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Everything posted by MetalOS

  1. Hello, I have just installed UltraEngine on my laptop with the vulkan sdk and the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable. When I launch UltraEngine I can create a new project but once I double-click on this new project to launch it in the editor the software completely cuts out and nothing happens.
  2. I bought Leadwerks on Steam 2 months ago which I haven't used much due to lack of time, and as I saw the early access of UltraEngine and saw the performances announced, well I decided to take the UltraEngine pro license. I tell myself that the first purchase (Leadwerks) will be used to buy Josh a good beer :-D. In any case I can't wait to go home and try UltraEngine for VR. PS: Sorry for my English I use google translate.
  3. Apparently I had a problem with Firefox which seems to have been resolved. Thank you for your feedback.
  4. It works well on the Ultra Engine documentation but not on this one. https://www.leadwerks.com/learn?page=
  5. I use Firefox, I tried on Edge too but it doesn't work. I don't really like Chrome, I find it very cumbersome as a browser.
  6. When I try to translate the documentation with Google translate it doesn't work.
  7. Hello, sorry for my late response. Indeed this version will be quite sufficient for me. On the other hand, is it possible for the developer to add a means of translation for the doc to make it easier to learn Leadwerks.
  8. If I had known that Ultra would be released soon I would not have bought Leadwerks pro on steam a month ago. Too bad for me.
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