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Posts posted by Einar

  1. On 7/16/2024 at 7:02 AM, khotan said:

    I think it is incomplete your code to make a running smooth, you need to see the code with a premade as "CameraControls.lua" and then compare with your code on what it is wrong ...

    You need mouse as well and a setup of camera to view from world

    Hope that it helps you.

    Good luck.

    Where can I find CameraControls.lua?

  2. I am trying to write a Camera Controller script (Yes I know there's a premade one), I have gotten the movement down, and logically I should move on with turning, so I am trying to program my script to move according to the Camera Angle, I tried writing self.Camera:GetRotation(), which returned a nil value resulting in error, then found out I had to write a Boolean to go with it, upon trying self.Camera:GetRotation(true), the same error occurred, here's my current script, and a log of my error:  9 : attempt to index field 'Camera' (a nil value)

    Skjermbilde 2024-05-30 061627.png

  3. 4 minutes ago, Josh said:

    The trigger does this by setting the global variable "changemapname" to a new value. If you do the same thing with your button, then the value will be detected in the main loop and a new map will be loaded.

    How do I do that in Menu.lua?

  4. 6 hours ago, Josh said:

    The FPS project includes a sample map where walking into an area will trigger a map change.

    Yes I'm aware, but I'm not trying to make a trigger zone, no. I'm trying to add a button to the menu where the player can use anywhere, but when I try it out it just overlaps the map I'm already in and causes alot of bugs.

  5. I have gotten somewhat off my arse in terms of LUA programming, however I cannot seem to program a button in the menu screen to restart the current scene, if any help or assistance can be provided, thank you. 

    Skjermbilde 2024-05-27 023205.png

  6. New error on the rise, oh joy! XD

    Upon usage of TriggerChangeMap.lua in the base scripts, I find the error "Assert Failed" no comment.

    I used my map name as a string, and used the object which parents the script as a fail-safe for falling out the map, in order to trigger a reset of the map in use.

    start.map -- "start" (as used in the string)

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