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Jdjd Gaming

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  1. yeah that was the issue thanks
  2. my issue is that this happens in project manager, when i click project it shows loading icon cursor and then crashes, it has happened to me 2 times in past months and it somehow fixed itself after few updates, but now it did just restart again
  3. it would really help me and probably many people to be able to in an area have IBL intensity different, not the global one, lets say in an area i want to have 100 ibl intensity to get strong reflections, but in an area i dont want too strong reflections, this would help i think, unless its possible to do already
  4. ok so somehow it works now.. placing entities and stuff, it started working instant after latest update from few mins ago.. im not sure why/how but it did.. sometimes ultra breaks like this and im not sure why to be honest..
  5. its a desktop, and yeah i didnt have these issues before too so its very strange, as it now loads but placing any entity it crashes (however loading a map that had entitys placed before does NOT crash) so it seems to be an issue when placing an entity and this also applies to placing brushes
  6. Hold up, its not fully fixed yet, placing any entity crashes editor..
  7. im not sure why but now ultra works again..... its like it sometimes breaks like this then fixes itself after few days
  8. yes, it still happens, around few days ago it worked before 0.9.9, then 0.9.9 released on beta while i was on beta branch so after it updated i switched back to no beta and now it just crashes like this no matter what i do and like i said i have reinstalled ultra, made new project and everything i could think of, i remember when i was in 0.9.8 just before 0.9.9 when entering ultra would auto load in to project without loading into project manager but now thats no longer happening, which i fell like might be cause and im not sure how to make it do that...
  9. im on nvidia gpu as i said... the only AMD thing i have in my PC is the CPU, but my gpu is NVIDIA RTX 4060 with latest drivers
  10. GPU: RTX 4060 CPU: Ryzen 5 5600 RAM: 16GB Ultra crashes when selecting a project in project manager theres loading cursor icon then crash, it worked few days ago and didnt crash, before the 0.99 update (yet im not on beta branch) and now going back to 0.9.7 then back to main still the issue however when on the 0.9.7 there is no crashing, Ultra version i use is the standard one...
  11. This could be usefull for things like foot steps, so you could do something like in lua like this (posedo code not actually real code) if material.getmaterial=(wood) playsound(wood) elseif material.getmaterial=(steel) playsoundsteel
  12. im used to source engine and in the source engine you get a screen saying 'how thick do you want the walls to be, use negative value to hollow outward', this feature being in ultra editor would help soo much i think with level design
  13. I have a suggestion for ultra engine which is a video player, this would allow playing videos in engine like mp4, i am not sure if this is possible right now through coding something new in lua but probably not, it could work as a component or in the misc tab and this would be in my opinion very usefull
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