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Everything posted by Andy90

  1. There is a problemm with the new material "Backface Lightning" option. You can see the diffrence between the game and the editor
  2. 6 downloads

    Simple kit to create vents for buildings. Its also possible to enter this vents with your player model.
  3. Andy90


    Version 1.0.0


    This small component makes it possible to play and stop animations for models. Various settings are available: AutoPlay: Actually self-explanatory. If this option is activated, the animation is played directly at startup. Loop: If activated, the animation is played in a loop. Name: The name of the animation. Speed: The speed of the animation. Bleed (255): Animation bleeding. In addition, there are two inputs for the Nodegraph: "PlayAnimation" and "StopAnimation". These functions can also be called via C++.
  4. According to the discord talk here the bug report. If you take the model i sended you last time and drag it into the scene you can see some "circle" appearing within the windos. It also happens in the scene editor. Within the model viewer everything works fine.
  5. You just need to let the edior open while you do something else. But dont minimize it. Just switch the tab in windows.
  6. hmm this should not be the problem then. Are the trees also mesh layer ?
  7. whats your camera range ?
  8. i was thinking maybe its happening when you run your game in fullscreen. I test it right now with a bordered window.
  9. For some reason, the editor freezes if there is no activity for a certain amount of time.
  10. Hello, the issue occurs when the first player collider becomes stuck while moving over edges of models with a mesh collider. This problem is evident in the video. As depicted, you have to jump or wiggle in order to pass these small edges, which isn't particularly enjoyable for the player. https://streamable.com/l89yw5 How to reproduce: To reproduce the error, you can add a mesh collider to the office model I sent you yesterday and then place it in a scene. The best scaling is 0.6, 0.6, 0.6. Afterward, try running it with a first-person controller.
  11. After the latest buil i realized that the editor is crashin when i try to drop an new model into an existing scene. https://streamable.com/jjpu0k
  12. For some reasons the terrain elevation returns allways 0. Im not sure if its a bug or if i did something wrong. void LootSpawner::SpawnLoot(shared_ptr<Terrain> terrain, shared_ptr<Map> scene, std::weak_ptr<Entity> player) { auto entity = GetEntity(); CreateDebugSpehere(entity->GetWorld(), scene, entity->position, Vec4(1.00, 0.07, 0.07, 1.0)); if (!prefabList.empty()) { for (int i = 0; i < this->itemCount; i++) { float degress = 360 / this->itemCount * i; auto radians = Radians(degress); auto distance = Random(diameterMin, diameterMax); auto sin = Sin(degress); auto cos = Cos(degress); float x = entity->GetPosition(true).x + distance * cos; float z = entity->GetPosition(true).z + distance * sin; float y = terrain->GetElevation(x, z); Print("Terrain height " + String(y)); int prefabIndex = Random(0, prefabList.size()); auto prefabName = prefabList[prefabIndex]; auto prefab = LoadPrefab(entity->GetWorld(), prefabName); prefab->SetPosition(x, y, z); auto lootCrate = prefab->GetComponent<LootCrate>(); lootCrate->SetPlayer(player); scene->AddEntity(prefab); CreateDebugSpehere(entity->GetWorld(), scene, Vec3(x, y, z)); } } this->spawned = true; } void LootSpawner::CreateDebugSpehere(shared_ptr<World> world, shared_ptr<Map> scene, Vec3 location, Vec4 color) { if (debug) { auto sourceSphere = CreateSphere(world); sourceSphere->SetColor(color); sourceSphere->SetPosition(location); scene->AddEntity(sourceSphere); } } bool LootSpawner::Load(table& properties, shared_ptr<Stream> binstream, shared_ptr<Map> scene, const LoadFlags flags) { itemCount = properties["itemCount"]; prefabs = properties["prefabs"]; diameterMin = properties["diameterMin"]; diameterMax = properties["diameterMax"]; auto player = scene->GetEntity(properties["player"]); prefabList = prefabs.Split(";"); for (auto entity : scene->entities) { if (entity->As<Terrain>()) { SpawnLoot(entity->As<Terrain>(), scene, player); } } return true; }
  13. i think it can be related to this bug
  14. For some reasons the model prefabs get culled wrong. https://streamable.com/u6a83p Create an Prefab with an Model and place it into the scene.
  15. Oh here is it: the gltf got 3 materials here are 6 but seems it list the material for each mesh. So it might be right.
  16. maybe you can set the gravity to the center of each qube.
  17. I dont think so. I test it also with an new project. https://streamable.com/woxl8d you need to keep runing or waling to the wall and press jump.
  18. An RTX 3060. Its kinda wired i test it in a new project without an issue. But in my game project it still occuring. Even with an empty map https://streamable.com/l5f7uw Seems its related to this line of code camera->SetRange(0.001, 1000.0); if i use this, the flickering is there. If i comment it out the flickering is starting you can see it in the video below https://streamable.com/aehnbd
  19. I figured out that the colliders get lost when you load the map within the editor. So you create an collider drop the model in the scene everything is fine. When you load the map next time with the editor the colliders are lost again. You can watch the video to see what i mean. https://streamable.com/aw8ek5
  20. Sometimes the colliders for the new mdl format dont load in the game.
  21. For some reasons the transparent order for the models its wrong Also the alpha mask is onlny showing within the editor. In the game itself the alpha cutoff dont work
  22. i testet it with the old shaders and it result in the same problem. The flickering is more intensive if the distance from the model to the center position (0,0,0) is higher.
  23. Some textures are flickering. https://streamable.com/bezza2
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