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Everything posted by L B

  1. Any update on this? I personnally humbly admit I cannot help at all.
  2. The modification(s) to be done is(/are) in the engine DLL, hence why Metatron has to do it. And then, from that point, any language could use it.
  3. How did changing the memory structure as we discussed the other day work out?
  4. L B

    Leadwerks on the iPhone

    Don't forget the iPad. The only reason I do not already own a Mac and an iPad is because Leadwerks 3 is not out yet. Can you imagine?
  5. L B

    Leadwerks on the iPhone

    Freaking perfect. Cannot wait for LE3.
  6. We're talking about LE2 here, right?
  7. Mm. Josh never said anything about it though. His answer seems to be that we always have to call Leadwerks methods on the main thread - which is false, with proper synchronization, only LoadModel seems to be failing right now. Maybe Mika could help us figure a workaround with the source?
  8. You're suggesting C/++ methods to the wrong guy. Besides, I did have a queue on the main thread to work so far, but that turned out limiting after a while. So I really need to actually load the models on another thread. No fake, no almost.
  9. Mm, it actually only seems to be models, now that I do more testing. Or perhaps loading in general.
  10. I have managed to enable simple multi-threading by using a lock, or mutual-exclusion (mutex) system. Basically, I lock around all Leadwerks commands, so that none of them can be called at the same time, and forcing them to execute sequentially. This works really well for all commands. Except for the ones which create an entity, be it a body, model, mesh, light, etc.I'm wondering why that occurs, but most importantly, how can I truly create an entity on another thread. I know I could invoke the entity to be created on the main thread (using a delegate that gets executed at the next loop), and this is the approach I've used so far. However, for many reasons, I would like to create entities on other threads. How can I *truly* create entities on other threads without Leadwerks crashing?
  11. Ew, strings as possible values?! Haven't you heard of enums or constants? Please. If you write a new renderer, you'll have to compile it anyway.
  12. Official C# in LE3 will be such, such a relief.
  13. I'd wait until C# is officially supported in LE3. But if really any of you need a hand with adding funcitonalities, just let me know. I might also have them already implemented in my version here.
  14. Haha, question everyone here dreaded, heh?
  15. We have, you're changing names so all references to Lumooja starting language holy wars are erased from the newcomers' minds.
  16. Seems like someone hasn't read anything of the "Updates to this article" part, and jumped straight to the benchmarks. Most of your complaints are addressed there. Moreover, why don't you tell the article author instead of us? We surely won't satisfy your intentions.
  17. Oh psh Mika, don't go creating other accounts to vote Android up.
  18. I can really guess Mika's answers. The only one with a vote for Linux, evening the votes for Android? Tsk, so predictible.
  19. Who would've thought one sentence could summarize Lumooja.
  20. L B

    Custom Font

    Fixed it using the Default format in GIMP DDS plugin instead of A8R8G8B8.
  21. L B

    Custom Font

    Paint .NET, A8R8G8B8, no mipmaps.
  22. L B

    Custom Font

    I tried making a FontStudio font, but it only renders white. I attached 4 files (2 different fonts) to this post, could anybody test them and tell me if they can get it to work? Thanks! Fonts.zip
  23. You might want to post that in the advanced discussion/general programming or whichever forum. It's not really C# related per se.
  24. No, I meant these comments. RP, feel free to host the files. If people are determined, they'll just reflector it.
  25. Apparently, I removed public SVN access when I quit a couple of weeks ago out of the mess the Werkspace community implied.
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