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Everything posted by L B

  1. By the way, I was re-reading this entry when something puzzled me: You try to provide a "low" level engine (comparatively to Framewerk) and hesitate about integrating high-level commands (Framewerk's) into your DLL for access. Although I must say that if you started scripting, you can no longer consider your engine "low-level", and such rendering methods are just at the same level as scripting a game in the editor.
  2. If GameLib gets compiled, I might get time to port it to C# and wrap it accordingly. Framework is now wrapped in C# too, and available for download.
  3. Framewe(o?)rk is now implemented in C# and available for download. Took me an hour and a half only. Awesome work, thanks again.
  4. Update: Version 1.1 is now available for download as a beta. If you find any bug fix or if you find a structure annoying, please tell me. Download
  5. Completely. See this thread for download.
  6. Just got done implementing Framework into C#. I run this scene at 60 FPS, which is the top I can seem to get in editor or in C#. So performance wise, it's quite good. I'll let you judge for the simplicity: public static void Main() { FileSystem.AbstractPath = @"C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK"; Graphics.Initialize(800, 600); Framework.Initialize(); Scene.Load("abstract::test.sbx"); FreeCamera fc = new FreeCamera(Framework.Layers.Main.Camera); // Custom class Framework.Effects.Water = true; Framework.Effects.Parameters.Water.Height = 2.0f; Framework.Effects.DistanceFog = true; Framework.Effects.Bloom = true; Framework.Effects.VolumetricLighting = true; Framework.Effects.HighDynamicRange = true; Framework.Effects.Skybox = Material.Load("abstract::FullskiesBlueClear0016_2_L.mat"); while (!Keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Escape)) { fc.Update(); Framework.Update(); Framework.Render(); Graphics.Flip(); } Framework.Terminate(); Engine.Terminate(); }
  7. This thread is outdated. Please see: .NET Leadwerks wrapper on Google Code This wrapper and its child projects are being developed and maintained by TylerH, ZioRed, klepto2 and myself. Enjoy Leadwerks for .NET!
  8. You know, you can edit the Wiki yourself
  9. L B

    Important Update

    Starting C# implementation.
  10. Great. In any case, I'll be busy making C# headers for tonight. And thanks, although it would only be playable as a FPS, which isn't my style. Will have to work on it.
  11. @Marcus: Although I'm a programmer, I have an extensive knowledge of colors and palettes as well. Making matching colors for my own assets wouldn't be hard at all, except I don't always get assets from the same location. @Davaris: Recoloring images in real-time based on a palette is practically impossible.
  12. Fortunately I have no life to waste, so I don't mind if it doesn't.
  13. I would offer different modes. Optimize palette for 256, 512, 1024, etc colors Create palette from all unique colors at raw resolution Create palette from all unique colors after resizing to 16x16, 32x32, etc Any other suggestion?
  14. Started working on it. So far done: UI, palette loading from any format (including DDS, JPG, PNG, GIF, TGA, and whatnot), HSL values storing. I hope I'll be able to code something that creates a palette from an image for you.
  15. I attempted to make a color palette. First step: Google. Then, GIMP. I came up with this palette from that tropical picture: Kind of tiny. Scale it up if you want. Could start coding it now.
  16. I like the idea, except the part of "First, you define a palette of colors". This is where people are most likely going to fail. If it wasn't for that, I'd code it.
  17. I created 2 new shaders that crash when loaded in the editor: Here are these shaders: mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_pom.vert #define LW_DIFFUSE texture0 #define LW_BUMPMAP texture1 #define LW_PARALLAXMAP texture2 Include "mesh.vert" mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_pom.frag #define LW_DIFFUSE texture0 #define LW_BUMPMAP texture1 #define LW_PARALLAXMAP texture2 #define LW_POMMAP Include "mesh.frag" Any idea?
  18. Made a video to test it, not sure what causes it. AABB? Light ranges? I don't know, maybe Josh can fix it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwBWpDf8q-k
  19. Can't get the look I want. Any advice? They look... out of place. Maybe it's just the lack of AA, but I can't figure.
  20. I have the following maps, I was wondering how to take advantage of the most of them: -Diffuse (Color) -Normal (Bump) -Parallax (Height) -Opacity (Alpha) -Specular (Glow) What would be the appropriate material/shader combination?
  21. I'm creating floating islands using the same textures as the terrain. However, I cannot get it to look the same in game. The lighting is somehow different on both. The mesh with the texture are darker than the terrain with the same texture. Here is one of my mat files: texture0="abstract::terrain_desert_smoothsand.dds" texture1="abstract::terrain_desert_smoothsanddot3.dds" shader = "abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert" , "abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular.frag" shadowshader = "abstract::mesh_shadow.vert",""
  22. Lumooja, are you the only source license owner so far?
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