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    Chicago, Illinois

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  1. I'd say the most logical approach is for your game to persist a finite state machine during runtime, that way you can handle states for menus, death, active playtime, spectating, etc. Combining that approach with the other advice offered above should lead you towards the light. Cheers, Tyler
  2. Did I give anyone the code to this library?
  3. The prices mentioned, $295/project/platform are indeed accurate but only for Scaleform (the lowest library on my list). Beast ( a light mapper ) is also down there. My focus will be on HumanIK (inverse kinematics library), and Navigation, which is a new library from the people who originally made Kynogon Kynapse, then bought by Autodesk and renamed Autodesk Kynapse, and now version 2 being called Autodesk Navigation. The only reason I was focusing on these is because they are heavily integrated in the pipeline from 3ds Max / Maya and other Autodesk tools, FBX format, and other specifications that streamline use in Leadwerks. Saves me from having to write editing tools for setting up IK skeletons or generating navmeshes and stuff of that nature. Nonetheless, my focus is going to be from the perspective of a functional, and at the beginning, not very pretty game. Most definitely a first person shooter, and expand from there. Less talk, more walk. Cheers, Tyler
  4. I've been here since Leadwerks was 1.x and had no DLL exports back when I was in high school. Been focusing on other things, growing up, maturing, university, etc. Coming full circle to my natural passion which is programming with a concentration in games. Integrating the Autodesk Gameware SDK's was merely something I wanted to do for personal use, but seeing as anyone can apply for an evaluation of them and utilize them for a game, sharing my work would be ideal. I also have some projects that have been back burner toast for what, 3 years now, that all had potential for helping members of the community. Plus ofcourse making a game.
  5. Well once I receive my SDKs for Autodesk Gameware, I am integrating Scaleform, Beast, Navigation, HumanIK in with Leadwerks 2.x, as well as euphoria.
  6. Now that Leadwerks 3 is here and LE2 is on the back burner I can come out of hiatus and get some wonderful things going. Keep on the lookout. Cheers, Tyler H.
  7. Well I'll have spring break here starting March 19th, gives me 2 weeks to get my antiquated code and apps installed on the new computer. Summer break is the end of May.
  8. Looks good. I might give a try at porting the OGRE example.
  9. Hello there! I just got word from Autodesk that my Scaleform developer account is being reviewed. I am also waiting to hear back on approval to evalute for integration the remaining Autodesk Gameware middlewares Kynapse, HumanIK, and Beast. If all goes well, I'm going to aim at getting some kind of open-source glue code / framework and tools out there for anyone who (like I) is using Leadwerks and some external middlewares. Cheers, Tyler
  10. Maybe once my summer break in college hits I'll be back on my programming grind.
  11. TylerH

    Three's a Crowd

    The industry term for an AI 'actor" "entity" "class" brain whatever you want to call it is usually Agent, not Actor. Usually safe neumonic to maintaing your finalized character an Actor, with the sub components of a Model, Entity, AI Agent / Brain, etc. Just my two cents.
  12. I was always curious as how to, fundamentally, this functionality is implemented in games. Regardless of whether you use raycasts or a physics shape + collision, there still is some backend system that has to register "hits", hit info, etc. and dish it back out to be processed, damaged applied, enemies killed, and such. Is there a cookie-cutter way to do such a thing? Or does every one, from indie to big name AAA studios, just reinvent the wheel everytime they need a gun to fire at other entities/actors/whateveryoucallthem? I haven't done as much research into the topic as I should have, but when I was writing Weaponwerks and my other little libraries to have complex weapons systems in first person, I kind of got stuck around the whole "oh hey I can shoot pretty bullets with effects and ricochets, but how do I make them actually do something in a neat, organized, OO, expandable way?". Any suggestions, tips, advice?
  13. Assuming he meant UV texture how I think, he means the UV coordinates.
  14. I don't take it the SVN has original source code? From a Refelctor-ish look and a lot of things I have learned in the past year, this wrapper needs refactored, if not rewritten in 90% of parts. EDIT: Nevermind, HTML view was not showing the file list. SVN download grabbed all the files.
  15. 1. Inside of a function is the best place, but mainly in an object script at the very top doing all your initial declarations, you don't have to assign variables at that point either, just best to have them declared locally before you do anything else. 2. Nope, its stack based. 3.You can reused something like that though it depends on if you deleted collection. As long as it isnt nil it will overwrite each loop without you redeclaring. 4. Can't answer, don't know how it was coded.
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