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  1. WazMeister

    FPS Example

    Looks good! A detailed breakdown tutorial to coincide with this would also be amazing for new comers. How to use default, set it up, how to mod and change things to make custom game / content etc.....
  2. Just found this! Amazing to read and ref the Leadwerks documentation to understand and improve my experience. Wish there was more of this stuff shared. Thanks so much! Will use this and rather than copy and paste, will read line by line, ref the documentation and ensure I understand it all and gain knowledge. GREAT!
  3. Hi, Where can we get this from? Trying to do free look camera and struggling. This might be helpful but links are broken, is there no archive?
  4. If anyone can advise on the camera stuff, that be great?
  5. Ok. Fixed the jump animation. Just by moving the jump control and animate code below the walking etc... assuming order did something. So that working pretty ok!
  6. Hi All, I'm back at using Leadwerks Engine, boy have I missed it. I've been playing around with the 3rdPerson script and so far able to add some changes and functions I desire. For example, the camera free look only works now if right mouse button is held, also animations integrated and speed changed etc. Feel pretty good in doing these small things and breaking / fixing the code. I've come to a bit of a stump though, hoping the trusty Leadwerks community can assist. 1. I want the mouse free look to still be active without holding the right mouse button down, but i dont want it to change the angle / direction of player like the default. I tried adding the same code as default without the right mouse button code, and removing some Angle entity code thinking thats was moving the player.. but i cant get anything to work. Any assistance please? -- Free Look. If Right Mouse Button Held Down. if self.lockcameraangle==false then if window:MouseDown(2) then local mousepos = window:GetMousePosition() window:SetMousePosition(cx,cy) local mx = Math:Clamp(mousepos.x - cx,-45,45) local my = Math:Clamp(mousepos.y - cy,-45,45) if self.smoothedmousemovement~=nil then self.angle = self.angle + mx * self.lookspeed else self.smoothedmousemovement=Vec2(0) end self.smoothedmousemovement.x = Math:Curve(mx,self.smoothedmousemovement.x,self.looksmoothing) self.smoothedmousemovement.y = Math:Curve(my,self.smoothedmousemovement.y,self.looksmoothing) end end Secondly, I don't want the player to strafe, instead to turn instead. Strafing with the walk animation active just does not feel right. I've tried removing strafe code and adding my own self.Entity:Turn but it wont work. Any assistance with that is welcome? Finally, I've add my jump animation and works lovely if i jump once on the spot, soon as I'm moving forward and hitting jump it does not play animation? cant seem to fix it adding in various varible flags etc.... Many Thanks in advanced!
  7. Hi All, Hope everyone is well. Is leadwerks engine and Ultra able to export levels made within to either .x , .obj or .b3d ? Many Thanks
  8. Great, reminds me of painting terrains in Valves Hammer, but on walls / textures. Great stuff Rocks look real, that a texture?
  9. WazMeister

    Trim Painting

    Amazing feature for level making.... Is it free hand or can be linear with drawing datum points of straight lines to get a nice even edge?
  10. WazMeister

    Tessellation and bevels

    Loving all this CSG / Brush / Hammer Style map editing features....... really tips me to invest time and money with Ultra once it develops more.
  11. Looks and reads amazing, not entirely sure what this all means but from what I gather, its a controller to add to the Player entity and options can select the perspective, actions etc? Amazing how you made this, assuming through C++? Is this a Ultra Engine tool for people that are not great at coding etc?
  12. WazMeister

    Sins of a Dragon

    Unbelievable! Just been watching your youtube videos. So great, eventually when Ultra Engine gets video tutorials on how to create this stuff with pre-made models its going to sell out!
  13. Agreed. 3rd Party content is easily accessible via online searches. Sorry if my post came across as that for a primary requirement. It was more of content for educational, literature etc for using and doing that would be beneficial.
  14. Just one more, I don't currently use LeadWerks for various reasons but I did feel the potential and love in it.. I actually miss it! I've jumped on ClickTeam Fusion 2.5 for awhile to play around with and have some fun. Reason I hang around here as I genuinely do have a passion for Ultra (and Leadwerks) that it will get the support and basics for new comers built to a T and I'll jump right back in and buy Ultra. There is definitely a fantastic community and vibe here, would love to see it grow with all different kind of creators. Oh and @AlienHead much love.. the content you shared and advice gave me massive inspiration and was really amazing. I'll never forget that.
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