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  1. I see the editor does not expose it, how would one retrieve and set the shadowmap size of the built in Sun directional light ?
  2. Sounds great. Also I have notice I'm rendering tons of geometry not on screen or hidden behind other geometry. Culling should make a ton of difference also as far as complex scenes go.
  3. Could whatever change this is be related to my post yesterday about degrading performance and lower fps as the version get higher ?


    Looking for a way in the editor to set a point or spot lights shadow to static.. also can these be baked with probes like leadwerks does? I'm only a level designer so I don't mess with code. I make maps for a coder on our team.
  5. Also we need an easy 90 degree rotation tool. click and selection rotates 90 degrees.
  6. I would like to purpose a feature, 'Groups'. Much like in a RTS game where you have a selection of mesh/entities on screen you could hit Alt 1 - 9 to set set the selected items into a group. then ctrl 1 - 9 to reselect that group for operation.
  7. ahhhh yeeeeea.. I don't see anywhere to to enter a max distance value.
  8. I see the three ranges for LOD. where do I set the model to be completely culled ?
  9. AMD RTX 4060. Not the most high end but def above mid-end cards. I scalled the terrain from 512 down to 256 and lowered resoultion from 2164x1440 to 1440x1024 and it brought my fps back up to 60.
  10. When I first started using ultra I had massive amount of mesh on the screen using ssao and never saw much a fps drop. Now these days just a few cubes and such on a map and turning on saao i see my fps count drop major hits. where i was seeing around 200 fps with intensive map i now seeing 50 to 47 fps with just a few meshes on a map. something is wrong.
  11. I sure hope these questions get answered. It sads me too and I can already see that several of the big time players in ultra have upp'ed and left already.
  12. Leadwerks had this and I cannot for the life of me understand why this deep into Ultra development we still cannot set a base scale size in the model editor. It's not like this is a passive request, I have seen numerous others ask for it. Is this just something Ultra engine or the developer cannot implement?
  13. In what way? Interesting to me would be wind movement on the foliage shader.
  14. I create a material, assign it to my model... everything is fine. When I save map and and exit ultra. then reload my map all my fn' models are untextured! before reload after reload
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