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  1. Yeah I see but I tried the redraw it didn't work on my side to automatically do it and I want to avoid creating multiple elements just to get a different style, I personally think the style should stay accessible but modify the style system to automatically redraw.
  2. Well so I just tried your solution and it doesn't work better unfortunally but doesn't matter thanks anyway I will just leave this idea
  3. Yeah I see and I think it's a bad thing to make it private, I wanted to make a kind of "Hide sensitive info" checkbox it's a kind of "stream" protection we will say to avoid any leak of important data. But thanks for this solution too
  4. I feel like you will kill me haha but it's a very simple and dumb way: https://i.imgur.com/Ceb08E8.png
  5. Hello, so I seen in UAK the text field styles are not updating automatically we need to modify the text, if there is any other element that has this style update issue take it in count as element for the next update if you plan this one. So I suggest for Ultra Engine to rework the styling system to automatically apply the new styles. It would be better ! Video showing the problem: https://i.imgur.com/mVCFOgP.mp4
  6. That would be nice yeah but then it would be better if you can pass a boolean to set it top most or no, but I personally prefer when splash are top most I don't think it's really important for software form itself. The "Vectronic" topic doesn't exist anymore in your signature !
  7. Final: if (THTtmcb->GetState() == WIDGETSTATE_SELECTED) { SetWindowPos(window->GetHandle(), HWND_TOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE); } else if(THTtmcb->GetState() == WIDGETSTATE_UNSELECTED) { SetWindowPos(window->GetHandle(), HWND_NOTOPMOST, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE); }
  8. Yeah at start I searched for a handle then I was thinking if it would work with UAK but yeah perfect then thanks !
  9. Well the problem is I don't want to bring it to the top with a loop but I want to make it top most until I uncheck the checkbox
  10. Hello, I can't find out how to make my window top most, does anyone know how to make the window top most if a checkbox is selected ? Because the code see if it's selected or no but I can't find any element to make it top most. Regards.
  11. Well I would like to know how because I can't find the option
  12. Perfect ! The final output size doesn't really matter for me as long as it work but yeah probably some users would like it to be optimized as much as possible and the smallest possible but it's not really that simple so it's perfect already
  13. Okay perfect, will Ultra Engine only be for games or will I be able to make a program GUI with it ? Since it will be the only updated I'm interested in it
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