that statement couldn't be any more true, josh. I come from not only no coding background but also no 3d modeling either. The 3d modeling anyone can watch a few you tube videos and pick up the user interface of 3ds max pretty easily with trial and error. I am in school for software engineering and taken my first programming class this semester i finally can read code and write simple programs. But for the longest time i have avoided it, even though game design and playing video games has been a huge hobby i have wanted to get into. I always ran from purchasing game engines with lots of coding involved i know all of them require it but some are more accommodating than others.
If you look at the success of other engines you will see the simplicity in using them for new users. Or a ton of community support with lots of tutorials like the unreal engine 3. There are several 10 hour dvds that any beginner can purchase and follow to write a game from start to finish. I think that is what leadwerks needs, a friendlier user interface for LE3 or more support videos for new people. I think this will help leadwerks grow, we will see more games being produce from start to finish and will reduce the amount of repeated questions in the community forums. Sometimes i feel stupid in there cause im asking such basic questions and i know the same question has been asked millions of times.
This is my perspective from someone new to everything in game design, except for playing them of course.