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Everything posted by L B

  1. The reason why there is no downloadable version is that I'm not used yet to key/time restricting applications, and I need the benefits from Middlewerks to fund my game. I'll try to see if I can whip something downloadable for you guys. Meanwhile, you can be sure I won't drop it, because I want to use it myself.
  2. Heh, turns out headers will exist. Although I might still wrap it.
  3. So am I. I spend all my free time developing it, although it's long and I don't get much positive feedback, or constructive criticism/ideas for that matter. Feel free to add me on MSN if you want more frequent updates.
  4. I hate the in-parenthesis spaces coding style. Some people find it clean, it just gives me shivers. Besides, wait until you create a GDK window - it's about 3 times that amount of code.
  5. @Tyler: Let's fix these callbacks and delegates tonight.
  6. Why don't you pass 3 floats and make the shader create a Vec3 from it?
  7. L B

    River Editor

    Is it for sale?
  8. Get used to it, no one likes to wait on Werkspace. Besides, as he said, the license is forever "valid", meaning you will have the permanent right to use the engine. As the EULA states however, the warranty period lasts 30 days, in which you will be able to obtain a refund in case of a software defect, but not if you actually "don't need it anymore". This warranty is only valid in the U.S. That said, one thing has to be mentioned: I don't think anyone ever used the refund. Heck, I think most people would rather upgrade their computer to run the engine instead. Have fun with the engine and welcome to the community
  9. L B

    Emitters in c#?

    emitter.World = Framework.Layers.Transparency.World; That will only work in C# though. Don't expect it in another language.
  10. L B

    Emitters in c#?

    emitter.Material = Material.Load("abstract::leaf.mat");
  11. L B

    Week 3

    Client prediction is a must, although I don't know if it's up to the engine to handle it. I would surely like it though.
  12. You could simply change the "Material" property of the emitter, in the editor. Replace it with an alpha-test leaf material with your texture on it. Voilà.
  13. I would say: Draw a loading image (texture w/e) all over the screen oldScene.Free() Scene.Load(...) Stop displaying picture Anyway, LoadScene should freeze the app.
  14. L B

    .NET Headers 2.0

    @Mesh.Scale suggestion: both Tyler and I found that more confusing than our way. Just use the Mesh editing mode, it's quite easy.
  15. L B

    Programming Poll

    With the new C# headers, I hope people will start using C#. Next time I get a hold of Josh I'll try to have them officially integrated.
  16. I hate Java as well, I think the syntax is sketchy and inferior to that of C#. But I do need to get used to the "Java-mindset", i.e. the libraries and syntax changes, even if they're minor.
  17. Try MeshBox from the previous forum. Not batch though.
  18. I've started school in Java and it could be a fun project to do to learn. Does anybody need/want that? Yes, for development Yes, for the theoretical aspect Yes, in the ideology that LE has all common languages No, not at all
  19. L B

    .NET Headers 2.0

    Object scaling (as seven mentioned, it didn't work on meshes as entities): Fixed. Give me some time to upload the next revision. Done. Mesh scaling: use the following snippet: using (Mesh.Editing) { example.Scale = new Vector3(5, 9, 1); } Use the same for "Translate" and "Rotate". GetPreferredMaterialName: Far from being a critical command, I asked Tyler to add it to our DLL for Middlewerks. It should be there when I get to talk to Tyler again. Why can't you access the surface object? This should do for most uses: example.Surfaces[0].Material.Path Retrieving global and local vectors? Specify please. Color cast: This is normal. Try the following code to test by yourself: Color test = new float[] { 0.5f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f }; Debug.Alert(test.ToString()); float[] casted = (float[])test; Debug.Alert(string.Format("{0}f, {1}f, {2}f, {3}f", casted[0], casted[1], casted[2], casted[3])); This is because the internal constructor uses floats. Please do not assume it's wrong then, you shouldn't be messing with a reflector and looking into our methods anyway
  20. L B

    .NET Headers 2.0

    @Rick: Please don't be aggressive on language comparison, as it isn't our intention to compete: we're simply proud of the time we invested in the wrapper that, to us, paid off. Dynamic Vectors Indeed, all languages can provide the given functionality - however, as far as it goes now, only C# implements it. This means you *can* do it in C/C++, but you'll have to make the headers yourself. And believe me, it's a tedious task. Also, we do not use reflection (hard to maintain), but delegates. The line that was posted was this: cube.Position.X += sphere.Rotation.Y; The simplest and natural translation to C/C++ would therefore be: EntityPosition(cube).X += EntityRotation(sphere).Y; However, trying that, you will realize that it has no effect. This is because the Vector3 returned by EntityPosition isn't dynamic, and therefore, changes applied to it do not apply engine commands. You will merely store a variable and increment it, but not set its value back. Simplified Casts Of course, you'll still be able to increment the cube's X position in a longer manner. But version 2 was all about usability. For instance, you can declare a whole vector by a float or integer, due to an extensive set of operators and casts we created. Example: sun.Rotation = 45; This will set the sun's rotation to 45 degrees in all directions. Advanced Accessors What do we mean by "advanced accessors"? Have a look at this page: Unified Get/Set accessors. Our custom engine DLL and headers fully implement them, giving you much more flexibility and control. @klepto2: Sorry for the vertex stuff, many things are bugged in this sector. We'll look into it very soon.
  21. L B

    .NET Headers 2.0

    cube.Position.X += sphere.Rotation.Y; Framework.Effects.Bloom.Enabled = !Framework.Effects.Bloom.Enabled; Many getters are only available in C#, such as Framework effects. Here's the equivalent of the first line in C. Notice how longer it is. PositionEntity(cube, EntityPosition(cube).X + EntityRotation(sphere).Y, EntityPosition(cube).Y, EntityPosition(cube).Z); You simply can't do the first line in another language.
  22. L B

    Emitters in c#?

    Good, but feel free to use the latest version of the headers, with the following parameters: Emitter fire = new Emitter(velocity: new[3] { 0, 5, 0 }); It's less than a quarter of the previous code in terms of characters.
  23. L B

    Emitters in c#?

    You are using outdated headers. "SetRadii" doesn't exist anymore in version 2, and is replaced by the "Radii" member with dynamic get and set accessors. Has anybody noticed this link? http://www.middlewerks.com/headers/ I posted it many times with barely no comment, which is surprising since people had been waiting on it for over 2 months. Now onto the fix: Vector comparison didn't support null checks, which is now fixed. I'm uploading the new revision. Should be on in 5 minutes at most.
  24. L B

    32-bit .NET DLL

    Details at middlewerks.com/headers
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