If you do not work on the headers themselves, don't worry about this thread.
Core on private Assembla
Yesterday, Tyler and I decided to split the .NET headers repository to comply with privacy and Leadwerks license. The core headers (namepace Leadwerks) are now moved to a private Assembla space, entitled "Leadwerks". To join, create an Assembla account and PM me with your username and/or email. Note: You must be a SDK 2.3 Developer on Werkspace to be invited.
The space is located at: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/leadwerks
Children on public Google Code
The children projects (AI, Controls, Game, Sound, UI, and Tests) will remain on Google Code, as they are not legally bound to be private - it is their owners' choice to make them open-source. These projects will not require any login to download. To commit, please PM Tyler or myself with your Gmail address.
The project is located at: http://code.google.com/p/leadwerks-csharp/
Builds and Questions
The members of the Assembla space will continue to provide builds that will be posted on the Werkspace in a soon-to-be-posted thread.
Thanks for understanding that we are trying to help the Leadwerks development by avoiding piracy and not hindering it through privacy. If you have any comment or questions, feel free to ask here!