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  1. Alpha Cutoff is not saved in gltf/glb after change
  2. I have the same problem when I make a point light. X = 2 , Y = 10 I'm not sure, but the artifacts disappear for me when I set the min(X) to 0.
  3. Yes, I would like to have my 3D models and textures separated. I would like to create a Props folder with 20 3d models. In the current state it would be totally confusing with the textures because every model has 3 textures. I just want to open the folder and see 3D model over the pictures.
  4. I've now tried to load a model but I think that's absolute horror at the moment. I've already tried out a lot of game engines but the workflow here is still pretty bad at the moment. You don't feel like you have any real freedom as to how you want to manage it yourself, but I just have the feeling that you should do it the way the editor wants. For example. I import an fbx model so far everything is okay. save it in a different folder than glTF and put all the textures in from another large folder with all the textures, now I save the glTF the editor creates 30 textures... in the same folder, but I don't want to have any textures there, only glTF data . Or should I make 1000 folders with 1 glTF file each? If I made 10 glTF files in one folder, all the textures would confuse me and I would no longer have an overview. I think this should all be reconsidered.
  5. I have a lot of unity assets and I made a small program. To convert textures and masks faster. 250 textures in 10 minutes. If you only edit the masks it would take hours. TextureConvert.zip A small window opens in the middle of the screen. just drag and drop textures.
  6. okay i see it. need a plugin ISPCTexComp
  7. Pixmap = Pixmap->Convert(TEXTURE_BC7); not work currect. return Empty
  8. Okay thanks i use this FITextureLoader. But when I load FreeImage I get an error in the console.
  9. I'm not sure if this is a bug. But for some reason the textures are deleted when loading the map.
  10. If you create a camera and use the Go To function under the map tree for the camera, the editor crashes.
  11. All buttons from the right click menu do nothing.
  12. I'll just click Convert to DDS. There are two textures with tif format. Or should this function only be available in the texture window?
  13. These attributes are not saved under Material: Intensity Transparent Alpha mask Two-Side Displacement Offset
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