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Everything posted by L B

  1. I'm sorry, but I started writing headers for another language after 1 week of using LE. I think the commands simply cannot be simpler. And since it's the 10th of feb, I'm done with a lot of work, so I'll be able to plug in docs in my C# headers. I honestly think C# is the easiest way to start with Leadwerks. There is no need for compilation or any extensive knowledge, as the language is really straightforward. No scripts either, so you don't have to worry a lot about making a whole game exposed in a script. Last, you can even use the headers in VB if you feel like it, which is probably the most newbish language.
  2. Apparently Josh's only restriction was Mac's support (http://www.opengl.org/discussion_boards/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=269996) Can we hope for it soon then?
  3. @Lumooja: It's not about it being unsupported by hardware, it's about it taking time to upgrade for Josh.
  4. I hate the Doxygen syntax. I think the Wiki is the best source we have, although manually generated. I'll plug the Wiki in my headers, so you'll have in-IDE support, which will be great. Dang, I wish I had some free time!
  5. I'd vote "Yes, but only if updgradeCost < newPrice - oldPrice".
  6. @Josh: If it isn't too long to explain, how are Directional Lights different from the point lights in terms of camera movement? Unless it has to do with the actual positioning. Wonders: Is it possible to glitch a point light with a distance and a radius so big it would practically act as a directional light? i.e. Sun-earth proportions.
  7. Sorry, third comment but: Why not Directional Lights? I barely use point lights, I get everything from dir.
  8. Add: Isn't this worth a 2.31? Anyway, just my thought. Or an addition to this page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadow_mapping
  9. Most probably the best feature of Leadwerks. No engine beats that. Love it, kills me that I don't a freaking second of time. Awesome job!
  10. SSAA is not possible with a deferred renderer in OpenGL 2. Hence why many people (... or just me) request OpenGL 3 to be used. You can always render to bigger buffers and display a smaller one, but this will be incredibly costly, although quite nice.
  11. I like your way even better, just thought parallax would be simpler.
  12. Sorry, but I find it quite horrible that they use LE as a cover picture, but do not even mention LE on the cover, only Dark products, probably hoping to make people think this was realized in one of their products. [/rant]. Nice job on this Josh and Michael, you both deserve it
  13. This just smells Portal. Love it.
  14. I get several PMs requesting missing features such as picks, raycasting, and callbacks. These WILL get implemented in 1.2. I simply do not have any time on my hands until the 10th of February. Then, I will start reconsidering my schedule (which does not mean it will be all done by the 11th). Sorry for the delays.
  15. Basically, if you can access DLL functions from Java, you can. Write a simple header, all of the functions are in Engine.dll.
  16. @Video: Some more intense lights please? Else, nice work on the camera
  17. L B


    Alright, apart from that incredibly seducing thing: No multi-tasking Apple controlled apps No camera Huge bezel Oversized keyboard Hardly usable with a keyboard I'd like to be able to put whatever app I want on my "replacement for a netbook", or at least be able to be on WLM iChat while I'm on browsing on Chrome Safari. But hey. 30$ for unlimited wifi. I'll just wait for iPad 2, featuring what I miss and better sanitary protection.
  18. http://ngene.wikidot.com/effects Found this while browsing. Looks incredible to me.
  19. I meant it was as interesting information regarding the problem, although it could not lead to a solution. This is actually false, as we could perhaps trace the differences between the build methods and make it work for debug too, but it wasn't in my schedule of priorities.
  20. I didn't mean to be insulting, sorry if it seemed like it.
  21. I guess this will come along the GUI overhaul and the model editor? That would be great news on the toolset aspect of Leadwerks, whereas the core aspect is already perfect.
  22. You simply had to move Shaders.pak, you know. Wow, who bought this kid a $200 engine.
  23. L B

    January 25, 2010

    Wow, great news on the model editor. Won't be playing much with it for a while, but still, it's nice to know.
  24. Are you sure you're on 1.1? IDK, look through the members yourself and see for something similar. Works here. Sorry, I have no time for Leadwerks.
  25. Sorry. Make that 1.1. I have 1.2 here, in dev.
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