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Everything posted by L B

  1. L B

    Odds and Ends

    Seriously, if there wasn't Skyrim, I'd be having a lot of trouble waiting for L3D.
  2. Yes, this is a valid point for a generalization. But not in our case. Static methods exist in C++, and Lua, so they are as valid as a global method. In any case, the only way to expose a DllExport is through procedural calls. This will then be reconverted to OO calls by whichever language wrapper (note that Lua is an exception, with Lua++ and whatnot developed for it, I think). From LE2, I can tell you this hasn't drained even 1 FPS from me, ever. Then you agree, with the static method, they'll be documented. Yay. Everyone happy.
  3. Off topic: Is it a coincidence that "Rimfrost Software" has the same initials as "Roland Stralberg"?
  4. C#/.NET with Leadwerks3D will be supported in an OOP way occifially. There will not be just the DllImport header, but an officially supported class OOP wrapper, like LEO or Leadwerks .NET for LE 2. This is because Leadwerks3D is made to be OOP by design, and not procedural, and the default commandset will be documented in an OOP way. So this discussion is about how to officially support, in the OOP wrapper, the global methods. Did I say I liked the static class approach?
  5. Yes and no. Remember the Leadwerks API has to work with C++, C, Lua and who knows what other language, which don't all have an easy FileReader available. And the rest of your post, e.g. classifying "LogToConsole" in a "Logger" class boils down to what I asked Josh, but his concern was that there would be too many undocumented top classes (remember, Logger wouldn't be documented). So instead, I suggested that these static classes were built right into the C++/Lua version, so they'd be consistent with C#, Java and whatever other language. It seems like the best solution so far. See this wiki page: http://www.leadwerks.com/newwiki/index.php?title=Static_Functions
  6. Vector based GUI, yummy. Meanwhile, let's just get huge images and downscale.
  7. Static functions are the way to go. I throw away all the other arguments from our 1 hour long debate, just use static functions.
  8. This is marked as [sOLVED]; how did you solve it?
  9. In a real-life scenario, you can attach an elephant to a rope with a strong metal joint. it won't "vibrate" and go "unstable" if the joint is strong enough.
  10. That's weird, never occured to me. I run W7 Aero DWM.
  11. Mmm, built-in Sculptris terrain... That would be killer.
  12. Make sure you know the difference between LE2 (the current version) and L3D (the new version, coming eventually, in the following year). This is the forum for L3D. L3D is planned to work on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS and Android.
  13. Shh that's in too long, I need joints now. Don't let Josh postpone it so much!
  14. Hallelujah, very cool Next build?
  15. While building my rope bridge, I set a ball joint to every connecting cylinder of the ropes. But now I've decided to be a little more realistic, and adjust the masses properly. The rope cylinders have a low mass (rope is not heavy), calculated by density and their volume. The planks have a mass of about 2 kilos, or about 5 pounds. The problem is, the ropes do not seem to be able to handle that much tension. The bridge just falls into the abyss and the cylinders go crazy trying to hold it back. In the real world, the masses are OK, so it's the joints that are having a problem. The way I see it, a joint should be able to handle so much force, in that case the weight of the planks. And it shouldn't "expand", unless I want it to. It should stay solidly in place. Now the joint stiffness has no effect on that. Lumooja told me the joint strength doesn't work, and to use forces to simulate it. So, what am I doing wrong here? There seems to be a physics parameter I don't have control on, that is, the strength of the joints.
  16. L B

    Three's a Crowd

    L4D: made with L3D.
  17. L B

    Artificial Stupidity

    I'd be mostly curious of seeing some API commands. i.e. generating the nav. mesh from a scene, generating a Path, updating a Controller along a Path, etc.
  18. I think the use of PhysX removes the ability for terrain streaming anyway.
  19. Ok, just give us the goodies already. Grrr...
  20. tree[d] is great, but generates so much polys.
  21. L B

    Fentinor build

    Your scene is fantastic mate. I can't really help any more than Josh or Mika or anyone else on the speed concerns, but my jaw did drop. And I missed this thread for so long - this is why we need to have a gallery banner!
  22. That floor looks really good. Reminds me of Bioshock a bit. Maybe because of the high specular.
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