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  1. yeah this i guessed, but how does it work in the editor?
  2. Hello, i've seen the video Josh made a while back showing off the new CSG editor coming to ultra engine, but one question i had is in regards to how the editor does curved areas, like corridors and pipes that curve around things and whatnot. I know trenchbroom has a mode that allows you to work within a specific axis but i don't know if Ultra has anything like that. Are there plans to add more prefabs in the future? Maybe something like valve's weird tileset editor or something.
  3. Actually, one question i wanted to ask was in regards to the visual flowgraph editor. Is it still around? haven't seen you talk about it much.
  4. It looks amazing from what i've seen so far, i do wonder how the engine does things like skyboxes and whatnot (i'm guessing you don't need to seal the whole map like in source) but i think my biggest concern is mostly wondering what i'll be able to pull off with my current programming ability, since even though i have some "experience" with Languages like Python/C i'm not that great at it, and i don't really enjoy programming especially when it feels like a chore i have to get through. But we'll see i guess.
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