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Everything posted by L B

  1. L B

    Multitouch Madness

    And your music is... cheesy. But good work nonetheless, as usual.
  2. L B

    First Blog Post

    You might not want to tackle both the programming and art if you're doing a multiplayer RPG alone. Trust me, each alone will give you enough headaches. Try finding an artist on the Blender forum if you have a good design document going.
  3. By the way, the event system handles that seamlessly now, no need to worry. cube.Collided += delegate { Console.WriteLine("Collision!"); };
  4. Right click your project. Select "Properties...". In "Output type", select "Windows Application" instead of "Console Application".
  5. L B

    Leadwerks3D on Android

    You have the worst humour. But it's forgivable - you're a programmer.
  6. Detour (the pathfinding algorithms) can't handle any dynamic changes. Recast can only rebuild part of the navmesh for Detour to be updated. So radii or not, it's just not dynamic.
  7. Don't get me wrong, it did take us 1 month to get it running (admittedly, it was very part-time hobbyism). I had read that blog post, and so did the Recast/Detour team, I think. The flexibility in the Recast parameters allows you to create high quality navigation meshes, once it's set up. And computation time of navmeshes might make 10 times slower irrelevant, in the event that one hasn't played enough with the parameters to make a decent navmesh.
  8. If I recall correctly, we used this as a starting point: http://code.google.com/p/recastnavigation/source/browse/#svn%2Ftrunk%2FRecastDemo%2FSource
  9. Why don't you get your documentation and examples from http://code.google.com/p/recastnavigation/? When I used Detour/Recast, the programmer in charge of that part had to rebuild small chunks of the navmesh to update it. It was the only built-in way, unless you wanted to code your own algorithms to avoid obstacles.
  10. I agree that: "Leadwerks Engine" is long. The engine has to be differentiated from the company. However, the company must not promote 2 names, especially being focused on a single main product Reasons to not go with Leadwerks3D: "3D" seems to refer to rendering only, and not the game engine. Think Ogre3D Engine has no negative connotation in my humble opinion, but I'm curious to hear people's opinion The main product branded with Leadwerks is the engine, as as such would really rarely create a confusion with the company itself. The "Software" suffix is enough to differentiate the company in these cases. Single-word is simply bad. Typography geeks would probably disagree that a single-word is better to give balance to capitalization. Suggestions: Leadwerks 3 (companies don't have a version number) L3 as an abbreviation. (Pun on 1337 speek for the previous people who would look for the "Engine" in the name. Leadwerks 3D, if you really care for that name, please add a space.
  11. Returns the preferred / default material name of a surface. I know it's available in BMX, but it'd be useful in other languages too.
  12. L B


    Is the second line an edit?
  13. This is a feature request? Dang, I just expected it to work. +1 for that.
  14. L B

    le net starter

    Or, using Leadwerks .NET: using Leadwerks; class LoadAScene { static void Main(string[] args) { try { Engine.Initialize(800, 600); Window.Caption = "LoadAScene"; FileSystem.AbstractPath = @"D:\GameDevel"; Framework.Initialize(); Scene scene = Scene.Load("abstract::tunnels.sbx"); Framework.Camera.Position = Vector3.Parse(scene.Keys["cameraposition"]); Framework.Camera.Rotation = Vector3.Parse(scene.Keys["camerarotation"]); while (!Keyboard.IsKeyHit(Key.Escape) && !Window.HasRequestedClose) { if (Window.HasFocus) { Framework.Update(); Framework.Render(); Graphics.Flip(); } } } catch (LeadwerksException lex) { Debug.Alert(lex.Message); } finally { Framework.Dispose(); Engine.Dispose(); } } }
  15. I like Lazario. He's a very good guy. Take my word for it.
  16. Very very ferry nice.
  17. Consider the FatCow icon suite for 32x32 icons on Mac OS X. They basically replicate the Silk icon set in bigger, with more variety also. Their 16x16 icons are not as pretty, though.
  18. Thanks for taking care of the C# community RP.
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