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Everything posted by L B

  1. Unfortunately, there isn't.
  2. I would add the following categories: Gets in the framework, extremely useful for option dialogs (effects, etc). Gets in the graphics, extremely useful for option dialogs (resizing, etc). I know it is possible for me to store whether effect X has been enabled, and keep that variable, but it is theoretically bad practice as such value could be changed without my application getting notified, leading to unexpected behavior. It is only expectable to have a get where you have a set, and vice versa. Framework GetStats GetZoom GetSaturation GetBrightness GetContrast GetAntialias GetSSAO GetGodRays GetHDR GetBloom GetWater GetWaterAmplitude GetReflectionElements GetWaterVisibility GetWaterSoftness GetWaterColor GetWaterHeight GetWaterWaveSpeed GetDistanceFog GetDistanceFogColor GetDistanceFogAngle GetDistanceForRange GetBackgroundMode GetBackgroundColor GetSkybox GetNearDOF GetNearDOFStrength GetNearDOFRange GetFarDOF GetFarDOFStrength GetFarDOFRange Graphics GetWireframe GetOcclusionCulling GetHertz GetFlags GetDepth
  3. +∞ Is, Has, Can and May are verbs, not prepositions.
  4. Tyler and I maintain them. They are up to date as Josh provides us with code and update news frequently. However, the updated, stable and usable version is not public yet - only Tyler and I have access to the SVN. (Note to the developers who have sent me private messages to get access to the SVN: Access will be given after the next major release. We believe it is importabt we lay our ground structure before letting people tinker with it. All who request it will get source access, and trusted developers will be allowed to commit officially. Again, we will distribute builds in binary (DLL) form on this forum, so you don't need to worry about compiling. ) It is a trustable choice to use C# for your game development, I would however strongly advise you wait for the next major release that will come with many great new features and improvements. On a last note: There are many forum topics about the headers, and I would glagly clean them up, however as these are not official (yet), no moderation by Josh can be done in these forums.
  5. This GPU is not for me, but for a friend with low budget. Therefore, can I trust the "350W", or is it actually the "300W" reading I should trust? I personally have a 500W PSU.
  6. The art of not answering a question.
  7. Looking for a new GPU at the moment, which requires a 350W PSU. I have the following sticker, where I can see both 300W and 350W. Is this enough?
  8. Mm, only things I want to take from that is a better tree wind animation and carved-in terrains built-in. (I know I can make my own models, but heh).
  9. L B

    EAX Effects?

    I think this calls for a bug report for EAXSupported not behaving as expected.
  10. L B

    Simplest trigger

    I guess EntityDistance does the Pythagorean algorithm anyway. And still, this allows for a low Y value and high X value or vice-versa. The best method for your situation would really be the physical sphere, or a center inequation from the conics formulas.
  11. L B

    Not Time

    Only thing I can think of is Elfen Lied. But I doubt it.
  12. This is so good for the new Vector3 C# system. We removed any reference to Turn or Move and use the Get/Sets implicitly. i.e.: cube.Rotation += 4; Gets the rotation, adds it by 4 all axis, sets the rotation. All thanks to implicit C# syntax.
  13. Wondering if this is how it should be done: EntityParent(toUnparent, NULL, 0);
  14. L B


    Love how you get rickrolled. Awesome game.
  15. Found a 4GB-RAM 250GB-HDD Radeon4200-GPU DC-2.0Ghz-CPU for 480$. Gotta get used to the freaking keyboard though.
  16. L B

    delete me

    This forum really needs a moderator. <<
  17. L B

    The New Prison

    Have to admit I'm in absolute love with the dynamic logo concept.
  18. I planned to start a easy to use C# networking library that will integrate seamlessly with Leadwerks soon, I'll keep you posted when I do
  19. Sorry for the bummer, but it's not LUA, it's Lua. It's not an abbreviation of anything, it simply means "moon" (as far as I remember).
  20. Some I found: 580$ 15.6'' Display 320GB Hard Drive 2.1GHz AMD Athlon II Dual-Core P320 4GB DDR3 RAM ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4250 W7HP64 OS 470$ 15.6'' Display 320GB Hard Drive 2.1GHz AMD Athlon X2 Dual-Core P320 3GB DDR3 RAM ATI Radeon HD 4250 W7HP (32/64 unknown) Big difference, apparently, is 110$ for 1GB of RAM. Is it worth it?
  21. Kind of picky for the touch pad here, any other suggestion? NOTE: Could be a laptop actually. I don't care about the size so much.
  22. I've always been pretty sucky at choosing hardware, and since it will probably be mostly used with Leadwerks, I'd figured I'd ask Werkspace (by the way, didn't we have a hardware forum? o.o) I'm looking for 2 GPUs and 1 "power-netbook". GPU 1: For my home computer (1440x900, Dual Core 2.6Ghz, 4GB RAM, I don't remember if I have single or double slot, which is extremely annoying. I don't remember my power values either, if anyone could link me to a tutorial to get them, I'd appreciate it). As powerful as possible for 3D real-time (don't care much for high-resolution, dual monitors or video playback), max $220. GPU 2: For my friend (1400x1080? Something like that. W7 64 bit 8GB RAM), something that will run 3D real-time as smoothly as possible for max $100. Power-Netbook: Doesn't need to have a good GPU, will be used for all coding and development (Chrome, FileZilla, Notepad++, Office, Visual Studio, IM, GIMP, the usual development stuff). Ideally, as much RAM and processing power as possible (I like having a lot of applications open and responsive). For the GPU, anything that will run Leadwerks will be fine, no need to be fast. Max price? IDK, something reasonable that won't ruin my student budget.
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