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Everything posted by L B
I saw it, but I thought you used it for reflections, not for ambient shadowing.
http://www.crytek.com/fileadmin/user_upload/inside/presentations/2009/A_bit_more_deferred_-_CryEngine3.ppt Nice features to look at, including improved SSAO with normals. I always wondered, why is our SSAO so strict? Appears to me it only covers the edges, not a wider area, like in CryEngine. Of course, there's a lot of talk about GI in there, but I think Josh might just as well pop the head of the next person who asks for it.
As title suggests. Could bring great improvements.
I'm making a control code (move, change camera orientation, etc.), just like in any classic MMORPG. Losing 10 FPS with this, and it's just logic. I know it's in C#, but anyone here would understand I think. using Leadwerks; namespace Origins { public enum PlayerState { Idle, ForwardWalking, Dying, Hit, Jumping, Attacking, MagicAttacking, LeftWalking, RightWalking, BackwardWalking, Flying } public class Player { public Camera Camera { get; set; } public Controller Controller { get; set; } public Mesh Mesh { get; set; } private Vector3 Rotation { get; set; } private Vector2 MouseDelta { get; set; } private Vector2 MouseOrigin { get; set; } private Vector3 Movement { get; set; } private float Zoom { get; set; } private float Jump { get; set; } private bool Reorient { get; set; } public PlayerState State { get; set; } private PlayerState OldState { get; set; } private int DeathFrame = 0; private int HitFrame = 80; private int IdleFrame = 106; private int JumpFrame = 176; private int MagicFrame = 203; private int MeleeFrame = 250; private int RunFrame = 297; private int SideFrame = 323; private int WalkFrame = 357; private int BackFrame = 393; public Player() { this.Camera = new Camera(); this.Controller = new Controller(1.8f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 45.0f); this.Controller.Mass = 1; this.Controller.CollisionType = (int)CollisionType.Character; this.Mesh = Mesh.Load("abstract::wizard.gmf"); this.Mesh.Parent = this.Controller; this.Mesh.Scale = new Vector3(0.01f); this.Mesh.Move(new Vector3(0, -90.0f, 0)); this.Rotation = new Vector3(); this.MouseDelta = new Vector2(); this.MouseOrigin = new Vector2(); this.Movement = new Vector3(); this.Zoom = 1.0f; this.Jump = 0.0f; this.Reorient = false; //Light lantern = Light.CreatePoint(5); //lantern.ShadowmapSize = 16; //lantern.Color = new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1); //lantern.Parent = this.Mesh.GetChild("stuff2"); } public void Update() { this.OldState = this.State; this.State = PlayerState.Idle; switch (Keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Space) && !this.Controller.IsAirborne()) { case true: this.Jump = 5.0f; break; case false: this.Jump = 0.0f; break; } switch (Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.W) - Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.S)) { case 1: this.State = PlayerState.ForwardWalking; this.Movement.Z = 4.0f; break; case 0: this.Movement.Z = 0.0f; break; case -1: this.State = PlayerState.BackwardWalking; this.Movement.Z = -2.0f; break; } if (Mouse.ButtonDown(MouseButton.Left) || Mouse.ButtonDown(MouseButton.Right)) { Mouse.Hide(); switch (Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.D) - Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.A)) { case 1: this.State = PlayerState.RightWalking; this.Movement.X = 2.0f; break; case 0: this.Movement.X = 0.0f; break; case -1: this.State = PlayerState.LeftWalking; this.Movement.X = -2.0f; break; } this.MouseDelta.X = Utilities.Curve(Mouse.X - this.MouseOrigin.X, this.MouseDelta.X, 5.0f); this.MouseDelta.Y = Utilities.Curve(Mouse.Y - this.MouseOrigin.Y, this.MouseDelta.Y, 5.0f); this.Rotation.X += this.MouseDelta.Y / 5.0f; this.Rotation.Y -= this.MouseDelta.X / 5.0f; Mouse.Move((int)this.MouseOrigin.X, (int)this.MouseOrigin.Y); } else { this.Movement.X = 0.0f; Mouse.Show(); this.Rotation.Y -= (float)(Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.D) * 3 - Keyboard.IntKeyDown(Key.A) * 3); } if (this.Controller.IsAirborne()) { this.State = PlayerState.Jumping; } if (Mouse.ButtonDown(MouseButton.Right) || Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.D) || Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.A) || Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.W) || Keyboard.KeyDown(Key.S)) { this.Reorient = true; } else { this.Reorient = false; } this.Camera.Rotation = this.Rotation; this.Zoom = Utilities.Curve((float)-Mouse.Z, this.Zoom, 5.0f); if (this.Reorient) { this.Controller.Update(this.Rotation.Y, this.Movement.Z, this.Movement.X, this.Jump, 500.0f, 1); } else { this.Controller.Update(this.Controller.Rotation.Y, this.Movement.Z, this.Movement.X, this.Jump, 500.0f, 1); } this.Camera.Position = this.Controller.Position; this.Camera.Move(new Vector3(0.0f, 0.5f * this.Zoom, -2.5f * this.Zoom)); this.MouseOrigin.X = (float)Mouse.X; this.MouseOrigin.Y = (float)Mouse.Y; if (this.State != this.OldState) { /* death 0 80 hit 80 106 idle 106 176 jump 176 203 magic 203 250 melee 250 297 run 297 323 side 323 357 walk 357 393 walk back 393 429 */ this.DeathFrame = 0; this.HitFrame = 80; this.IdleFrame = 106; this.JumpFrame = 176; this.MagicFrame = 203; this.MeleeFrame = 250; this.RunFrame = 297; this.SideFrame = 323; this.WalkFrame = 357; this.BackFrame = 393; } this.DeathFrame++; this.HitFrame++; this.IdleFrame++; this.JumpFrame++; this.MagicFrame++; this.MeleeFrame++; this.RunFrame++; this.SideFrame++; this.WalkFrame++; this.BackFrame++; if (DeathFrame == 80) DeathFrame = 1; if (HitFrame == 106) HitFrame = 81; if (IdleFrame == 176) IdleFrame = 107; if (MagicFrame == 250) MagicFrame = 204; if (MeleeFrame == 297) MeleeFrame = 251; if (RunFrame == 323) RunFrame = 298; if (SideFrame == 357) SideFrame = 324; if (WalkFrame == 393) WalkFrame = 358; if (BackFrame == 429) BackFrame = 394; switch (this.State) { case PlayerState.Idle: this.Mesh.Animate(IdleFrame, 1, 0, 1); break; case PlayerState.ForwardWalking: this.Mesh.Animate(RunFrame, 1, 0, 1); break; case PlayerState.BackwardWalking: this.Mesh.Animate(BackFrame, 1, 0, 1); break; case PlayerState.LeftWalking: case PlayerState.RightWalking: this.Mesh.Animate(SideFrame, 1, 0, 1); break; case PlayerState.Jumping: this.Mesh.Animate(JumpFrame, 1, 0, 1); break; case PlayerState.Flying: this.Mesh.Animate(185, 1, 0, 1); break; } } } }
Managed C# Leadwerks Library
L B commented on Rekindled Phoenix's blog entry in Rekindled Phoenix's Blog
I agree with you, although Josh has told me he might be interested by my headers, given that he can review them. Note that he also pinned my topic, which I guess is some sign of acceptance. Nevertheless, Josh is not a C# coder, so he might never actually support it. Saying the community support is too weak is just like saying the C++ community support is too weak because the headers are only maintained by Mika.- 3 comments
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Hasn't Josh already told us 20 times that both an increased terrain texture layer count and an eventual alternative way of doing GI (to use his words: "I think I know a way of doing this.")? If I were Josh, I would totally understand why not pushing these features: No one has made a single game yet.
Got some progress: Any advice? Here are my mat files: base.body_c.mat texture0 = "abstract::body.dds" texture1 = "abstract::body_normal.dds" shader = "abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_skin.vert" , "abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_specular.frag" shadowshader = "abstract::mesh_shadow_skin.vert","" base.posoh_c.mat texture0 = "abstract::staff.dds" texture1 = "abstract::staff_normal.dds" shader = "abstract::mesh_skin_diffuse.vert" , "abstract::mesh_diffuse_alphatest.frag" shadowshader = "abstract::mesh_shadow_skin.vert",""
Having a lot of trouble with it. I used the FBX format and fbx2gmf.exe, made the good .mat files, but it stays black (IMHO, it's because there's no abstract:: in the surface names and there's also a dot in them). Also, there are bones, but the mesh isn't attached to it. Any idea?
Incredible. Can't thank you enough. You save me bucks
Have a look at http://forum.leadwerks.com/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=2771, although I doubt this is what you want.
GetHwnd() Assuming you use C/C++.
It's been available once?
Fraps. http://www.fraps.com/
Yeah, I agree with that.
I think Graphics() does much more than just a normal initialization. Contact Josh about this, I'm no help with C# in this case.
Has anybody converted the wizard? If so, how? I need help on this one :/
I take it as if they don't want or feel like they need any game or intense graphics application on a Mac, since their users wouldn't use them. It's just a vicious circle: don't provide us the means of making a game, we won't make one. Their won't be gamers on Mac, so you won't provide us the means of making a game. Etc, etc.
Scaling doesn't even work at the moment, for this specific reason. Josh has no intent to support it. Look at the tracker.
A genre always helps.
Framewerk is basically the most global effect portal to Leadwerks. If you want to combine it with yours, I'd rather suggest you customize it, as the C++ and BMX headers are open-source.
Here you go with a simple implementation of my OOP drawing system. It's a simple button class that can be used in any way you like. Call "Button.Update()" right before "Graphics.Flip()". Feel free to make a list that updates all of them, I'm simply sharing this class. Couldn't make it part of any other release, really. public enum ButtonState { Idle, Hover, Clicked, Down } public class Button { public Texture IdleTexture { get; set; } public Texture HoverTexture { get; set; } public Texture ClickedTexture { get; set; } public Texture DownTexture { get; set; } public ButtonState State { get; private set; } public Image Image { get; private set; } public Button(Image image) { this.State = ButtonState.Idle; this.Image = image; this.IdleTexture = this.Image.Texture; this.ClickedTexture = this.Image.Texture; this.HoverTexture = this.Image.Texture; this.DownTexture = this.Image.Texture; } public void Update() { this.State = ButtonState.Idle; if ( Mouse.X >= this.Image.X && Mouse.Y >= this.Image.Y && Mouse.X <= this.Image.X + this.Image.Width && Mouse.Y <= this.Image.Y + this.Image.Height ) { this.State = ButtonState.Hover; if (Mouse.ButtonDown(MouseButton.Left)) { this.State = ButtonState.Down; } if (Mouse.ButtonHit(MouseButton.Left)) { this.State = ButtonState.Clicked; } } switch (this.State) { case ButtonState.Clicked: this.Image.Texture = this.ClickedTexture; break; case ButtonState.Down: this.Image.Texture = this.DownTexture; break; case ButtonState.Hover: this.Image.Texture = this.HoverTexture; break; case ButtonState.Idle: this.Image.Texture = this.IdleTexture; break; } Drawing.SetBlend(BlendType.Alpha); this.Image.Draw(); Drawing.SetBlend(BlendType.None); } }
Without any intent to be offensive, most of the things you said are obsolete or wrong. First of all, there are few third party libraries that you will need for C#, considering it's backed up by a completele framework. In other cases, I have always found what I needed as 3rdPL to make my application work. The easiness of a language is really subjective, so I won't comment on this. C# is not Windows only anymore, since Mono is out of Beta and DotGNU is coming along pretty nicely, as far as I know. I have run many applications on Linux, although I do not have a Mac to test.
Instead of Dim light As IntPtr = 0 light = CreateDirectionalLight(0) Use something as: Dim light As Light = Light.CreateDirectional()
Oh boy, don't get me started on VS2010. I couldn't even write a hello world without my computer to display a blue screen of death.