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Everything posted by Porsche
For the line: scene = LoadMesh("abstract::scene.gmf") ...that was causing problems, I changed the name of "scene.gmf" to something else. Worked like a charm, just as you said. THANK you! One down, and one to go.
Okay, some more information... I get a little more detail with debug, but I still can't make heads or tails of it. This is regarding the "Unhandled exception error in the main chunk." This is what is shown in the log at the bottom of the script editor: Loading texture "c:/users/torr/documents/leadwerks engine sdk/tutorials/lesson09/concrete_floor01dot3.dds"... Loading shader "zip::c:/users/torr/documents/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//mesh/mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.vert", "zip::/c:/users/torr/documents/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//mesh/mesh_diffuse_bumpmap.frag"... Loading material "zip::c:/users/torr/documents/leadwerks engine sdk/private/thezone.pak//models/buildings/warehouse01/concrete.mat"... Unhandled exception:Zip data error As for the second error, I found that it plays the sound when running debug. But when I try to raise and lower the pitch with the up and down arrow keys, as we coded in the tutorial (#6, with sound), a different error pops up - something more specific, and a little easier to understand. "Unhandled Exception:Attempt to access field or method of Null object" ...the problem now is trying to find where that problem is, since I'm using the same code as in the tutorial. The log for this is very long, I cannot copy the text, and it doesn't seem to be helpful and save a .txt file either. Here are the last lines of the log, at least, and if you need more then I'll type further back: Loading texture "incbin::noise.dds"... Loading shader "zip::c:/users/torr/documents/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//postfilters/postfilter.vert", "zip::/c:/users/torr/documents/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//lighting/directionallight.frag"... Loading shader "zip::c:/users/torr/documents/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//postfilters/postfilter.vert", "zip::/c:/users/torr/documents/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//postfilters/postfilter.frag"... Loading shader "zip::c:/users/torr/documents/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//postfilters/postfilter.vert", "zip::/c:/users/torr/documents/leadwerks engine sdk/shaders.pak//postfilters/depthblit.frag"... Loading texture "incbin::Arial9.dds"... Unhandled Exception:Attempt to access field or method of Null object The lines where we scripted the changing of the pitch are: -- Increase/decrease pitch on command if KeyHit(KEY_UP) == 1 then pitch = pitch + 0.1 SetSourcePitch(source1,pitch) elseif KeyHit(KEY_DOWN) == 1 then pitch = pitch - 0.1 SetSourcePitch(source1,pitch) end ...where pitch and source1 have already been defined above. Does any of this help at all, for either error? Thanks for trying to help me out.
Yes. That was one of the first things I looked at. They're all in the same folder, and I've never had a problem before with the abstract path not finding things. : / It's odd. I showed this to one of my seniors at school, and he wasn't able to figure it out either. That was where we tried copying the script directly from the .pdf of the tutorial. But the guy's works in the tutorial, no problem. I was wondering if it had anything to do with my computer?
Alright, so I've been working through the VERY informative and VERY helpful Lua tutorials here on the Leadwerks site. I'm starting off knowing nothing about Lua, and this is my first time working with a scripting language as well as working on a game. So I'm very new to the whole deal. I've had errors in the script I typed up from the tutorials, but I've been able to handle most of them. Except two. After doing the first eight tutorials, even though I made sure I typed everything exactly the way he did, I still get the errors. I've even pasted the script from the .pdf files that come with the tutorials! Still an error. I'm wanting to know what on my computer is causing them. In the fourth tutorial, the line scene = LoadMesh("abstract::scene.gmf") gives the error: "Unhandled exception error in the main chunk." when I try to run the script. I used that exact same line with the exact same errors in the seventh and eight tutorials, too. Finally, in the sixth tutorial, the line sound1 = LoadSound("abstract::beep.ogg") gives the error: "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" when I try to run the script. This is the only time I've run into the error so far, from the 1-8 Lua tutorials. Does anyone have any ideas/advice for a newbie who's run out? I'd appreciate it! Thanks, Torr.
Holy... Major Kudos Pixel Perfect. So... How much?
Hey Laurens and everyone... let me give you all an update. Shard and I are local project partners in college. Zero Hour is our school project, which was due about 3 weeks ago, a few days after the Beta came out. We presented our actual game level with enemies, triggers, music, cut-scenes, and more. We had originally planned to release the beta earlier, but complications just kept piling up. We went into major crunch time to get it ready for a huge presentation, and we're proud to say we kicked butt. Anyway, Zero Hour is far from finished. We've been taking a long deserved break. The Beta we put up is horribly faulty, and chances are we'll be putting up different versions of the game for everyone to test over the next 8 months. The game we turned in was for our Mid-Term Project, which is meant as a "practice run" for the real thing. We are continuing Zero Hour as our Senior project. Our break is nearly over, and I'm sure you'll see more from us soon. (Get ready for Shard to bombard the Coding forum with questions... haha) -Porsche PS: Thanks to all those who played the Beta. Check your email over the next couple months, we might hand out a different test version of the game.
We've only denied a few requests. There are a few other things that cause us to deny your request. These include: No Email Provided Not stating your LeadWerks forum username OR not clearly identifying who you are @RVL: You are an SDK owner, so you should be able to play the Beta. You can still play, but I need you to PM me a few things. Check your inbox. =]
I Want to Use LeadWerks in FPS CREATOR
Porsche replied to naeembabakheil's topic in General Discussion
You can export the height map from the Editor (Sandbox) into a .raw file. If you import this into Photoshop (maybe even gimp), you can re-save it as any kind of file. Going along with everyone else though, it'd just be too many steps to really even be worth it. You shouldn't just use LeadWerks for one thing, considering it's meant to be much more. -
The Beta will probably go until July, and you can sign up at any point during.
We are a little behind schedule, but we should be able to hand out the keys tomorrow (June 1st) or Wednesday(June 2nd). I've looked through the requests already sent, and a few people claimed to be from leadwerks but didn't include their username. If you got an email saying you were denied, and you're an SDK owner, just PM me here with your email address so I can fix the issue. Otherwise, check your email in the next few days for the Beta Key! =D (Be sure to check your junk email too, if you're expecting.) We've run into several last second issues. While we could hand it out as is, we'd rather fix the more major bugs beforehand. We're now aiming for next week sometime, probably Tuesday June 8th.
Yeah the controls are all inverted. That was an old bug and has been fixed for awhile. It's not related to the gun showing up, and you can still accurately see the problem.
Has anyone tried the download? The link was some what un-noticeable. http://www.3rdinitiative.com/system/content/LE_Bug.zip
As far as the model goes, the weapon is part of the player.gmf model file. It's attached via link in 3DsMax. Should we be splitting up the gun and the arms? We'll work on this.
Also, the gun still isn't visible when we zoom out (thus the bounding box should be in view), but will often times dissapear when the camera looks at the center of the horizon... "Often times"... not all the time. Frustrating .... >,<
Sweet, I got all of your requests. They wont be approved until the first week of June. I'd like to take a moment and thank all of the LeadWerks community for past and future help that you guys have provided. We seriously wouldn't have gotten this far and have it look this good without your help. THANK YOU.
ZERO HOUR Teaser trailer! I thought I'd make an Official Thread for our game, Zero Hour. (Shard and myself). We have a version of the game out currently for download. All LeadWerks SDK owners are invited to play this testing version. If you'd like to play the Zero Hour and find bugs for us, you'll have to request a Key here: http://www.fifthinitiative.com/system/?v=req Be sure to put you're from LeadWerks Community in the additional comments section, so we know who you are. (Include your username!) Check out our project page too for more media and screen shots: http://www.fifthinitiative.com/?v=3pro&t=3
I am currently using the MaxScript that converts straight from 3DS to .GMF inside Max. Since I had already narrowed down the problem to the rifle, I took a closer look at it... I found one bad vertex, and it seems to be exporting fine now. I had been building off of an an older version of the rifle I had modeled last year that wasn't made very carefully. In any matter, I exported it using FBX to GMF conversion tool and nothing shows up in the Model Viewer.
I've got an entire animated model ready to be exported from 3DS max. It's basically the hands/gun that will be displayed in the viewport during the game. The entire animation includes two guns, an assault and sniper rifle which I modeled separately then imported into the hands/arms scene using the merge tool. The model can export fine with everything intact with just the assault rifle. When I include the sniper rifle in the selected objects to export, it errors out with: "There was an error." I can't seem to find an error log - is there any sort of MaxScript Error log? If not, what are some of the causes of this error? Thanks for your time, Porsche
Thanks ArBuz. I was using the Physique modifier, not the skin modifier. =)
Okay so it's been awhile, but I hit a wall with my models. I think I'm missing something with my models that have bones (bipeds, etc)... The bones seem to animate fine, but the physique animation on the actual mesh isn't making it into the GMF. In an attempt to solve the problem I made a new scene with a single cylinder with 2 bones... I've recorded the animation in MAX and in the Model Viewer to show you my problem. I'm using the Max Leadwerks Export tools. Here are the settings: Here's the video: http://www.vode-an.com/media/animationProblem.wmv If you prefer that I upload it to YouTube I can do that as well. Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. -Porsche
I spoke with Christian Allen, the a lead game designer at Ubisoft, Bungie, and now WB games, who strongly recommended using this site. You can link your blogs and other portfolios from this site. It acts as a bridge between your work and interested companies and corporations. Edit: This is not just for customers and friends, it's for industry connections. The video game industry is wide spread. There are several different studios that are thousands of miles away. While linking blogs together based off of area is brilliant, one must look at job opportunities in other locations, especially if they pay well and have benefits. Narrowing down your connections to your semi-local area isn't the best idea.
Linked In is a great way to get started connecting with video game industries. You can start making connections, build an online portfolio and get recommended by each other. (Josh, I've found and sent a connection request to you already.) Linked In Note: Linked In uses full names for obvious reasons. My Profile: http://www.linkedin.com/in/porschiey Also know that this is not an advertisement. I really honestly think those who are working with the SDK could benefit from using this website. -Porsche
Any reason why it's worse than the other?
Thanks to both of you. =]