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  1. I'd like to propose 2 things: 1. I see the 4 numbered icons as "what am I selecting?" (object, vertex, face, terrain) and 3 "manipulators". I propose the numbered ones be moved together, followed by (spacer?) the 3 manipulators. 2. I'd really like hotkeys for these, 1-4 would be ok for the selectors. but i don't know about the 3 manipulators? some software use g, s, r but i like being able to use wasd for movement. so what do you all think?
  2. I've had this happen aswell, happens sometimes when i've been at another app for a while, can't make it consistently happen tho. I'm on Win11 which might be a factor. there was an update this week and i might have seen it happen in another app, tho im not sure.
  3. resize any viewport, you get redraw "artifacts" until you release the mouse. reminds me of windows xp
  4. haven't done much, just wanted to report that it appears to work (it loads the models and looks like your screenshots)
  5. I voted first person, would really love if it worked in vr (even just aiming, nothing fancy)
  6. hmm, my main issue is i don't like the flowgraph floating window if I still need to use the main window behind it. So I guess my vote is for the viewport view. If you make the flowgraph into a view, change the background grid to a different shade/color, to make it easy to identify that you aren't clicking on the map.
  7. Could we add the ability to switch one of the 4 viewports to the flowgraph editor?
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