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Everything posted by L B

  1. See title. I don't think I should have to higher my meters/tiles to get this result. EDIT: Even changing the m/t doesn't let me go higher.
  2. L B


    AccessViolationExceptions are the exact reason why people switch to C#: Avoid them. In this case, it just can't be fun.
  3. L B


    Haven't yet. Will be fixed in 1.2. I'm really busy right now, for personal reasons.
  4. I liked the old one better, I think the new one looks a bit too SMF/PHPBB2. I'm just glad we have a choice
  5. Here's another C# implementation I made for one of my previous projects: EDIT: Interesting, wonder how you did the "remove keys". Manual parsing or Kernel32? EDIT2: I'll just download the source and see for myself. The description seems quite amazing. using System; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Text; public class IniFile { public string Path { get; set; } [DllImport("kernel32")] private static extern long WritePrivateProfileString(string section, string key, string val, string filePath); [DllImport("kernel32")] private static extern int GetPrivateProfileString(string section, string key, string def, StringBuilder retVal, int size, string filePath); public IniFile(string path, bool forceLoad) { if (!File.Exists(this.Path)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } this.Path = path; } public void Write(string section, string key, string value) { WritePrivateProfileString(section, key, value, this.Path); } public string Read(string section, string key) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(255); GetPrivateProfileString(section, key, "", sb, 255, this.Path); string result = sb.ToString(); if (result == string.Empty) { throw new Exception("Cannot read field \"" + key + "\" at section \"" + section + "\"."); } else { return result; } } }
  6. Presently, you can't. I think an opacity map for the water (or black/white only values, not half values) would do great to edit the plane, without creating many of them (again, what do I know. It's just on top of my head). And Laurens, Framewerk might get updates, but these will be compiled and exposed again. You can do your own modifications in the CPP/BMX folders with the source code. There will be callbacks/delegates implemented too.
  7. I'm not so sure. Gothic 4 claims to do it physically in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYyQ5R_S0ss
  8. I know it's DX, but I still found it quite nice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-yxnETZ6RZk
  9. TBody foo = (TBody)GetEntityUserData(bar);
  10. Heh thanks. Should sig it, although I already have 2 good ones. It'll be the next one You're right, sorry. Thanks for taking some of your time Tyler, although I see no difference at all.
  11. Did it, tested, saw no difference at all (I took 2 screenshots). Hence why I asked for a preview.
  12. I didn't know that. Could I find this material information somewhere? It's actually just because I got my Dexsoft palms, and I'd like to use all the textures I can.
  13. People seem to love downrating my comments and profile.
  14. Screenshots? Comparison? I'm too lazy to change it without knowing there will be a noticeable difference.
  15. Never underestimate a community of harassing people.
  16. Awesome news. Can't wait for a "Choice: Edge Blur / MSAA" But SSRT will definitely be great.
  17. Yes, it's only in the latest DLL, unfortunately.
  18. Thanks. Wonder how you give reputation points though. Probably with some amount of post. You can always rate the post up. I'm working on 1.2 as I write this. It's mostly boring, more boring than hard.
  19. That was kind of low. We got nice upgrades, including the DLL Framework.
  20. Well, I'm not complaining about this. Adding the line or a custom property myself isn't trouble, except I would expect the base entities like atmosphere to work without me having to modify them. But it's all fixed now, will test them tomorrow.
  21. Nice find on the fixes Macklebee, I was having the bug too since my last sync. This should be officially reported so that it gets fixed.
  22. Macklebee, why do you keep on trying to put a temporary, not intended method instead of pushing to get the actual problem fixed?
  23. I don't feel like I should have to hack an engine that I purchased.
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