As you wish.
What you mean is a 'shell'. And there is not only one. While bash (Bourne Again Shell, an enhancement of the sh, Bourne Shell) is the most common used, there are others like ksh, zsh, csh and tcsh (my favorite). They all differ in capabilities and syntax.
The 'terminal programs' you were mentioning, are either shell-builtins or CLI-tools.
Photoshop is just more user-friendly. And for the proprietary software-part: For everything we could possibly, there is a open-source project already available. Also, proprietary developers tend to follow their own rules instead of the standards we have set in place (and yes, we hate them for it. Therefore we don't buy or use their ****.)
He made that comment as response to NVIDIA's lack of NVIDIA OPTIMUS support in their closed-source driver (which every sane user isn't using anyway.. Unless he *really* needs the performance or he simply doesn't care about giving untrustworthy code full control over his PC).
Canonical is going the same way that Microsoft went.. Downwards.. They're equally stupid and do the same bad decisions.
Unity and Mir are just 2 examples.
Canonical is holding your hand, just like Microsoft does. Don't expect that from every distribution. Especially not one which is aimed at professionals that know what they're doing.
It's true that not every kind of exotic hardware is supported, but when I compare the current situation to the situation 10 years ago.. Driver problems are far less common than they used to be and it's getting better every day.
Just because you're unable to work with any distribution but Ubuntu (or a derivative from it) doesn't mean that other people can't do that either.
-- Notebook batteries empty.. I'll edit and enhance this post later. --
Edit: Took a while to get back to this, and now I lost the line anyway.