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Everything posted by L B

  1. When Josh said he didn't see any of these features, he probably meant "Not in LE."
  2. Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPsqDm9OGO0&feature=youtube_gdata
  3. I tried making one with 3 emitters. The result isn't so good, but I don't know which parameters to mess with. I'm uploading a video to YouTube.
  4. Does LE support animated textures?
  5. I'm just curious, I need to make one, I wonder what's the most efficient way to do one.
  6. Similar to Cast Shadows, only for reflections on water. Not a priority at all, but just noticed it could be useful for my flying islands : )
  7. You can't enable it, it was there grayed out as a "It will eventually work" sign by Josh.
  8. From Dexsoft's Indie EULA: And yes Niosop, that could be a reason. Stopping people legally is plan B when you can't actually stop them physically.
  9. For legal purposes, you have to attempt at protecting your assets. Failure does not mean you didn't attempt, so asset protection is more or less a legal matter rather than a real protection.
  10. Are you kidding me? This is the most irrelevant post of the day. Here, so that your conscience feels good, I'll downvote this one.
  11. L B

    Future Ideas

    Nice thoughts, didn't think Fuel had you so interested. Talking about networking, you first have to consider that physics aren't usually used in network games. Also, according to the system, only the SBX part of the region that has been interacted with would have to be saved, and since these are mostly (only) objects, they could be given an identifier and run as objects on the server part, while the player, when loading a region, would fetch the data from the specified object identifiers from the server.
  12. L B


    Maybe Tyler could tell you a bit on this, but the raycasting is more than bugged in my version of the headers. I haven't experimented with it in LE or C/C++, so I didn't know how to translate it correctly. Here is my source for it. @Tyler, feel free to fix it: using System; namespace Leadwerks { public class Pick { public Core.TPick Structure { get; private set; } public Vector3 Position { get { return new Vector3(Structure.x, Structure.y, Structure.z); } } public Vector3 Normal { get { return new Vector3(Structure.nx, Structure.ny, Structure.nz); } } public Entity Entity { get { return new Entity(Structure.entity); } } public Surface Surface { get { return new Surface(Structure.surface); } } } public static class Raycasting { public static bool PointVisible(Vector3 origin, Vector3 end, float radius, int collisionType) { return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.PointVisible(origin.ToFloatArray(), end.ToFloatArray(), radius, collisionType, IntPtr.Zero)); } public static bool EntityVisible(Entity origin, Entity end, float radius, int collisionType) { return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.EntityVisible(origin.Pointer, end.Pointer, radius, collisionType, IntPtr.Zero)); } public static bool LinePick(Pick pick, Vector3 origin, Vector3 end, float radius, int collisionType) { return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.LinePick(pick.Structure, origin.ToFloatArray(), end.ToFloatArray(), radius, collisionType, IntPtr.Zero)); } public static bool EntityPick(Pick pick, Entity entity, float range, float radius, int collisionType) { return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.EntityPick(pick.Structure, entity.Pointer, range, radius, collisionType, IntPtr.Zero)); } public static bool CameraPick(Pick pick, Camera camera, Vector3 position, float radius, int collisionType) { return Convert.ToBoolean(Core.CameraPick(pick.Structure, camera.Pointer, position.ToFloatArray(), radius, collisionType, IntPtr.Zero)); } } }
  13. These were indeed marked "To review" in my code. Tell me if that seems to fit you more, it will be in the next version: public Vector3 Project(Vector3 position) { float[] result = new float[3]; Core.CameraProject(this.Pointer, result); return new Vector3(result); } public Vector3 Unproject(Vector3 position) { float[] result = new float[3]; Core.CameraUnproject(this.Pointer, result); return new Vector3(result); } Thanks for reporting bugs Laurens
  14. Seriously though, it's always been there, although always been grayed out.
  15. L B


    Will be supported when I add font support to my headers.
  16. Too bad, I'd like to edit them. Oh well, that might as well come in a year, so better not found hopes on it.
  17. I'm currently studying the GMF format structure and SDK to create my own tools for it. My main concern is to edit the material name, although this is a key (property) in the structure. From the Wiki: ? GMF_SURFACE surface block ? 5 number of kids ? 0 block size 92 GMF_PROPERTIES properties block 0 number of kids 36 block size 1 number of properties "material" property 1 name "concrete01" property 1 value Through the GMF SDK, GMF_PROPERTIES cannot be accessed (not a class) and doesn't have any command attached to it. I'm looking for a way to get something like: string GMFEntityGetProperty(string name); And eventually: void GMFEntitySetProperty(string name); I think this shouldn't be too hard to add, although I know Josh is busy, but perhaps there is another way of doing it.
  18. I also share this interest for the new integrated Framewerk. If I get some time, I could try porting GameLib, but that's somehow not in my order of priorities. Also, encouraging words on new languages.
  19. Everyone deserves a day off on Christmas Although I suppose Josh will come back either late at night or tomorrow morning, he's quite dedicated to his engine.
  20. L B

    Light color?

    Actually, it works in one of my maps, not the other.
  21. Too bad, bought all the packs I needed for now.
  22. L B

    Light color?

    Trying to set the color of a light for my lamp post in the new single-state LUA, apparently not working where it did before: require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) object.light=CreatePointLight(7,model) object.light:SetColor(Vec4(1, 0, 1, 1)) end All white to me. No problem after all. Don't know what happened. Started working for no real reason.
  23. Is there any way of making this with the GMF SDK? That's the only bad part of the art pipeline, although it's horrible for resource organization. You have random names from random sources of materials, and it's really hard to classify, since some don't even have "abstract::" in front of them. If it's possible to make with the GMF SDK, has anybody done it? Planned on doing it? If not, I'll start soon.
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