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Everything posted by L B

  1. That's the reference rendering, what I want to have, not what I have. <<
  2. For leaves and such, with a good blending of alpha channel. SSAA can do it, but not MSAA. It would require something else. http://www.blogcdn.com/www.massively.com/media/2008/01/os2_lotro_fullsize.jpg As in this picture, look at the leaves and such.
  3. L B

    What's missing?

    This pic reminds me I'm in heavy need of proper rocks. Also notice the smooth alpha blending of the leaves and grass. Wonder how to do this with LE.
  4. L B

    Programming Poll

    My C# headers should be more than portable to Mono. I tried it once, worked fine. So far you can use WINE to run LE on Linux, although Josh said previously that he had successfully tested on Linux without WINE, with only minor modifications to his source (it's OGL, after all ). Cool to see more and more people come to C#. I'm perfecting my headers continuously, and as soon Josh releases his compiled Framewerk, I will integrate it seamlessly. LUA scene loading will be included in "Scene.Load()". If you have any suggestions for the C# wrapper, post in the C# section, I'm watching it
  5. L B

    Loading fonts

    Loading a font is a long task for any engine or application. I suggest you create a FontPool just like you said. By the way, can you load AAed fonts? I haven't even tried yet, but it would be nice.
  6. L B

    What's missing?

    Heh, I think I got what I was after. I'll build my own gallery on my website. @Josh: I can't wait for MSAA/SSRT.
  7. There should be a private "Engine Discussion" forum. "General Programming" doesn't apply to such things.
  8. I know I can, I have my own server with unlimited bandwidth. The point is to be able to post in the gallery. I had shrinked and reduced the quality of my picture, although it didn't work. This is an IPB setting.
  9. I can't upload any more screenshot, because I have apparently used up all my allotted disk space. I guess I could delete my old pictures, but this isn't ideal.
  10. Leadwerks 2.3 is the only sold version, therefore I can consider that economically, it isn't, and since development is a directly relational curve to profit, you can consider that LE2.28 is dead. I might be wrong, Josh will correct me if I am.
  11. L B

    C# Framewerk

    Awesome, looking forward to it. : )
  12. L B

    What's missing?

    Got what I was after. I finally accepted to use HDR, Bloom, Saturation, Brightness, and Contrast.
  13. L B

    What's missing?

    Don't you think this is too extreme for gameplay? And is there a new version of LE that allows color controls, or am I on some lost planet?
  14. L B

    What's missing?

    I actually like my version better, hehe! @Josh: Had reduced it, now added it back. Looks better, except when you hit the sky. Let me take a screenshot.
  15. L B

    C# Framewerk

    Developing a game without even a skybox or distance fog is just not the same atmosphere. It's purely annoying. Plus, I will go on coding in C#, so it will eventually have to be done. Josh, you are bombarded by feature requests, so it is totally understandable that you might just not do this until a very, very long time. This is why I'm going to try to do it on my own, unless you have a good reason to keep me from doing it.
  16. L B

    C# Framewerk

    I have emailed Josh and he said he had too many things to do at the moment to do it. Now the thing is, I'd do it, although I need some help on things, and people don't seem to know the answers: http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/topic/476-why-is-my-camera-not-clearing/ I'll just go copying and translating the whole framewerk code, then debug it. But that's long and hard, so it will take some time. Lumooja, could you compile us a Framewerk with exposed commands?
  17. L B

    What's missing?

    Alright. Then why does my screenshot look somehow bad? Somehow flat? EDIT: Just saw Josh's post. I get it, my hue is less colored. But still, there's something missing, don't you think? (Beside a character)
  18. Impressive. The engine itself looks quite good too.
  19. L B

    What's missing?

    I'm comparing the atmosphere and look of my maps so far to various RPGs. I came across what is considered to be "Top-notch" in terms of graphics as a MMO, Aion. Although the graphics aren't so stunning in my opinion, they still have some kind of mood I lack. Any idea on how to get it? I already tried a warmer ambient-light, but it's no use.
  20. Despite this being useless to say, yes, it was in "Leadwerks Editor" yesterday night.
  21. There is no point "before "World.Current = background" and after the background "World.Render()"". I tried putting Buffer.Clear(BufferType.Depth) at any point in the render loop: No use. I also set the SkyCam's clear mode to Depth.
  22. No it's "Flip", since it's applied to a mesh class. Wrappers don't go "Mesh::FlipMesh()". It's redundant for nothing.
  23. Despite fighting over which forum this should pertain to, yes, the shininess slider is broken as far as I know. Either that or is it additive to all the layers, since bumpmaps also seem to be additive.
  24. I'm working on C# and trying to get a skybox to work. I followed the rather old PDF tutorial which seemed rather logical. I have a cube and a skybox behind it (well, ideally). At the moment, I get either the cube or the skybox, depending on which world is initialized last. The 2 following examples are the same, except that in the first one, the Main world gets created before the Sky world, and in the second one, the Sky world gets created before the Main world. Thing being: The last world created is what I get on screen. Examples: 1. With this code, I only get the skybox: public static void Main() { //Initialize FileSystem.AbstractPath = @"C:\Program Files\LE2.3"; Graphics.Initialize(1440, 900); //Main World world = new World(); Camera cam = new Camera(); cam.ClearMode = CameraClearMode.Depth; Buffer lightBuffer = new Buffer(1440, 900, (int)BufferType.Color | (int)BufferType.Depth | (int)BufferType.Normal); Mesh.CreateCube().Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 5); //Sky World background = new World(); Mesh skybox = Mesh.CreateCube(); Camera skycam = new Camera(); skybox.Flip(); skybox.Material = Material.Load("abstract::Sky01.mat"); while (!Keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Escape)) { Timing.Update(); World.Update(Timing.Speed); Buffer.Current = lightBuffer; skycam.Rotation = cam.Rotation; World.Current = background; World.Render(); World.Current = world; World.Render(); Buffer.Current = Buffer.Back; Light.Render(lightBuffer); Graphics.Flip(); } Engine.Terminate(); } 2. With this code, I only get the cube: public static void Main() { //Initialize FileSystem.AbstractPath = @"C:\Program Files\LE2.3"; Graphics.Initialize(1440, 900); //Sky World background = new World(); Mesh skybox = Mesh.CreateCube(); Camera skycam = new Camera(); skybox.Flip(); skybox.Material = Material.Load("abstract::Sky01.mat"); //Main World world = new World(); Camera cam = new Camera(); cam.ClearMode = CameraClearMode.Depth; Buffer lightBuffer = new Buffer(1440, 900, (int)BufferType.Color | (int)BufferType.Depth | (int)BufferType.Normal); Mesh.CreateCube().Position = new Vector3(0, 0, 5); while (!Keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Escape)) { Timing.Update(); World.Update(Timing.Speed); Buffer.Current = lightBuffer; skycam.Rotation = cam.Rotation; World.Current = background; World.Render(); World.Current = world; World.Render(); Buffer.Current = Buffer.Back; Light.Render(lightBuffer); Graphics.Flip(); } Engine.Terminate(); } Now questions on what my problem is: 1. Am I missing something obvious? 2. If not, is there a problem in this code? 3. If not, where do you think the problem is in my wrapper? (I doubt it is) 4. If not, where is the problem in Leadwerks? 5. If not, let's pray together? Thanks a lot in advance. I know you're not used to C#, but it's more than understandable to anyone who can read.
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