerks stuff.. m_World_fake = Leadwerks.Engine.Leadwerks.CreateWorld(); // Create world m_buffer = Leadwerks.Engine.Leadwerks.CreateCustomBuffer(DGetSize, DMakeCurrent); Leadwerks.Engine.Leadwerks.SetBuffer(m_buffer);
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