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Everything posted by L B

  1. +1 for Before/After shots.
  2. I will test looking through the SBX file (as text) to see if the parameters are set correctly soon. As the lighting of these scenes is extremely important, I can't afford to lose the settings.
  3. Lumooja, don't you have source access?
  4. Many thanks to the 2 persons who donated right after this post, it wasn't meant as a plead but I really appreciate it. Edit: 3 persons
  5. Scene 1 (directional light shadows gone, but point light shadows work) Scene 2 (all working) The more I think about it, it has to be a problem with the SBX file, since all other variables are constant. Any wild guess is appreciated
  6. You had me there, I indeed hadn't. I updated the Lights and Environment folders now, and can indeed see the option. But I still have my problem.
  7. This sentence from the Particle Shadows tutorial made me wonder if I had my files right: "The last step to make this work is enabling colored shadows on the directional light. Select the directional light and open the properties editor. In the light properties you will find a checkbox to enable colored shadows. Set this to True and press Apply." I do not have a "Enable Colored Shadows" checkbox, only a Range option (which is new, as far as I know?). Is it me who is outdated (I just updated 5 seconds ago from LESDK.exe), or is it the files for this tutorial that are not ready yet?
  8. Since I can't isolate the problem, does that imply posting my 740MiB of data, unencrypted and not ready for distribution? Isn't there a simpler way?
  9. I copied the shaders.pak from a clean installation of LE2.4. Also, since I see shadows in scene 2 but not in scene 1, with the same code and dependencies (exe at same location, same abstract path), I doubt it's a shaders problem.
  10. 2.40. I could send you the SBX personally, but not publicly on these forums.
  11. Ah, as in "Buy it now and get a rebate", not a 1-month paid-trial. That might be good. This technology is important for my fantasy style game, but I am out of budget. Over 2000$ have been spent on this project, out of my 17-year-old pocket. Although I strive to maintain quality, I will have to stop spending so much. Many comments on Aerora.com said they would donate, but never did. (Except ZioRed, who donated $5. Thanks, it has been my only income for the last year and a half). I know I should adopt a financing model, but it isn't feasible legally at 17. Next year for sure.
  12. @pureLIGHT: Ah. I won't pay 500$ for it.
  13. Of course I can, I think it is simply bothersome for a new user to wonder why water is the only framework effect that doesn't work in-game, simply because he hasn't copied the texture folder. I can use my own workarounds for many feature requests, although it is of more benefit for the community if it gets implemented by default.
  14. I'm posting this in General Discussion as this has nothing to do with programming. My #1 scene, Three Bridge (the one in every Aerora screenshot), decided to stop rendering shadows from the directional light in 2.32. It renders them in-editor, but not in-application. This at first would seem I have done something wrong in my coding - however, another scene, loaded the same way, has shadows on its directional light. I made all the directional light settings the same across scenes. It shouldn't be in this either. Therefore: -Shouldn't be about the coding, Scene 2 displays fine with same code. -Shouldn't be about the light settings, Scene 2 displays fine with the same settings. -Shouldn't be about the dependencies, Scene 2 displays fine with the same files. Any idea? This is getting utterly annoying. using Leadwerks; public static class Base { private static void Main() { try { Engine.Initialize(); Framework.Initialize(); Filtering.Optimize(); FileSystem.Initialize(@"C:\Program Files\Aerora"); } catch (LeadwerksException e) { Debug.Alert(e); Engine.Terminate(); } Framework.Effects.VolumetricLighting.Enabled = true; Framework.Effects.Bloom.Enabled = true; Framework.Effects.DepthOfField.Far.Enabled = true; Framework.Effects.DepthOfField.Far.Range = new Range(50, 700); Scene.Load("abstract::Three Bridge.sbx"); while (!Window.HasRequestedClose) { /* Camera Code, not relevant {...} */ Timing.Update(); Framework.Update(); Framework.Render(); Graphics.Flip(); } Framework.Terminate(); Engine.Terminate(); } }
  15. Basically, I made a map with 1m/t instead of 2m/t, which is my standard. I got somehow far in this map design, and at some point, realizing it was eating way too many FPS, I discovered (in wireframe mode) that I had doubled the resolution. My way of fixing it would be RAW > PNG, PNG /= 2, PNG > RAW, if that makes any sense. I'd like help on the RAW / IMG conversion.
  16. Oh, saw pureLIGHT coming. Anyway, how can we use it? Don't see any baking option in the editor.
  17. Sad, we lost a user to an unreproduceable bug. Wait is that a word?
  18. Considering you only apply this to a custom, sizable and placeable waterplane, I guess it wouldn't be too memory consuming?
  19. Our wrapper is already OOP, you shouldn't touch a IntPtr at all. Example: Mesh cube = new Mesh.Cube(); cube.Position.X -= 3;
  20. I have no idea. 10 might be a bit far for the cube. Try 5, especially if your window is small. Also, try World.Render(-1).
  21. Could you post your complete code, without that copy/paste bug?
  22. There is no camera. Try creating one with: Camera camera = new Camera(); By the way, some parts of your code are repeated.
  23. Sad, another one gone to UDK. I wonder if HeroCloud will start dragging (more serious) users from LE, with its relatively low costs.
  24. +1 on this. Never understood this marketing technique, but I'm sold anyway. As days pass, I'm becoming more and more sure that Lumooja is in fact a reincarnation of GLaDOS.
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