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Everything posted by L B

  1. The long awaited v2.0 is out! Visit www.middlewerks.com/headers to download them and get access to a growing list of in depth tutorial. Please report bugs here. Thanks! Note to header developers: SVN access will be granted after bug reports and initial fixes have been completed.
  2. File Name: Custom Engine.dll for .NET File Submitter: Lazlo File Submitted: 23 Aug 2010 File Category: Tools and Utilities Required for advanced accessors. Click here to download this file
  3. L B

    32-bit .NET DLL

    File Name: 32-bit .NET DLL File Submitter: Lazlo File Submitted: 23 Aug 2010 File Updated: 06 Sep 2010 File Category: Tools and Utilities 32-bit DLL for .NET. Tutorials and information Click here to download this file
  4. L B

    Week 2

    I was going to quote all the sentences accompanied with a +1, but in the end, it's shorter to say: -Good inheritance design -Thanks for the roadmap -Great news for the DLL/C# -Yay for the streaming terrain. Therefore, +>9000 Percfect.
  5. Part of why I hate C/C++. Getting your libraries and headers straight is a pain that should be done automatically by the computer.
  6. L B


    I'm not completely satisfied. This sounds like C# users will be stuck at 2.3, which is a bad move, both in terms of selling points and usability.
  7. +1. Although I expected that answer from Lumooja. Slightly deceived here
  8. L B

    Engine static lib

    .lib And @Lumooja: Static linking the Leadwerks library would mean restricting access to pirates. I see no negative aspect into that, especially if you only statically link code and not media files.
  9. L B


    I cannot statically lib anything in C#, it would have to be exposed through a DLL. Will that still be possible? Also, I assumed LE3 to be OO as you mentioned - therefore, the command set couldn't really stay the same.
  10. L B


    I'm curious as to how or why you generate a header file, especially with a parsed string's name. Other than that, I hope it can save you time, but I also hope the source license will be available in C++.
  11. L B


    Lots of talk and negative comments here. My only question: Will the API stay as usable? My second only question (whoops): Will I still be able to wrap a DLL to C#?
  12. Hi Andrew, First, I hate you for making me lose the game. Second, your display picture is great. Third, there is no official support for networking, but all games are feasible with Leadwerks.
  13. L B

    Day 1

    No really. Are you?
  14. L B

    C# on the Wiki

    No trouble at all Sorry for the header delays, Tyler is incredibly busy recently and some tasks require him to work on the headers.
  15. +1 for both suggestions. As of your concerns, they can be solved by getting the source code, which is a separate, more expensive license. The main Leadwerks developer is currently unavailable, but he will surely address your concerns when he gets back.
  16. L B

    C# on the Wiki

    Josh didn't make these tutorials, I did. When the C# headers will be fully ready, they will have a complete tutorial list accompanying them.
  17. L B

    RakNet .NET

    Send a string (with a byte prefix of its length) of the method namespace and name, that should do it. Server.Invoke("MyNameSpace.StaticClass.Foo"); Or, for parameters, make it a "params object[] parameters", get the type of the object, send the length of the array, etc. etc. Could all be relatively easily done, but I highly discourage it. If someone does any packet editing, he will be able to call any private function on the server.
  18. L B

    RakNet .NET

    For an action game, UDP is required. However, in the event of making a RPG, TCP suffices. I agree that an additional layer is useful for UDP though.
  19. L B

    RakNet .NET

    Why don't you use System.Net(.Sockets)?
  20. +1. It doesn't have to be granted, but it does have to be addressed.
  21. General rules: -Main character: up to 15-20K -Side characters: up to 8-12K -Noticeable props: up to 4-6K -Vegetation (trees): up to 4-6K -Small props: up to 1K -Buildings: Extremely variable Please note the "up to". In this case, less is more, considering you can model it right.
  22. I have the same problem with my Three Bridge scene, asked Josh and he had no clue. Guess I'll have to say bye-bye to that one unless I find a fix. Now, even the models don't appear in the scene. Seems like something messed up with Lua.
  23. Will download this for sure. Thanks for sharing.
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