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Everything posted by L B

  1. L B

    Internet Explorer 9

    I found it slow on startup and slow on new-tab. The tab bar was overly large, the tabs lacked integration (looked squary, out of place, 2D). Actually, everything looked flat. I've had render errors on the first 3 pages I opened. I'm back to Chrome in less than 10 seconds.
  2. L B

    OO Font

    In LE3, I'd like to see some Object-Oriented font working, instead of always only current. Example: DrawText(string text, Font font, int x, int y); I've found it particularly needed when making an interface with multiple components. I did try to make an OO hack around it with our headers, but it's incredibly slow. (Or even better, with a Vector4 color parameter.)
  3. Projects that require multiple artists and organization normally don't last 30 days.
  4. I have solved the CallbackOnCollectedDelegate problem. Simply, have a reference to the delegate that is alive as long as you need it. Therefore, instead of using: e.Callback(new EntityCollisionCallback(...)); Use: EntityCollisionCallback c = new EntityCollisionCallback(...); e.Callback(c); Then, simply make sure "c" stays alive (is referenced, i.e. accessible in any way) as long as you intend the callback to run.
  5. L B

    Picking Up St(r)eam...

    Glad to learn about the animated texture features. With transparency and lighting layers, I can only see rivers and waterfalls.
  6. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3691873/defining-a-delegate-as-a-function-pointer
  7. I am currently having the same problem. I don't know how to keep a reference to the Core.EntityCollisionCallback delegate and Tyler is not on (he's the delegate specialist between us). I'm trying to find out how at the moment. Will post here if I find something.
  8. I actually found the problem. It's in the documentation. Apparently, 2 is for the Z axis, not the Y one. I found out using 0 works perfectly, although it isn't even a documented axis. Bug report here Josh?
  9. If b.Position.Y is higher than a.Position.Y, the orientation of a becomes the opposite (±180) from what it is supposed to be pointing. What am I doing wrong? Is this normal behaviour?
  10. L B

    LE3 file system

    Love this new system, only got 1 question: is it relative to the executable path or absolute? i.e. C:\x\y\z.gmf or (considering your executable is in C:\x), y\z.gmf
  11. @E2: Use the shift (faster) and control (slower) modifiers. +1 for normal placement though.
  12. I personally never touched a .phy file. If you load a model that doesn't have one, it will be created at runtime.
  13. As I see it then, there is no use for CSG as an outdoor scene designer?
  14. As these are 3 development phases, I assume it is only logical to develop the software before releasing it.
  15. L B


    Try testing with smaller textures? What is the size of the textures you try to convert?
  16. Models have attached physics bodies, don't they? And pick returns mesh, therefore I guess Model is the parent of Mesh.
  17. Ahh, there we go. Thanks. Is there a way to get the mesh from the model?
  18. I'm trying the following code. When I middle-click, it creates a warrior at pick position and assigns its "canSelect" key to "true". When I click, it checks the "canSelect" entity of the key to know if it is selectable. However, that key checking always returns the default value (a.k.a. empty string), as if the model didn't keep its keys through the raycast. Note: It's C#, but the syntax is very readable, so I assume you can all read it. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Aerora.Logic; using Leadwerks; namespace Aerora { static class Client { public static bool Run = true; private static Entity selected; private static Entity Selected { get { return selected; } set { if (Selected != null) { Selected.Color = Color.White; } selected = value; Selected.Color = Color.Red; } } public static void Main(string[] args) { Engine.Initialize(DisplayMode.Window); Framework.Initialize(); Filtering.Optimize(); FileSystem.Initialize(@"C:\Program Files\Aerora"); Framework.Effects.Bloom.Enabled = true; Framework.Effects.VolumetricLighting.Enabled = true; Framework.StatisticMode = StatisticMode.FrameRate; Scene scene = new Scene("abstract::Dust Valley.sbx", Framework.Camera); Explorer explorer = new Explorer(Framework.Camera); Random r = new Random(); List<Model> warriors = new List<Model>(); while (Client.Run && !Window.HasRequestedClose) { explorer.Update(); Pick pick = new Pick(Framework.Camera, Mouse.X, Mouse.Y, 5000); if (Mouse.ButtonHit(MouseButton.Middle)) { Model warrior = new Model("abstract::warrior_character_skin.gmf") { Position = pick.Position, ViewRange = ViewRange.Infinite, Scale = 0.3f, Rotation = new Vector3(0, r.Next(), 0) }; warrior.Keys["canSelect"] = "true"; //pick.Entity.Keys["canSelect"] == "true"; // Returns true. warriors.Add(warrior); } else if (Mouse.ButtonHit(MouseButton.Left)) { if (pick.Entity.Keys["canSelect"] == "true") // Returns false. { Selected = pick.Entity; } } foreach (Model warrior in warriors) { warrior.Animate(Timing.Time / 20); } Timing.Update(); Framework.Update(); Framework.Render(); Graphics.Flip(); } Framework.Terminate(); Engine.Terminate(); } } }
  19. I have this at home, only I doubt it reflects the BlitzMax engine.dll.
  20. L B


    Can you do more testing on the texture conversion? Mine works really fine here.
  21. Seems to be coming from Tyler's custom DLL, but I can't verify as he's never on. Works fine with the old ones.
  22. This is basically solved with the UNIQUE flag in LE3.
  23. Here's the inner header code for initializing framework: Framework.Pointer = Core.CreateFramework(); Framework.CheckPointerDll(); Framework.StatisticMode = StatisticMode.None; //Global.Objects["fw"] = Framework.Pointer; I had this commented out, because it didn't make any change. IntPtr lua = Core.GetLuaState(); Core.lua_pushobject(lua, Framework.Pointer); Core.lua_setglobal(lua, "fw"); Core.lua_pop(lua, 1); Oh yeah, the global goes as follows: public class GlobalPointers { internal GlobalPointers() { } public IntPtr this[string key] { get { return Core.GetGlobalObject(key); } set { Core.SetGlobalObject(key, value); // There. } } }
  24. I'd like 4 view ports too. I don't see why it would be hard to code. Set the mouse/keyboard input to the viewport last focused (clicked). Have all other viewports just be a camera. When you get in a viewport, you can move the camera with the WASD as usual. But agreed, it's far from being *that* important. Probably more of a gizmo than anything else.
  25. I'm getting the following error in my log: Loading model "c:/program files/aerora/environment/waterplane/environment_waterplane.gmf"... Loading mesh "c:/program files/aerora/environment/waterplane/environment_waterplane.gmf"... Loading script "c:/program files/aerora/environment/waterplane/environment_waterplane.lua"... Creating class environment_waterplane Warning: Failed to save body "c:/program files/aerora/environment/waterplane/environment_waterplane.phy". Lua error: [string "c:/program files/aerora/environment/waterpl..."]:34: C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/lugi.mod/core.mod/lgcore.cpp:891@lugi_index_object: Index for object is not a valid field or method. Lua error: [string "c:/program files/aerora/environment/waterpl..."]:34: C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/lugi.mod/core.mod/lgcore.cpp:891@lugi_index_object: Index for object is not a valid field or method. Lua error: [string "c:/program files/aerora/environment/waterpl..."]:34: C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/lugi.mod/core.mod/lgcore.cpp:891@lugi_index_object: Index for object is not a valid field or method. Loading model "c:/program files/aerora/environment/atmosphere/environment_atmosphere.gmf"... Loading mesh "c:/program files/aerora/environment/atmosphere/environment_atmosphere.gmf"... Loading script "c:/program files/aerora/environment/atmosphere/environment_atmosphere.lua"... Creating class environment_atmosphere Lua error: [string "c:/program files/aerora/environment/atmosph..."]:69: C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/lugi.mod/core.mod/lgcore.cpp:891@lugi_index_object: Index for object is not a valid field or method. Lua error: [string "c:/program files/aerora/environment/atmosph..."]:69: C:/Program Files/BlitzMax/mod/lugi.mod/core.mod/lgcore.cpp:891@lugi_index_object: Index for object is not a valid field or method. Any idea at all? I'm lost at the moment.
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