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Everything posted by L B

  1. Josh tends to sometimes remove functions "no one uses".
  2. +1 on that. Besides, in which case do you render fonts out of screen? I'd say this is an exception in which you could translate the buffer, but not the other way around.
  3. myMesh.Material = Material.Load("myMaterial.mat");
  4. L B

    Mouse picking

    Considering the fact that I don't want to release an in-between unstable version, that Tyler is gone and that no one gives feedback (despite the fact that it was asked repeatedly in my posts and blog) on how they want the C# headers, a while.
  5. L B

    Mouse picking

    You'll need the new version for working picks, apparently. Sorry, don't have time to upload it today. When you pick something, however, remember you get the mesh. So any key set to the model won't be accessible. Use Pick.Entity.Parent to get the model of the mesh picked, I assume.
  6. L B

    Mouse picking

    Hi. First of all, for your information, the headers work with VB .NET as well, if you want to code in VB. Here is a code example in C#, I don't know if I uploaded that version yet. Tell me if it doesn't work, means I didn't. while (!Window.HasRequestedClose) { if (new Pick(camera, Graphics.Width / 2, Graphics.Height / 2, 500).Entity.Class == "Mesh")) { // do things } }
  7. Is it possible to do anti-aliased/scalable fonts for Leadwerks? I think not, and unless your game always stays at the same resolution, that would be sad for a menu GUI.
  8. L B

    My GUI

  9. I like the editor's functionality, although I must say, you're still failing to convey an explorer-like experience. Already 2 icon sets and only 4 icons.
  10. Hyperhext transfer protocol - way too cool.
  11. L B

    Some sample LE3 code

    I have an idea for exposed constructors function. Have the default function be LoadMesh and return a Mesh (null on failure), this being exposed. Now, in the C++ API, make a Mesh constructor: Mesh::Mesh() { if (!this = LoadMesh()) throw new LoadingException(); } Oh wait, can you assign this in a C++ constructor?
  12. Ok, I know you're new here, but that's not a good way to get friends with Lumooja.
  13. Undocumented/poorly documented and incomplete for a main-server architecture.
  14. Agreed, but isn't this slower: (That's what I meant) cube = CreateCube(); cube2 = CreateCube(); repeat...
  15. Are you coding in C#? If so, that's very easy.
  16. L B

    Some sample LE3 code

    @Josh's last post: Ew, no, keep your current implementation. @Roland: You beat me to everything I want to say. I can only +1 all of your posts.
  17. I'm just wondering, would creating a cube model be faster than using CreateCube()? This way the model would get instanced and repeated, you could just change its material for texturing.
  18. L B

    Some sample LE3 code

    try { Model* a = new Model("a.gmf"); Model* b = new Model("b.gmf"); Model* c = new Model("c.gmf"); Model* d = new Model("d.gmf"); } catch (LoadingException) { // Do something. } But as Josh pointed out, constructors and exceptions can not be exposed to other languages, so that design can not be done.
  19. Thanks for the link, but the P/Invoke / DllImport has already been completed by Tyler
  20. L B

    Some sample LE3 code

    I am 200% for try/catch and the pointer-oriented syntax. For those who are not used with the -> operator, you've been in garbage-collected environments for way too long Actually, if the syntax turns out like what I posted + try/catch/Exceptions, I might even switch to C++ for development. Introduction to pointers: Link Introduction to exceptions: Link
  21. L B

    Some sample LE3 code

    I thought the demonstrated syntax was C, I wonder how you get classes in there Lumooja/Roland. Besides, the "object.Load" approach is really bad, as Josh demonstrated. Also, I also want to precise I would use pointers and not objects, but Josh beat me to that too. Lastly, I don't know why you fear constructors, Lumooja. Setting the graphics properties after its creation implies that it exists but is empty, which is strange in my opinion. Here's my ideal code syntax for C++, not C (I feel Josh's one is perfect for C). Graphics* graphics; World* world; Mesh* box; Camera* camera; graphics = new Graphics(OpenGLGraphicsDriver()); graphics->Create(1024, 768, 4); world = new World(); box = new Box(1, 1, 1); // Box : Mesh box->GetMaterial()->SetShader(new Shader("Shaders/minimal.shader")); box->GetMaterial()->SetColor(new Color(255, 0, 0, 255)); // Basically Color is a Vector4 represented as bytes camera = new Camera(); camera->SetClearColor(new Color(0, 255, 0, 255)); box->SetPosition(0, 0, -2, false); float yaw = 0.0f; while (!window->IsClosed()) { yaw++; box->SetRotation(yaw, 0, 0, false); camera->Render(); window->Flip(); }
  22. However, you can still use load. Both syntax are accepted: Mesh loaded = new Mesh("abstract::tree.gmf"); Mesh loaded = Mesh.Load("abstract::tree.gmf");
  23. I actually solved it with this material file: texture0="abstract::glass.dds" texture1="abstract::glassdot3.dds" texture2="tag::rendercolor" texture3="tag::renderdepth" depthmask=0 zsort=1 shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_bumpmap_refraction.frag" Thanks to Lumooja for the firepit reference suggestion.
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