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Everything posted by MetalOS

  1. MetalOS

    Problem VR

    Good morning, I'm trying to use the VR function with my Quest3 but when I launch my project I only have a black screen in the headset. Here is my code. Thank you in advance for your help. --Initialze Steam (optional) --if not Steamworks.Initialize() then return 1 end --Load FreeImage plugin (optional) local fiplugin = LoadPlugin("Plugins/FITextureLoader") --Get the displays local displays = GetDisplays() --Create a window local window = CreateWindow("Test VR", 0, 0, 1080, 768, displays[1], WINDOW_CENTER | WINDOW_TITLEBAR) --Create a framebuffer local framebuffer = CreateFramebuffer(window) --Create a world local world = CreateWorld() --Get the VR headset local hmd = GetHmd(world) --Load a map local mapname = "Maps/start.ultra" local cl = CommandLine() if type(cl["map"]) == "string" then mapname = cl["map"] end local scene = LoadMap(world, mapname) while window:KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE) == false and window:Closed() == false do --Garbage collection step collectgarbage() --Update the world world:Update() Steamworks.Update() --Render the world to the framebuffer world:Render(framebuffer) end Steamworks.Shutdown()
  2. Hello Klepto2, I tried your script to generate an ocean alone, nothing is displayed for me and I do not encounter any errors. Do I need to activate an additional option to activate the water?
  3. Good news, I changed laptops and I now use a GTX1660TI. And Ultra Engine works great now. I will finally be able to bombard you with questions and start my VR project. I hope you have some free time ahead of you Josh
  4. Thank you for the quick reply. I'll see what I'm going to do and come back later to see the progress of ultra engine.
  5. Hello, just to know if Intel GPU support will be supported in future releases. This is to know if on my laptop I should wait or turn to solutions like Untiy or Enreal Engine for my project. Thanks in advance.
  6. I would love to see the old one. But an island with the EU rendering must be something.
  7. Cool, I can't wait to see that.
  8. Hello, will there be DLC in the future (objects, entire room, world examples, etc.) for Ultra Engine for those like me who don't know 3D ?
  9. I just tried again and by only changing antialias from 2X to 4X it works. If I put it back to 2X it completely crashes the editor
  10. It seems that the problem is solved by changing Antialis to X4 and activating Tessellation to Low. The perspective view becomes visible and the editor loads the project without crashing. See the capture below.
  11. Sorry I pressed by mistake my problem is not solved.
  12. When the editor starts I have the "Perspective" view which remains black and when loading the project generated by Ultra Engine (the project with the robot), the editor crashes completely. I just updated the Nvidia drivers as well as all the laptop drivers.
  13. I'm not with my computer, but I activated the beta versions on Steam and I downloaded the latest version offered.
  14. This is the blank project generated by Ultra Engine. The first 3D window remains black when the editor loads, maybe it's a rendering problem?
  15. Hi Josh, I replaced my laptop which ran on an integrated Intel UHD GPU with another model which runs with an i7 processor and a GTX960M. The Ultra Engine editor launches fine but when loading the project file, it crashes completely but without an error message. Is there any special handling to do?
  16. Cool examples, they can be useful when you're starting out like me. THANKS.
  17. Hi Josh did you manage to get any news from Intel?
  18. Sorry I thought 0.9.5 was on the stable branch.
  19. In your screenshots I see that you are using version 0.9.4 of Ultra Engine. have you tried with version 0.9.5 to see if the problem persists?
  20. It would be great if he fixed that. In any case, it's nice to see someone like you so involved in your project. Your update and maintenance frequency is incredible.
  21. It was just to find out out of curiosity what was causing Ultra Engine to crash as my laptop uses an Intel UHD GPU.
  22. Hello, Ultra engine and is it equipped with a log file to see what crashed in its execution?
  23. No worries Josh, I have a desktop PC that allows me to work on Ultra Engine. I hope one day it will be compatible. THANKS.
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