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Everything posted by L B

  1. With the new dynamic vector design, such things are not possible with structs: Inheriting from the FloatArrayManaged class. Defining internal constructors in which not all variables are assigned before control is returned to the caller. I do feel the importance of efficiency, but the design advantage gives development speed. In other words: If you're worried so much about minor performance issues such as this one over development speed, have a look into C++ or C, which run faster but develop slower.
  2. Back on topic: Our vectors inherit from an abstract class implement property accessors have instanced utility math functions define custom operators have custom constructors All of which a struct is not allowed to do in C#/.NET.
  3. L B


    ANSI to Unicode conversion in almost any modern language should take less than 20 lines. Now I won't pay for such a thing. I could care less, since the .NET headers do it (implicitly) in a line anyway. I simply think it would be better for the whole community not to have to worry about their input language - in such a flexible engine, one should be able to opt to offer his game in multiple languages. Moreover, many members of this community use foreign languages. tl;dr: +1.
  4. Everything will be 2010 / .NET 4 from now on. ... What?!
  5. +1. Leadwerks is easy and powerful in its current state.
  6. @ZioRed: Please do not release compiled headers until we all agree on a stable, new version. Tyler and I have a lot coming for the .NET community, we'd like to keep it in a structured and stable bundle. Besides, the current Assembla builds may be unstable and incomplete.
  7. Do as if Core didn't exist. If you want a pivot, use: Pivot myPivot = new Pivot(); If you want a body pivot, use: BodyPivot myBodyPivot = new BodyPivot();
  8. Ah, tackled to the fact that Flash doesn't respect z-order. I think I can recall a web designer once calling Flash the Z-Pirate.
  9. If you do not work on the headers themselves, don't worry about this thread. Core on private Assembla Yesterday, Tyler and I decided to split the .NET headers repository to comply with privacy and Leadwerks license. The core headers (namepace Leadwerks) are now moved to a private Assembla space, entitled "Leadwerks". To join, create an Assembla account and PM me with your username and/or email. Note: You must be a SDK 2.3 Developer on Werkspace to be invited. The space is located at: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/leadwerks Children on public Google Code The children projects (AI, Controls, Game, Sound, UI, and Tests) will remain on Google Code, as they are not legally bound to be private - it is their owners' choice to make them open-source. These projects will not require any login to download. To commit, please PM Tyler or myself with your Gmail address. The project is located at: http://code.google.com/p/leadwerks-csharp/ Builds and Questions The members of the Assembla space will continue to provide builds that will be posted on the Werkspace in a soon-to-be-posted thread. Thanks for understanding that we are trying to help the Leadwerks development by avoiding piracy and not hindering it through privacy. If you have any comment or questions, feel free to ask here!
  10. L B

    .NET Headers

    This thread should really get deleted, it's outdated. Josh, if you have no time to moderate the C# forum, please make one of the C# developers a moderator.
  11. L B

    C# SVN

    I joined the C# development team again Committed r28 and r29. Fixes some usability complaints of the users. Tyler is working on the Vector classes, marshaling, unmanaged interoperability and maths. In other words, he makes it work, I make it pretty (as far as I understood).
  12. Although the Vector classes are currently being rewritten by Tyler, I doubt it was meant to be used this way. A ToString is not necessarily an opposite to a Parse. Parse would Parse from the SBX in this comma separated way. IF anything was to change, it would be the ToString, not the Parse. Which would lead us to: public override string ToString() { return string.Format("{0},{1},{2}", this.X, this.Y, this.Z); }
  13. L B

    Quick code tip

    Easy to do. I'll add it tonight when I sync some changes. I agree, Entity.Children[int/string] is better.
  14. Your terrain editor should always be the Leadwerks Editor itself (included). It's gorgeous, fast, and produces compatible format.
  15. L B

    Quick code tip

    You may want to remove the two "GetChilds" too.
  16. L B

    C# SVN

    Probably bringing an old argument back, but a public SVN really is horrible for pirating Leadwerks. :/
  17. They're not official, but they're awesome. Trust the C# headers
  18. L B

    Quick code tip

    Just thought of it, and since I'm not in the C# dev scene at the moment, thought maybe someone who has access to the source could make this available. Add the following in Entity.cs: public Entity this[int index] { get { return new Entity(Core.GetChild(this.Pointer, index)); } } public Entity this[string name] { get { return new Entity(Core.FindChild(this.Pointer, name)); } } Lets you do awesome things for parented entities. Let's say you load an apple parented to a tree in your scene. You can access it this way: myScene["MyTree"]["MyApple"].DoSomething(); //By name or myScene["MyTree"][0].DoSomething(); //By index Enjoy?
  19. Of the views I got: Do you actually have that glitch or do you not?
  20. I understand Near Medium Far are good settings for a medium-ranged game, but in an open environment like mine, "Far" looks ridiculous. You see big trees and houses popping while you walk. Maybe a "Farther" (lol) setting could fix this. Or, a way to change the distances of these 3 settings, this way removing another loop check.
  21. +1, for this and ALL possible Get accessors Josh could think of. We seriously are lacking many. For instance, get if a framework effect is enabled. I know I can store it myself in an additional variable, but it's just slopping coding IMHO.
  22. How come so many +s and no official reply? This seems not so hard to implement and useful (+1 by the way)
  23. I've always had this problem with LE, didn't bother to post about it until now, and it's still far from being crucial. In any case, when I use full-screen mode and press print-screen, the saved buffer is simply black. That would be my Graphics(); code: Graphics(1440, 900, 32, 60, 0); Any idea?
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