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Everything posted by L B

  1. So basically you're saying: "Send the data a couple of times, just in case it doesn't get there."
  2. Is it just me or is Dexsoft down at the moment?
  3. For 3D modeling, it depends on your skill, budget, or whatnot. Blender is a good free solution, although, in my opinion, the learning curve is horrible. I used Milkshape 3D for some things, but I'm not sure everyone likes it. For converting to DDS (the only texture format), there are tools in the download section. You can also use the free Paint.NET and plug-ins for the free GIMP or Photoshop. For making textures, interface, design or whatnot, the GIMP, Photoshop, Paint.NET, whatever. You can also use TGC Texture Maker, which is a good tool, although you will have to save in a format and then convert it to DDS. I'm not much use on 3D modeling because I haven't learned it, but I guess others have suggested pretty good options.
  4. Good call. Let's hope curving doesn't mess this up too much. Will start networking sometime this month for my game.
  5. If the texture loads correctly, you need to make sure its height is higher than 1px. http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/tracker/issue-46-not-able-to-draw-texture-with-1px-height/
  6. Only on a flat area, I assume?
  7. For the character controllers, I agree. Although lower specifications support is quite impossible, since some of the basic shaders, i.e. query, require Shader Model 4.0 (unless I'm mistaken, that's what I recall from the previous forum).
  8. That's what I first thought to, but for legal purposes, I needs it to be clear. "just don't sell it". What's "it"? The model or the project?
  9. I'd be quite interested in seeing the code for the radius drawing. Nice job, by the way.
  10. That's sad, it really impacts performance in a game where cliffs are used as separators (i.e. RPG). The more I use LE, the more I realize it was made for FPS.
  11. I don't see why this is an issue, scaling is not functional at the moment. The gizmo size shouldn't affect your work as you shouldn't even change it. Nevermind, I just read you were talking about far away objects. Then yes, you make a good point.
  12. I'm rather surprised that OGL says that automatically, because let's say I'm on one side of a cliff, and models are on the other side, my FPS rate goes down if I look in this direction. Sucky schema: Cliff Models ___/\___ < Camera FPS: 20 Cliff Models ___/\___ Camera > FPS: 50 Even though not one model is visible in the first case, I still get lower FPS. Maybe because it doesn't work with Terrains/Vegetation?
  13. What if I want to make my game commercial? Any pricing?
  14. Heh, I like the part where you say I'm not artistic. I just don't want to invest time (which I don't have) in learning 3D modeling. I'm already doing the coding, directing, managing, web design and in-game design for my game, I just cannot model the 3D too.
  15. It's rather long to close and reopen the editor every time I change a material or a model, especially since settings don't save. We used to have a "Refresh tree" button, but it's gone.
  16. L B


    I too am for vegetation shadow AABB fix and settings save. These are capital fixes to the editor. It really is a pain to change my settings at each startup.
  17. Hello : ) I was wondering if any 3D artist with spare time could make a simple old-style fence model for me, and a couple of variations if this artist has a lot of time The style I'm looking is a little Fable-ish, or any medieval RPG style, shown a bit in this picture: Of course variants are welcome. I'm willing to pay a small amount of money for the fence if they match my requirements. Credits will be given accordingly. Thanks a lot in advance
  18. I'm tackling on that task, and so far, it doesn't seem impossible at all. UI, movement, networking, all quite easy with Leadwerks + C#.
  19. Because the physics and scene graph have a minor load on the CPU/GPU, therefore I think people (Josh) doesn't like the work for gain ratio.
  20. Multithreading + OpenGL cannot theoretically be done. Although HDD I/O could be multitheaded, but it wouldn't boost much performance.
  21. Yes, but remember it is a hard and tedious task. Although Leadwerks is probably one of the best engines to start with, it will take you time and determination, as well as programming skills. I would suggest either BlitzMax, C/C++ or C# knowledge.
  22. It might be me, but apart from the water height, there is no point in setting either position, scale, or rotation, or anything else for the atmosphere, waterplane, and lights. I don't see why dragging should be enabled, even once.
  23. Meh, nothing in this short movie says the U.S. army hadn't sent a nuke on their planet before. Highly unlikely, but probable.
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