I barely ever need this feature, except for components that I would consider should be "static" (Atmosphere, Directional Light, Skybox, Waterplane). With my scene, I have more than 3000 objects and it's starting to get troublesome for browsing.
I won't lie, I don't like the running animation either. But that's not on me, that's Dexsoft. In any case, this character is temporary until I get actual artists.
EDIT: I was only editing my game's Lua, not the editor's Lua. Thought it took "class.lua" from the scripts folder too, but apparently not. For those who are interested:
--Set any default keys here.
--You want to set them after the SetKey function is declared.
object.model:SetKey("intensity", "1.0")
object:SetKey("viewdistance", 3)
The thing is, such a waterfall will not be affected by distance fog, which would render ugly in my scene. Same goes for lighting, but that's less of a problem.