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Everything posted by TylerH
Darn, would have been interesting to be able to rotate terrains, or possibly have more than one.
Are you creating the decal in the transparency world?
Replied to the post in that other thread and posted my decal material file. Cheers, Tyler
Sorry, it was meant to be taken lightly. Really hard to commit emotion and tone via the Internet and Text, so I should have added a B) or smiley. I'm not aware how different the new system is, so I was assuming the change-over was either minuscule or 1:1, if it is difficult I will see if I can do it myself so others can test.
The material file was a straight up copy from the last version of the SDK that had shot1.mat or whatever. I think 2.25. Here is the material file: texture0="abstract::shot1.dds" shader="abstract::mesh_diffuse.vert","abstract::mesh_diffuse_alphatest.frag" alphatest=1 blend=mod2x depthmask=0 //normalmask=0 overlay=1 clamp0=1,1 castshadows=0
Ninja'd B)
I am not switching to the single-state 2.3 until I am comfortable with and fix all current bugs with the entities I have created in multi-state. I don't want to switch to single-state with pre-existing bugs in my code at present, because then any bugs from single-state will be hard to differentiate from the existing ones. Over the next 2-3 days I will upgrade, but in the mean time can you just bear with me here? Don't act like you are incapable of making it compatible if you need it that way.
Good thing I am still using the multi-state version of 2.3.
I have been trying to adapt the code Josh used in road_node.lua to create the roads aligned to terrains, in order to work on a per-entity individual basis for terrain-aligned decals. I stripped it down to how I think it should work, and made a few modifications, but nothing is visible. I was hoping someone (preferably Josh or anyone who knows how this may work), to take a look and see if they can either get it working, or tell me what in practice I am doing wrong. Here is the decal.lua script: dofile("Scripts/base.lua") dofile("Scripts/Math.lua") dofile("Scripts/Primitives/Patch.lua") dofile("Scripts/Math/Plane.lua") dofile("Scripts/linkedlist.lua") --Properties interface function InitDialog(grid) base_InitDialog(grid) end --Helper function to retrieve the scene terrain, if it exists function GetTerrain() for terrain in iterate(CurrentWorld().terrains) do return terrain end end function Spawn(model) local entity=base_Spawn(model) --Default settings entity.model:SetKey("width","5") entity.model:SetKey("border","0.25") entity.model:SetKey("tessellation","1.0") entity.model:SetKey("offset","0.05") entity.model:SetKey("material","road.mat") entity.model:SetKey("linkoncreate","1") entity.model:SetKey("reloadafterscript","0") entity.roadmesh=CreateMesh(nil) material=LoadMaterial("abstract::"..entity.model:GetKey("material")) entity.roadmesh:Paint(material,0) local surf=entity.roadmesh:AddSurface(material) entity.roadsurface=surf entity.roadsurface:Paint(material,0) entity.roadmesh:SetParent(entity.model,1) entity.roadmesh:SetShadowMode(0) function entity:BuildSegment() --Create a temporary mesh and add a surface local temp=CreateMesh() local x0,x1,z0,z1,cx,cz,w,d local terrain=GetTerrain() local meterspertile=2.0 if terrain~=nil then meterspertile=terrain.scale.x end cx=1.0 cz=1.0 w=2.0 d=2.0 --Now create a patch; this is a segmented plane that will match the terrain tiles patch=CreatePatch(w,d) local patchsurf=patch:GetSurface(1) patchsurf:Scale(Vec3(meterspertile*w,1.0,meterspertile*d)) patchsurf:Translate(Vec3(cx-w/meterspertile,0,cz-d/meterspertile)) --Make y coordinates of patch match terrain if terrain~=nil then for v=0,patchsurf:CountVertices()-1 do local t=patchsurf:GetVertexPosition(v) local px,pz px = t.x/meterspertile+terrain.resolution/meterspertile pz = t.z/meterspertile+terrain.resolution/meterspertile t.y = terrain:GetHeight(px,pz)*terrain.scale.y+0.005 patchsurf:SetVertexPosition(v,t) end end patch:SetParent(self.model,1) local a,b,c,p,d local src=patch:GetSurface(1) local dst=temp:AddSurface() --UV map the finished surface. This was hard!!! a=patchsurf:GetVertexPosition(0) b=patchsurf:GetVertexPosition(1) c=patchsurf:GetVertexPosition(2) d=patchsurf:GetVertexPosition(3) local texcoord = Vec2() local u = Vec3() local v = Vec3() local p0=Vec2() local p1=Vec2() local result0=0 local result1=0 local a00 local a01 local a10 local a11 local texcoord=Vec2(0) --Calculate the intersection of the top and bottom edges result0,p0.x,p0.y=linesintersect(a.x,a.z,b.x,b.z,c.x,c.z,d.x,d.z) if result0==1 then a00=math.atan2(a.z-p0.y,a.x-p0.x) a01=math.atan2(c.z-p0.y,c.x-p0.x) a00=WrapAngle(math.deg(a00)) a01=WrapAngle(math.deg(a01)) da0=angledifference(a00,a01) end --Calculate the intersection of the left and right edges result1,p1.x,p1.y=linesintersect(a.x,a.z,c.x,c.z,b.x,b.z,d.x,d.z) if result1==1 then a10=math.atan2(a.z-p1.y,a.x-p1.x) a11=math.atan2(b.z-p1.y,b.x-p1.x) a10=WrapAngle(math.deg(a10)) a11=WrapAngle(math.deg(a11)) da1=angledifference(a10,a11) end --Now calculate texcoords and add normals for n=0,dst:CountVertices()-1 do t=dst:GetVertexPosition(n) local yfactor=0 if result0==1 then angle=math.deg(math.atan2(t.z-p0.y,t.x-p0.x)) yfactor = angledifference(angle,a00)/da0 --yfactor = math.mod(angledifference(angle,a00)/da0,1.0) --yfactor=1.0+yfactor --texcoord.y = (i+yfactor) / self.countsegments*1.0 texcoord.y=yfactor else u=Vec3() u.x = c.x-a.x u.y = c.y-a.y u.z = c.z-a.z u=planefrompointnormal(a,Normalize(u)) dist=PointDistance(a,c) u.nx=u.nx/dist u.ny=u.ny/dist u.nz=u.nz/dist u.d=u.d/dist texcoord.y=((u.nx*t.x+u.ny*t.y+u.nz*t.z+u.d)) --texcoord.y=1.0+texcoord.y --texcoord.y = (i+texcoord.y) / self.countsegments*1.0 --if texcoord.y<0.0 then texcoord.y=1.0+texcoord.y end --texcoord.y = texcoord.y + i end if result1==1 then angle=math.deg(math.atan2(t.z-p1.y,t.x-p1.x)) texcoord.x = 1.0+angledifference(angle,a10)/da1 else u=Vec3() u.x = b.x-a.x u.y = b.y-a.y u.z = b.z-a.z u=planefrompointnormal(a,Normalize(u)) dist=PointDistance(a,B) u.nx=u.nx/dist u.ny=u.ny/dist u.nz=u.nz/dist u.d=u.d/dist texcoord.x=u.nx*t.x+u.ny*t.y+u.nz*t.z+u.d end dst:SetVertexTexCoords(n,texcoord,0) if terrain~=nil then dst:SetVertexNormal(n,terrain:CalcNormal(t.x,t.z)) else dst:SetVertexNormal(n,Vec3(0,1,0)) end end --Add the temporary surface to the real road surface dst:Add(entity.roadsurface) --Discard the temporary meshes patch:Free() temp:Free() end return entity end function SetKey(model,key,value) local entity=entitytable[model] if entity==nil then return 1 end if key=="material" then if entity.roadmesh then material=LoadMaterial("abstract::"..value) entity.roadmesh:Paint(material,0) end end return 1 end function GetKey(model,key,value) local entity=entitytable[model] if entity==nil then return value end if key=="material" then return value else return base_GetKey(model,key,value) end end function Kill(model) local entity=entitytable[model] base_Kill(model) end function UpdateMatrix(model) local entity=entitytable[model] if (entity ~= nil) then entity:BuildSegment() entity.roadsurface:UpdateTangentsAndBinormals() entity.roadmesh:UpdateLocalAABB() entity.roadmesh:UpdateAABB() end end Thanks, Tyler
Just out of curiosity, we can have different road splines/nodes with different materials, correct? i.e. I can have a dirt road, and a paved road, and maybe a road of tire tracks.
Is it possible the LinePick doesn't work with the terrain because it is setup via the vertex shader? I mean, it is basically a high-resolution ish plane with a displacement map (height map).
And also that it was corrected to work properly on up/down scaled entities.
RotateEntity(terrain,Vec3(90,0,0)) Will that work?
Lol E.C. It would be cool if we could add new toolbar, UI, etc. functionality to the 2.3 Editor via scripts. Similar to how the InitGrid works per-entity, but more so on a game/editor level.
str is just a typedef for char* isn't it? So a bit redundant to explicitly cast to char*, besides, what if you have dangling pointer and non-mutable access to that particular string? You should use const_cast<char*>(s.c_str()) to be 100% safe, though what Masterxilo stated about the memory problems still apply.
Yes, I do have decals working. Here is my code to create a decal: if (pick.surface~=nil) then SetWorld(fw.transparency.world) decal = CreateDecal(pick.surface,TFormPoint(pick.position,nil,pick.entity),1.0/16.0,64) SetWorld(fw.main.world) if (decal~=nil) then decal:SetParent(pick.entity,0) --decal:Paint(LoadMaterial("abstract::bullethole.mat")) decal:Paint(GetImpactDecal(GetMeshModel(pick.entity))) decal:SetColorf(1.0,1.0,1.0,bullet.damage/bullet.initialdamage) end end You can ignore the SetColorf and GetImpactDecal stuff, those are things for Weaponwerks for the dynamic impact system, and to set the alpha of the decal based on how much damage the bullet has inflicted relative how much it could in perfect conditions. For CreateDecal from a pick, you need to pass the surface, the transformed pick position from world to entity space, the radius (1/16.0 is what Josh used by default and makes a nice, though slightly too big bullet hole), and 64 is the max tris (the higher this is, the better the decal can align to the surface). The transparency world and decal:SetParent calls are key in order to make sure it is visible and sticks to the surface.
Oh, in terms of the Game <-> Editor mode thing, it would be cool if we had a: function entity:UpdateEditor() end function entity:UpdateGame() end or something like that. Though I guess a global variable would be easier/more versatile.
Hooks are going to help your design ideas more than you think Rick.
The physics, scene graph, etc. can be multi-threaded. Why does everyone always just try to negate the request for multi-threading? Instead of thinking of places where it CAN be used...
http://forum.leadwerks.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=3758 The technique is called texture splatting. I was amazed by this shader
Depends on what you actually call a "draw calls". As in a call to glDrawArryas or glDrawElements, that is done once per Vertex Buffer Object (VBO) or once per Vertex Buffer Array (VBA [collection of VBOs]) depending on your setup. Last I heard I thought Leadwerks Engine used VBOs per-mesh, and just translated, rotated, scaled Object Space and then made a call to glDrawElements of the same VBO, on a per-instance basis. Anyways, I am not the one to have the answer.
It is throwing an error because you are passing two Vec2s, it needs Vec3(X,Y,Z)
You can code your own system in Lua that works instantly. If I can assume that if I grab an instance of ANOTHER script in a given entity's script, can I access the members defined in the OTHER script? Or does this multi-state setup prevent that currently? The single-state would clearly let you setup a global message system simply in Lua using an Input/Output structure like in Hammer. function entity:FireOutput(output,value) for k,v in pairs(self.targets) do v:FireInput(output,value) end end The above would be instantaneous, because you are directly calling a function of the receiver from the sender's script. Hammer/Source engine does this EXACTLY in this way, except via C++ functors/callbacks, not Lua.