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Everything posted by MetalOS

  1. Hello everyone, it's a very happy new year 2025 to all. I come to ask you if anyone would have an example of a space scene where we find a starry background with a planet and the management of a small ship or a camera. I don't know how to go about it and I'm looking for an example to learn. Thank you in advance. Something like this:
  2. MetalOS

    Apollo 11

    We see that the developer has worked well
  3. MetalOS

    Apollo 11

    Indeed it's already better but scaling up to 7000 doesn't risk lowering performance?
  4. MetalOS

    Apollo 11

    I'm going to look at these properties. The LEM modeling is finished, I have to texture it now.
  5. MetalOS

    Apollo 11

    To learn how to use Ultra Engine I would like to carry out the project of reconstructing the LEM landing zone of the Apollo 11 mission and to be able to exploit this achievement in virtual reality in order to be able to visit this zone in himersive mode. The first problem I encounter is the terrain height of the Sea of Tranquility or the mission landing. I retrieved and recreated the HeightMap of the area concerned but when I use it in Ultra Engine the heights remain fairly flat. Here is the HeightMap I use. And here is what it gives me in Ultra Engine.
  6. MetalOS


    Josh, how do you create this kind of surface on Ultra Engine. I would like to be able to recreate the Sea of Tranquility and then recreate the landing zone of the Apollo 11 mission in a virtual tour.
  7. Ok thanks Josh. I'm going to look to optimize everything, maybe deactivate certain shadows which are not necessary.
  8. Here are the screenshots of my scene.
  9. I'm using an Nvidia GTX 1660Ti. For the scene I'm at work and I couldn't post a capture at the moment but I will do that once I get home. I created a 512x512 scene with grassy soil, a dozen rocks and around 200 fir trees.
  10. Yes I must be at 10 or 15 fps maximum
  11. Is there a way to fix the world in VR? Because for the moment what I have created is displayed well in my Quest 3 but it is very jerky. For my tests I use the Nature DLC. Maybe objects with fewer polygons?
  12. Hi Josh, sorry I didn't have much time to try but now the 3d world is displayed in my Quest3. When I have time I will try to move the camera with the joysticks to see.
  13. Hi Josh you are a boss. I'll check it out when I get home and let you know. Thanks again.
  14. Sorry Josh but does not understand and I think that I am in Trein to mix my brush. Do you have a simple example to move in a VR world. To understand how it works?
  15. I still have errors on the controllers. Afterwards I'm not sure of my syntax, I'm going a bit blind. -- Initialiser Steam (optionnel) if not Steamworks.Initialize() then return 1 end -- Charger le plugin FreeImage (optionnel) local fiplugin = LoadPlugin("Plugins/FITextureLoader") -- Obtenir les écrans local displays = GetDisplays() -- Créer une fenêtre local window = CreateWindow("Ultra Engine", 0, 0, 1280, 720, displays[1], WINDOW_CENTER | WINDOW_TITLEBAR) -- Créer un framebuffer local framebuffer = CreateFramebuffer(window) -- Créer un monde local world = CreateWorld() -- Récupérer le casque VR (HMD) local hmd = GetHmd(world, true) -- Charger une carte local mapname = "Maps/start.ultra" local cl = CommandLine() if type(cl["map"]) == "string" then mapname = cl["map"] end local scene = LoadMap(world, mapname) -- Initialiser la position et la rotation du joueur local position = Vec3(0, 0, 0) local rotation = Vec3(0, 0, 0) -- Récupérer les contrôleurs gauche et droit depuis la propriété controllers local leftController = hmd.controllers[1] -- Généralement l'index 1 est le contrôleur gauche local rightController = hmd.controllers[2] -- Généralement l'index 2 est le contrôleur droit -- Vitesse de déplacement et de rotation local move_speed = 0.1 local rotation_speed = 2 -- Boucle principale while window:KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false and window:Closed() == false do -- Collecte des déchets collectgarbage() -- Mettre à jour le monde world:Update() Steamworks.Update() -- Vérifier l'entrée du joystick ou pavé tactile du contrôleur gauche pour le déplacement if leftController then local axisLeft = leftController:GetAxis(0) -- Récupérer l'axe du joystick/pavé tactile (axis 0) position.x = position.x + axisLeft.x * move_speed position.z = position.z + axisLeft.y * move_speed end -- Vérifier l'entrée du joystick ou pavé tactile du contrôleur droit pour la rotation if rightController then local axisRight = rightController:GetAxis(0) -- Récupérer l'axe du joystick/pavé tactile (axis 0) rotation.y = rotation.y + axisRight.x * rotation_speed end -- Appliquer la position et la rotation au joueur hmd:SetOffset(position, rotation) -- Rendre le monde dans le framebuffer world:Render(framebuffer) end -- Arrêter Steamworks Steamworks.Shutdown()
  16. Thanks for the clarification Josh. I'll watch this after work
  17. Tank's Dreikblack, I'm new to programming and I tried to mix the different codes I found on Lua to use the controllers on my headset. I will use your feedback to try to improve this.
  18. Hello everyone. I told you I would ask a lot of questions... Now that I have roughly understood how Ultra Engine and VR work, I am looking to move around in the 3D world that I have created. As at the moment I don't know anything about Lua and I'm in the process of learning it, I searched in the Ultra Engine documentation and on various websites that deal with Lua and VR but I'm stuck on my code. If someone would be kind enough to look at my code and tell me what's wrong it would help me make progress. Thanks in advance. -- Initialize Steam (optional) if not Steamworks.Initialize() then return 1 end -- Load FreeImage plugin (optional) local fiplugin = LoadPlugin("Plugins/FITextureLoader") -- Get the displays local displays = GetDisplays() -- Create a window local window = CreateWindow("Ultra Engine", 0, 0, 1280, 720, displays[1], WINDOW_CENTER | WINDOW_TITLEBAR) -- Create a framebuffer local framebuffer = CreateFramebuffer(window) -- Create a world local world = CreateWorld() -- Get the VR headset (HMD) local hmd = GetHmd(world, true) -- Load a map local mapname = "Maps/start.ultra" local cl = CommandLine() if type(cl["map"]) == "string" then mapname = cl["map"] end local scene = LoadMap(world, mapname) -- Initialize player's position and rotation offsets local player_x_offset = 0 local player_y_offset = 0 local player_z_offset = 0 local player_yaw_offset = 0 -- Movement and rotation speed local move_speed = 0.1 local rotation_speed = 2 -- Main loop while window:KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false and window:Closed() == false do -- Garbage collection step collectgarbage() -- Update the world world:Update() Steamworks.Update() -- Check input from the VR controllers if hmd:ButtonDown(VR_LEFT_TOUCHPAD) then -- Get the forward direction from the left controller local forward = hmd:GetControllerDirection(LEFT_HAND) player_x_offset = player_x_offset + forward.x * move_speed player_z_offset = player_z_offset + forward.z * move_speed end if hmd:ButtonDown(VR_RIGHT_TOUCHPAD) then -- Get the yaw (horizontal rotation) from the right controller local yaw_rotation = hmd:GetControllerRotation(LEFT_HAND).y player_yaw_offset = player_yaw_offset + yaw_rotation * rotation_speed end -- Apply the offset to the player using SetOffset hmd:SetOffset(player_x_offset, player_y_offset, player_z_offset) hmd:SetRotation(0, player_yaw_offset, 0) -- Render the world to the framebuffer world:Render(framebuffer) end -- Shutdown Steamworks Steamworks.Shutdown()
  19. here is a video of the problem https://youtu.be/AtFzL3ALPi8
  20. Hello Josh. I'm experiencing an editor crash when I uncover a plot. If I stay clicking the mouse for too long to increase the height of the terrain the editor crashes with an error message.
  21. MetalOS

    Problem VR

    OK, I understand. I hadn't seen that in the options of a camera I found the VRPlayer components. Thanks guys.
  22. MetalOS

    Problem VR

    In the Ultra Engine documentation I can't find a VRplayer. Is this a Lua command?
  23. MetalOS

    Problem VR

    Sorry, I'm a beginner in programming. I don't think I'll use it. I added this command local hmd = GetHmd(world) thinking that it activated VR mode at the camera level.
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