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Everything posted by L B

  1. L B

    C# Framewerk

    Heh, that's what you get for praising C++
  2. L B

    C# Framewerk

    I agree with this fully. Either Josh or Mika, PM me when you're done with one of your DLLs.
  3. L B

    C# Framewerk

    That would do and would be more efficient than managed code. (Also more efficient on my mental sanity). Although people might complain about adding in their own effects, and access to variables might not be perfect (i.e., not enough gettings for the options in FW, only settings). In any case, if it's short enough for you, it would be a great [perhaps temporary] solution.
  4. L B

    Glow Shader

    Would you please make render comparisons of the same scene in LE and CE? I would love to see the difference. We could spot what's different and adapt.
  5. L B


    The tutorials for post processing explain how to do what Framewerk does. In short, use Freamwerk instead.
  6. L B

    C# Framewerk

    Bumping this as I started working on it. I hope it will give the same results as in C++/BMAX. Notice that these are the 2 popular languages, mostly because they have Framewerk in my opinion. Framewerk+C# will be a great improvement for .NET development in LE.
  7. Entity.NullPointer is a redef for IntPtr.Zero.
  8. This is honestly a mistake from my part, thanks for pointing it out. Until I update it on the website, you can use Mesh mesh = (Mesh)new Entity(Core.CreateMesh(Entity.NullPointer)); Sorry, I don't know the VB equivalent to this.
  9. L B

    .NET Headers

    The source code for this wrapper will be released with the C# Framewerk. ETA? IDK.
  10. L B

    Glow Shader

    I think there's something no one has achieved yet between Crysis visuals and LE visuals, although I really can't figure what it is. We technically have the same features. What makes it that we have this: And they have this:
  11. I would add the atmosphere, but I need to code Framewerk in C#, which is not an easy task. I would also add some ground cover as you suggested, but I have found the ground cover provided in your (wonderful) pack not quite fit for MMORPG-style bushes and such. Too subtle, probably more useful for FPS, which is what you design for. The model will not even be used in the final game, but only for testing, so I could care less. But thanks for the comments [by the way: If ever you feel like making some MMO ground cover / old (fable-style) fence models, make us know I'd be glad too buy them] @Josh: I know there is an improvement between 9600 and 9800. I'm just wondering how big it is.
  12. L B

    Glow Shader

    Indeed. I think desaturation is massively used in AAA games and brings a graphical addition that we usually don't suspect.
  13. L B

    Glow Shader

    As used in this picture: http://origins.muboo.net/ This was made with the GIMP "soft-glow" filter. Applies really fast, I don't see why it couldn't be real-time. Basically boosts whites and desaturates I think. Of course, in a gameplay environment, the white boost could be much lower, but I think the effect is nice. By the way, this is not necessarily a feature request for Josh, but for anyone who enjoys GLSL.
  14. Any significant performance increase from 9600 to 9800?
  15. I got all my performance back after using SetShadowMode(0, 1). Although, simply for Josh, note that putting the ShadowMapSize of all my point light maps to 2, 4, or 8 (a.k.a. really low values) does NOT give a boost in performance when the shadow is handled with a skinned mesh. I think the skin + shadow system needs to be reviewed, or else my material files are somehow wrong.
  16. Trying not to be harsh, but it's hard: Has any of us filled a 4096x4096 map, even at the scale of 1meter/tile? Has any of us released a game or is really implicated in the release of a game with such a feature? I think we're asking for things we don't need, which is a failure at being productive.
  17. I can't because the light is automatically created from the LUA script. This way I don't have to place a light for each lamp I place. Here's my script for the lamp post: dofile("Scripts/base.lua") function Spawn(model) local entity=base_Spawn(model) entity.model=model local light=CreatePointLight(30,model) light:Move(Vec3(0, 3.85, 0)) local intensity = 1 light:SetColor(Vec4(245/255*intensity, 170/255*intensity, 115/255*0.7, 255/255*intensity)) light:SetShadowmapSize(64) light:SetKey("castshadows", 0) -- Didn't work. return entity end On a side note, any recommendation for a GPU? My budget's low but one can dream.
  18. Trying to remove it in LUA, can't figure how. Assume the light is declared like this: "local light = CreatePointLight(10, model)" How do I disable shadows?
  19. GeForce 9600 GT, 4GB RAM, 2.30 Ghz Dual Core, W7RC. (Although, I have no bump mapping, 4 lights in scene (1 dir+3 points), and no ground cover (i.e. few models)). I'm really not figuring what's wrong there, it MIGHT be my character logic, but I doubt it. And heck, GI and molecular precision will be in place before I have a demo out. I'll try removing the shadows on the lights and see how it works.
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocJZeWOWA9Q Note the uber-low FPS around the multi-lights area in the beginning. Any suggestion appreciated. The shadowmap size of these lights is like 32. I know the animation is not normalized, the video quality is crappy, and I don't have Framewerk yet because this is in C# and well, I'm the one who's supposed to make Framewerk.
  21. Was expecting it from Josh, but thanks
  22. Even if the collision body is big, it doesn't have more vertices. Nonetheless, is there a way to disable shadowing on specific lights and mesh combination? Like turn "CastShadow" off but only for a specified light?
  23. Haven't turned on DebugPhysics, so that isn't it. I'll make serious models when I get to my actual game characters, but the wizard is a test model. On a second note, it seems to only happen in the vicinity of many lights (a.k.a. directional + point + point). Are skinned meshes slow on lights?
  24. I don't have a 64-bit OS so I can't compile it this way for you guys. If anyone has and is interested in re-compiling, contact me.
  25. Talk about a great community. This is like 20 fixes for Afecelis in one thread haha. I love LE.
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