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Everything posted by L B

  1. L B

    Component prefabs

    +1. Wait +2.
  2. Wow, awesome effect. Looking great on my 9600 GT too.
  3. You're an incredible modeler. These are... incredible!
  4. These slop angles are incredibly low, no wonder you are getting this look. The slope delimitation is supposed to separate areas, not paint them.
  5. *Drools over the possibility of multiple waterplanes.*
  6. Haha got Twitted. Thanks Josh.
  7. Leadwerks: So hot it sets your motherboard on fire.
  8. Good stuff. You guys have come a long way I might come back to C# dev eventually, who knows.
  9. I barely ever need this feature, except for components that I would consider should be "static" (Atmosphere, Directional Light, Skybox, Waterplane). With my scene, I have more than 3000 objects and it's starting to get troublesome for browsing.
  10. L B


    I won't lie, I don't like the running animation either. But that's not on me, that's Dexsoft. In any case, this character is temporary until I get actual artists.
  11. I think that's the very principle of deferred rendering. *Sigh* Can't wait for LE3=OGL4=MSAA.
  12. 5 months ago: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/blog/1/entry-57-merry-christmas/
  13. http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Framework
  14. L B

    May 20th, 2010

    I'll have a look into TeraCopy. P.S.: I love your blog entry title. Fits my birthday. ;P
  15. Completely wild guess. Is this possible? Trying to use the billboard/corona shaders, but no luck.
  16. L B


    The lighting has been revised to be more neutral. www.aerora.com/screenshots
  17. EDIT: I was only editing my game's Lua, not the editor's Lua. Thought it took "class.lua" from the scripts folder too, but apparently not. For those who are interested: --Set any default keys here. --You want to set them after the SetKey function is declared. object.model:SetKey("intensity", "1.0") object:SetKey("viewdistance", 3)
  18. L B


    Will we see many 2.X before 3.0?
  19. The thing is, such a waterfall will not be affected by distance fog, which would render ugly in my scene. Same goes for lighting, but that's less of a problem.
  20. +1 for VCV, maybe for Isolation as well, but I don't need it ATM.
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