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  1. Hello, I didn;t want to open a new thread and this thread seems to be quite right for my question heh. Is there a Team License for LE ? or would every member needs to buy a single license ?
  2. APEX would be awesome actually, just watched that vid: Performance shouldn't be that bad either, since the broken up wall models will disappear, but you still can break up walls. This would nice work with buildings too, by preparing some wall models with window holes and such in it and build them together in the editor, so its like Lego with destruction heh. You could build up some nice villages with it, but in fact are only using 5-8 models Would be awesome to have something like that in LE anyway heh
  3. Will there be a Vehicle Editor of some sort in LE3 ? Where you can tweak sit positions, and vehicle settings directly in a UI ?
  4. Hey Guys, so I'm planning to create a indie game, a Tank based game where you are the commander and see it from the ego perspective. As a engine I always considered CE3 for it. But the negative points there are, the community support is pretty bad and the vehicle editor and engine sdk is very very buggy and makes vehicles jumping around like gummy balls.... also the price is a big minus (royalties) I tried to find a engine that looks very good for these days and got some nice features and got back to LE. So I was wondering if LE can handle vehicles very good and what skill level is required to get a tank working perfectly Particle effects, animations etc etc) Kind Regards LandsHeer
  5. well ok, so i found the lua where i have to write it in, though I dont know how i should start adding this piece of code now. I tried something silly, but saw really quickly that it was very silly, lol. I just wanted to see what happens when I add this piece of code: while mousedown(1) ==1 do terrain: SetTerrainHeight(0,0.5,0) end but this just gives me a error message WelL I think I need to learn some more before i get starting, since I dont know how to use entities yet and such other things
  6. so for example when i want to test it ingame, how exactly do i do that? I would create a map and write the lua file that let the player change the terrain. But how exaclty do I link the lua to the players actions and such ? Since I only have the demo version for now i only can use lua. I need to get some first small gameplay done to show the idea to some people to be able to get the license.
  7. So I went through some lua tutorials and cheers for the help I got there I thought about two ideas how I could get it done, so that the player can raise a hill or wall in front of him (where he is aiming). This is just some rough concept hehe: while MouseDown(1) == 1 do Terrain::SetHeight( int x, int y, flt height ) not much but would this be a good start concept, so that the idea is there ? What I wanted to tell the program is, that when you press the left mouse button you can raise the terrain...
  8. ok thx I will try that out
  9. cheers macklebee, that works a lot better now
  10. thx for your help metatron, but when i run the script the mouse look is very very very sensitive, so when that the mouse goes crazy like hell and everything is rotating very fast. So its impossible for me to see anything.
  11. Hey guys, got another problem with one of the lua tutorials, I went through the Camera Control tutorial and wrote the code in the script editor exactly like it is in the pdf. When I run the code now, the camera does rotate like crazy, but I dont know what the problem could be... hope someone can help me here: --Include the engine_const.lua file for keyboard input require("Scripts/constants/engine_const") --registering the abstract path RegisterAbstractPath("") --Set a graphics mode Graphics(800,600) --Framework object fw = CreateFramework() --Set camera camera = fw.main.camera camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0,1,-5)) --Create directionallight light1 = CreateDirectionalLight() light1:SetRotation(Vec3(45,45,0)) --Load a mesh scene = LoadMesh("abstract::scene.gmf") if scene == nil then Notify("Failed to load scene.gmf") end --Move the mouse to the center of the screen and hide it MoveMouse(GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2) HideMouse(1) camrotation=Vec3(0) --Main loop while KeyDown(KEY_ESCAPE)==0 do --Camera rotation gx=Curve(MouseX() - GraphicsWidth() /2, gx, 10) gx=Curve(MouseX() - GraphicsWidth() /2, gx, 10) gy=Curve(MouseY() - GraphicsHeight() /2, gy, 10) camrotation.x = camrotation.x + gy / 10 camrotation.y = camrotation.y - gx / 10 camera:SetRotation(camrotation,1) --Camera movement move = Curve(KeyDown(KEY_W) - KeyDown(KEY_S), move, 10) strafe = Curve(KeyDown(KEY_D) - KeyDown(KEY_A), strafe, 10) camera:Move(Vec3(move/10, 0, strafe/10)) fw:Update() fw:Render() Flip(0) end
  12. will I also be able to do terrain elevation per lua/scripting ? or does it require c++ coding kind regards Patrick
  13. Ah ok yea i thought so about the two Render(). Then the tutorial has some small mistakes in it heh
  14. Hey guys, I think this is the right Thread so I dont have to create a new one ^^ I started on the lua tutorials here and stuck at the Lightning section. I wrote it exactly like it is in there but the script editor is giving me following error: attempt to index global 'cube' (a nil value) anyway, here is the code I have in the script editor: -- Register the abstract path RegisterAbstractPath("") --Set a graphics mode Graphics(800,600) --Create a framework object fw = CreateFramework() --set the camera camera = fw.main.camera camera:SetPosition(Vec3(0,2,-10)) --Create a cube cube: CreateCube() cube: SetPosition(Vec3(0,1,0)) cube: SetScale(Vec3(2,2,2)) --Create ground cube:CreateCube() cube:SetPosition(Vec3(0,-2,0)) cube:SetScale(Vec3(20,1,20)) --Create a light light=CreateSpotLight(8) light:SetPosition(Vec3(0,3,0)) DebugLights (1) -- Create the main loop while AppTerminate() == 0 do -- Rotate the cube every frame by 0.1 in every direction cube:Turn(Vec3(0.1,0.1,0.1)) fw:Render() fw:Render() Flip(0) end
  15. good to know, yea i think i will download this new demo version then and will try to get started with it, when i see that my progress is very good, then of course i will buy the engine . But I can't just spend 200$ here and there heh. So i need to be very sure that i can do it with this engine and am comfortable with it. And it seems I need to look into lua scripting hehe. thx for you help, really appreciate it
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